Breaking: Sean Hannity Now Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Jewess Debbie Schlussel

You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


lolol she looks like she's sexually harassing herself in that outfit.

btw, she's a hardcore Rightwinger.

Nothing quite like a slut declaring sexual harassment. She's lying.
Yep, just like each and every one of the 50 Bill Cosby accusers, and each and every one of the 12 accusers of the "pussy grabber in chief".....all 62 are lying.....yep, because all women are liars....yep.
I used to work in an office with lots of women in a liberal setting (government). I was a handsome dude, and anyone in the same circumstance can attest to this.

If a man says/does something it's called sexual harassment. If a woman does it's called fair game. I was once promoted "because you have a nice ass". My most recent supervisor was constantly trying to get into my shorts. The last instance being on the way back to the office from a meeting she said "there's Adam and Eve, you want to stop?". Did I file claims? Of course not, but you can bet your ass a woman would most likely do just that, because they play the victim role.
Sexual harassment happens but it some cases of bogus claims or overacting it is also used as a means to rid pest and threats to party agendites, etc., people who have voices that other people hear or listen to and dissenters. Those type things can ruin people in any case and are stress makers.

I made one formal complaint when a state employee grabbed me from behind. He was definitely a creep and had harassed the other women in that district. I had also pissed off a big wig that was based in that area when I told him I wasn't interested and helped another young woman get away from him. I was harassed more and blacklisted for my efforts. Years later, once no longer blacklisted back contracting again, I was starting a new contract and an incident happen. A state employee cornered me to show me his nude photographs. Blocked I had no where to get away from him and I felt threaten. Later I considered the incident with concerned about my female employees on that job I determine this ass could be a threat to them, so I made an informal complaint. With several people pissed in years to come bogus charges would be filed against my teenage son and then me. They were ridiculous but it did cost a small fortune to defend. Come to find out later I also had a secretary/book-keeper that had ingeniously figured out a way she could embezzle almost thirty grand. Her hubby golfed with the judge they used to sign the erroneous arrest warrants.

^^^ due to all of that I go on the side of caution when people start making claims and politics or money is involved.

What a CREEP. I'd have filed too. Problem with govt. is they promote for the wrong reasons, and at the end of the day don't accomplish shit.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.

Are you sure about this? I just googled it and got no hits after 2010.
Are you once again making shit up?
Wait - the OP made wild accusations and didn't back it up with a LINK!? Lost all respect for the OP.
O'Reilly was a victim of the Fox policy of paying off scheming bitches, instead of prosecuting them for extortion. The left could probably pull it off against Shepherd Smith's little tattlers, but rarely do it to fellow homo/travelers.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...., the black man and now women are keeping Tom down.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.

Are you sure about this? I just googled it and got no hits after 2010.
Are you once again making shit up?
Wait - the OP made wild accusations and didn't back it up with a LINK!? Lost all respect for the OP.
and we're on page 3 of replies and it's not slowing anyone down. Welcome to USMB.
Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton, Bill O'Reilly....I'm starting to see a pattern here! I think you now know what NOT to name your new baby boy!
nothing will come of this, and it is obvious grandstanding

Fox really had no choice with O'Reilly though. They had already paid out $13 million in settlements and advertisers were bailing on his show
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.

Are you sure about this? I just googled it and got no hits after 2010.
Are you once again making shit up?
Wait - the OP made wild accusations and didn't back it up with a LINK!? Lost all respect for the OP.
and we're on page 3 of replies and it's not slowing anyone down. Welcome to USMB.
I'm going to start a thread entitled "Trump impregnates Hillary!", and then take bets on how long it takes forum posters to demand a link/reference. The over/under currently sits at 47 pages.
Guess what<< Who gives a damn. The problem is that when they get the chance they can say these things, but do not have to back them up to get the accusations covered by the liberal shit. If there are hard non liberal activist witnesses, Then let them kick his ass out. If he just asked once, and she refused, that is NOT Sexual Harassment. Different if he is her boss and offers her something for it, or withholds something she earned because of refusal.
I used to work in an office with lots of women in a liberal setting (government). I was a handsome dude, and anyone in the same circumstance can attest to this.

If a man says/does something it's called sexual harassment. If a woman does it's called fair game. I was once promoted "because you have a nice ass". My most recent supervisor was constantly trying to get into my shorts. The last instance being on the way back to the office from a meeting she said "there's Adam and Eve, you want to stop?". Did I file claims? Of course not, but you can bet your ass a woman would most likely do just that, because they play the victim role.
Sexual harassment happens but it some cases of bogus claims or overacting it is also used as a means to rid pest and threats to party agendites, etc., people who have voices that other people hear or listen to and dissenters. Those type things can ruin people in any case and are stress makers.

I made one formal complaint when a state employee grabbed me from behind. He was definitely a creep and had harassed the other women in that district. I had also pissed off a big wig that was based in that area when I told him I wasn't interested and helped another young woman get away from him. I was harassed more and blacklisted for my efforts. Years later, once no longer blacklisted back contracting again, I was starting a new contract and an incident happen. A state employee cornered me to show me his nude photographs. Blocked I had no where to get away from him and I felt threaten. Later I considered the incident with concerned about my female employees on that job I determine this ass could be a threat to them, so I made an informal complaint. With several people pissed in years to come bogus charges would be filed against my teenage son and then me. They were ridiculous but it did cost a small fortune to defend. Come to find out later I also had a secretary/book-keeper that had ingeniously figured out a way she could embezzle almost thirty grand. Her hubby golfed with the judge they used to sign the erroneous arrest warrants.

^^^ due to all of that I go on the side of caution when people start making claims and politics or money is involved.

What a CREEP. I'd have filed too. Problem with govt. is they promote for the wrong reasons, and at the end of the day don't accomplish shit.
I asked a very good friend I made why one dude got a promotion that was a creep. He said they would promote them into positions where they couldn't do any real damage. In my biz they would have been fired asap. We had this gal working for us in a remote area that told some friends that she had her job 'licked & dicked'. She hadn't been doing her job and my foreman's had tried to work her through it as to not have to fire her. After she bragged to people I knew on a party night out and I got wind of it she was history. The state guy she was doing in the backroom tried to make trouble but it didn't get far when I called the district guy in that district. Problem is those guys that work in different districts take gossip, etc. without knowing all the fact and do shit based on protecting one another, etc. They also belong to different churches, groups etc., and that is a means by which can be used to scheme lil' bs plans.
Guess what<< Who gives a damn. The problem is that when they get the chance they can say these things, but do not have to back them up to get the accusations covered by the liberal shit. If there are hard non liberal activist witnesses, Then let them kick his ass out. If he just asked once, and she refused, that is NOT Sexual Harassment. Different if he is her boss and offers her something for it, or withholds something she earned because of refusal.
BUT THERE ARE NO ALLEGATIONS! At least I don't think there are.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.

Are you sure about this? I just googled it and got no hits after 2010.
Are you once again making shit up?
Wait - the OP made wild accusations and didn't back it up with a LINK!? Lost all respect for the OP.
and we're on page 3 of replies and it's not slowing anyone down. Welcome to USMB.
What really concerns me is that people are not MORE concerned with the fact that Trump impregnated Hillary.
I used to work in an office with lots of women in a liberal setting (government). I was a handsome dude, and anyone in the same circumstance can attest to this.

If a man says/does something it's called sexual harassment. If a woman does it's called fair game. I was once promoted "because you have a nice ass". My most recent supervisor was constantly trying to get into my shorts. The last instance being on the way back to the office from a meeting she said "there's Adam and Eve, you want to stop?". Did I file claims? Of course not, but you can bet your ass a woman would most likely do just that, because they play the victim role.
Sexual harassment happens but it some cases of bogus claims or overacting it is also used as a means to rid pest and threats to party agendites, etc., people who have voices that other people hear or listen to and dissenters. Those type things can ruin people in any case and are stress makers.

I made one formal complaint when a state employee grabbed me from behind. He was definitely a creep and had harassed the other women in that district. I had also pissed off a big wig that was based in that area when I told him I wasn't interested and helped another young woman get away from him. I was harassed more and blacklisted for my efforts. Years later, once no longer blacklisted back contracting again, I was starting a new contract and an incident happen. A state employee cornered me to show me his nude photographs. Blocked I had no where to get away from him and I felt threaten. Later I considered the incident with concerned about my female employees on that job I determine this ass could be a threat to them, so I made an informal complaint. With several people pissed in years to come bogus charges would be filed against my teenage son and then me. They were ridiculous but it did cost a small fortune to defend. Come to find out later I also had a secretary/book-keeper that had ingeniously figured out a way she could embezzle almost thirty grand. Her hubby golfed with the judge they used to sign the erroneous arrest warrants.

^^^ due to all of that I go on the side of caution when people start making claims and politics or money is involved.

What a CREEP. I'd have filed too. Problem with govt. is they promote for the wrong reasons, and at the end of the day don't accomplish shit.
I asked a very good friend I made why one dude got a promotion that was a creep. He said they would promote them into positions where they couldn't do any real damage. In my biz they would have been fired asap. We had this gal working for us in a remote area that told some friends that she had her job 'licked & dicked'. She hadn't been doing her job and my foreman's had tried to work her through it as to not have to fire her. After she bragged to people I knew on a party night out and I got wind of it she was history. The state guy she was doing in the backroom tried to make trouble but it didn't get far when I called the district guy in that district. Problem is those guys that work in different districts take gossip, etc. without knowing all the fact and do shit based on protecting one another, etc. They also belong to different churches, groups etc., and that is a means by which can be used to scheme lil' bs plans.

Yeah, that's what a lot of americans "feel". All them other folks get breaks I never get.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.

Are you sure about this? I just googled it and got no hits after 2010.
Are you once again making shit up?
Wait - the OP made wild accusations and didn't back it up with a LINK!? Lost all respect for the OP.
and we're on page 3 of replies and it's not slowing anyone down. Welcome to USMB.
I'm going to start a thread entitled "Trump impregnates Hillary!", and then take bets on how long it takes forum posters to demand a link/reference. The over/under currently sits at 47 pages.

All that was over with by the time Trump hit it.

I'm of the opinion he did hit it, too. Let Billy boy do Melania.



Although here it appears Melania is controlling Billy's hand like an expert.
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


lolol she looks like she's sexually harassing herself in that outfit.

btw, she's a hardcore Rightwinger.
She is VERY hardcore right.
But she's a Jew. That's the problem. Always remember the Polish proverb...."The Jew cries out in pain as he
strikes you."
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


lolol she looks like she's sexually harassing herself in that outfit.

btw, she's a hardcore Rightwinger.
She is VERY hardcore right.
But she's a Jew. That's the problem. Always remember the Polish proverb...."The Jew cries out in pain as he
strikes you."

These Jews below cry in pain about Poland being drenched in blood, while they make up ridiculous slanderous lies about Poland.

Just kind of proves the Polish proverb to be correct.


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