Breaking Report: Grand Jury to Take Place Tomorrow...Justice for Browns Family


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Breaking: Vigorous prosecution must be pursued for justice for the deceased's family...(Jay Nixon) Grand Jury to take place tomorrow morning per Fox News.

Civil Rights Investigation by the Justice Department (Eric Holder) tomorrow...

My prayers are for that Police Officer...Sounds like he is going to be railroaded.
Am I doing this correctly? It says in the response window "Write your reply".

So I type "your reply".

Nothin' happens.

Sup wit dat chit? :dunno:
Jay Nixon is talking about "Justice for the Brown Family.. What happened for Justice for the police officer? There has to be Justice FOR ALL!

Leftist don't believe in justice for all. They believe in kissing the ass of the thugs and trash of society.
Justice is no longer afforded White Republicans in this country.

Not since 2008 anyhows.
Jay Nixon is talking about "Justice for the Brown Family.. What happened for Justice for the police officer? There has to be Justice FOR ALL!
The people protesting are not going to be happy unless there is an indictment. What if there is no indictment? There will be riots. This Grand Jury decision was politically motivated.

Those on the jury will be hard pressed to send down an indictment just for peace. It's too early for a grand jury. Another bad decision on the part of this governor. Or was it Holder?
I imagine if the officer is railroaded, there will be protests the likes of which haven't been seen around these parts in some time.
I'd join that protest if it comes out that Wilson was justified and got railroaded because of the fucking media.

Me too. We either have a fair and just justice system or we're finished as a nation. We can't accept the unwillingness of the black community to accept the law to be a factor.

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