BREAKING: Special Counsel Mueller “deeply disturbed” by Pelosi accusations against AG Barr...

Flood is one of Tramp's PAID liars, but you knew that already.
The guy who actually wrote the Special Council regulations says Flood is full of shit.
He's a liar, proven. Flood was a supreme court clerk and knows more about law than this clown will ever know in a lifetime of wanting.

Mueller violated the SC regs by creating a political document instead of just reporting on indictments and declinations. Barr himself said that he asked Mueller three times if he failed to indict based upon the silly notion that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller replied no, three times.

Ed is a flailing partisan nut. He probably reads this forum and foams at the mouth, then flails and throws things at his television when things don't go his way on the news, or whatever it is he watches to get information. Clearly, he is misinformed.

I'm done with his lies and rabid rantings. Nothing you or anyone will say will penetrate his hatred.

A lost cause.
Hate for Obama and Hillary are all republican morons have AND it's all based on BS Mueller is a hero now and in the past and Barr has his head so far up trumps ass he may never be able to pull it out
I've never hated Obama. I disagreed with his world view. Hillary is the worst piece of human filth that has ever drawn a breath. By far, in a world with a history of worthless people like Stalin, Mao, Hitler; She ranks right up there with them.

BTW...You were not the ed I was referring to. I was referring to edthecynic, but you've proven to be not too far of the mark.

You failed to see because your hatred blinds you to the truth.

Have a nice day.
I knew I wasn't the ed you were speaking of but thought you needed some truth injected Hillary is without a doubt 10 x smarter and 100x more honest than this piece of filth trump and all the bs your head is filled with can't change that
I rest My case.
He's a liar, proven. Flood was a supreme court clerk and knows more about law than this clown will ever know in a lifetime of wanting.

Mueller violated the SC regs by creating a political document instead of just reporting on indictments and declinations. Barr himself said that he asked Mueller three times if he failed to indict based upon the silly notion that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller replied no, three times.

Ed is a flailing partisan nut. He probably reads this forum and foams at the mouth, then flails and throws things at his television when things don't go his way on the news, or whatever it is he watches to get information. Clearly, he is misinformed.

I'm done with his lies and rabid rantings. Nothing you or anyone will say will penetrate his hatred.

A lost cause.
Hate for Obama and Hillary are all republican morons have AND it's all based on BS Mueller is a hero now and in the past and Barr has his head so far up trumps ass he may never be able to pull it out
I've never hated Obama. I disagreed with his world view. Hillary is the worst piece of human filth that has ever drawn a breath. By far, in a world with a history of worthless people like Stalin, Mao, Hitler; She ranks right up there with them.

BTW...You were not the ed I was referring to. I was referring to edthecynic, but you've proven to be not too far of the mark.

You failed to see because your hatred blinds you to the truth.

Have a nice day.
I knew I wasn't the ed you were speaking of but thought you needed some truth injected Hillary is without a doubt 10 x smarter and 100x more honest than this piece of filth trump and all the bs your head is filled with can't change that
I rest My case.
You like that asskisser Barr have no case...And 1 truth is the POS Trump has failed to protect our great institution of elections He is a coward and friends to our greatest dictator enemies
You need to read the LAST 2 paragraphs of what Mueller wrote. What did he say?

He agreed with the conclusions AG Barr came too; or didn't you get that far after slobbering all over the report, lol.
It was YOU who slobbered all over the report.
Now quote the ACTUAL words where Mueller said he agreed with the lying scum POS Barr.

Your Butt Hurt is so entertaining.....

I enjoy seeing you tards being smacked around with facts.
You nitwits wouldn't know facts if they hit you in the face,,,,,FACT Russia interfered in our election
FACT The AH in our WH doesn't tell Putin it won't be accepted again? FACT either Trump doesn't give a F about protecting America OR he knows Putin will help him again Now take those facts and stick em where the sun don't shine

Hey Dumb Ass...….

Explain what did the Russians do to help TRUMP kick hillary's Ass?

Was it paying bill millions for his half hour speeches,

or was it all the money the Russians donated to the clinton foundation?

You Tards are so flucking stupid....
Go look up the Flood letter and learn something about the regulations and role of a Speical Council.
Flood is one of Tramp's PAID liars, but you knew that already.
The guy who actually wrote the Special Council regulations says Flood is full of shit.
He's a liar, proven. Flood was a supreme court clerk and knows more about law than this clown will ever know in a lifetime of wanting.

Mueller violated the SC regs by creating a political document instead of just reporting on indictments and declinations. Barr himself said that he asked Mueller three times if he failed to indict based upon the silly notion that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller replied no, three times.

Ed is a flailing partisan nut. He probably reads this forum and foams at the mouth, then flails and throws things at his television when things don't go his way on the news, or whatever it is he watches to get information. Clearly, he is misinformed.

I'm done with his lies and rabid rantings. Nothing you or anyone will say will penetrate his hatred.

A lost cause.
Hate for Obama and Hillary are all republican morons have AND it's all based on BS Mueller is a hero now and in the past and Barr has his head so far up trumps ass he may never be able to pull it out

Just when I didn't think you could be "More Stupider"
You need to read the LAST 2 paragraphs of what Mueller wrote. What did he say?

He agreed with the conclusions AG Barr came too; or didn't you get that far after slobbering all over the report, lol.
It was YOU who slobbered all over the report.
Now quote the ACTUAL words where Mueller said he agreed with the lying scum POS Barr.

Your Butt Hurt is so entertaining.....

I enjoy seeing you tards being smacked around with facts.
You nitwits wouldn't know facts if they hit you in the face,,,,,FACT Russia interfered in our election
FACT The AH in our WH doesn't tell Putin it won't be accepted again? FACT either Trump doesn't give a F about protecting America OR he knows Putin will help him again Now take those facts and stick em where the sun don't shine

Hey Dumb Ass...….

Explain what did the Russians do to help TRUMP kick hillary's Ass?

Was it paying bill millions for his half hour speeches,

or was it all the money the Russians donated to the clinton foundation?

You Tards are so flucking stupid....
Are you really saying the Russians DIDN'T interfere in our election and to Trumps benefit ?? Say that so I know what kind of ass I'm posting to
You need to read the LAST 2 paragraphs of what Mueller wrote. What did he say?

He agreed with the conclusions AG Barr came too; or didn't you get that far after slobbering all over the report, lol.
It was YOU who slobbered all over the report.
Now quote the ACTUAL words where Mueller said he agreed with the lying scum POS Barr.

Your Butt Hurt is so entertaining.....

I enjoy seeing you tards being smacked around with facts.
You nitwits wouldn't know facts if they hit you in the face,,,,,FACT Russia interfered in our election
FACT The AH in our WH doesn't tell Putin it won't be accepted again? FACT either Trump doesn't give a F about protecting America OR he knows Putin will help him again Now take those facts and stick em where the sun don't shine

Hey Dumb Ass...….

Explain what did the Russians do to help TRUMP kick hillary's Ass?

Was it paying bill millions for his half hour speeches,

or was it all the money the Russians donated to the clinton foundation?

You Tards are so flucking stupid....
Are you really saying the Russians DIDN'T interfere in our election and to Trumps benefit ?? Say that so I know what kind of ass I'm posting to
You're a fool. And a loser. That makes you a foolish loser. Or even a losing fool. Your choice.
Go look up the Flood letter and learn something about the regulations and role of a Speical Council.
Flood is one of Tramp's PAID liars, but you knew that already.
The guy who actually wrote the Special Council regulations says Flood is full of shit.
He's a liar, proven. Flood was a supreme court clerk and knows more about law than this clown will ever know in a lifetime of wanting.

Mueller violated the SC regs by creating a political document instead of just reporting on indictments and declinations. Barr himself said that he asked Mueller three times if he failed to indict based upon the silly notion that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller replied no, three times.

Ed is a flailing partisan nut. He probably reads this forum and foams at the mouth, then flails and throws things at his television when things don't go his way on the news, or whatever it is he watches to get information. Clearly, he is misinformed.

I'm done with his lies and rabid rantings. Nothing you or anyone will say will penetrate his hatred.

A lost cause.
Hate for Obama and Hillary are all republican morons have AND it's all based on BS Mueller is a hero now and in the past and Barr has his head so far up trumps ass he may never be able to pull it out

Just when I didn't think you could be "More Stupider"
Typical repub come back Don't answer a basic question and call the poster stupid
Flood is one of Tramp's PAID liars, but you knew that already.
The guy who actually wrote the Special Council regulations says Flood is full of shit.
He's a liar, proven. Flood was a supreme court clerk and knows more about law than this clown will ever know in a lifetime of wanting.

Mueller violated the SC regs by creating a political document instead of just reporting on indictments and declinations. Barr himself said that he asked Mueller three times if he failed to indict based upon the silly notion that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller replied no, three times.

Ed is a flailing partisan nut. He probably reads this forum and foams at the mouth, then flails and throws things at his television when things don't go his way on the news, or whatever it is he watches to get information. Clearly, he is misinformed.

I'm done with his lies and rabid rantings. Nothing you or anyone will say will penetrate his hatred.

A lost cause.
Hate for Obama and Hillary are all republican morons have AND it's all based on BS Mueller is a hero now and in the past and Barr has his head so far up trumps ass he may never be able to pull it out

Just when I didn't think you could be "More Stupider"
Typical repub come back Don't answer a basic question and call the poster stupid

Moon Bats are not to be debated. They are simply too stupid to say anything worthwhile. Real dumb mutherfuckers. The idiots of America. Most of them dumber than a door knob and lacking in any degree of moral clarity.

They are to be ridiculed. That is the only useful purpose they serve. To be ridiculed for being morons.
He's a liar, proven. Flood was a supreme court clerk and knows more about law than this clown will ever know in a lifetime of wanting.

Mueller violated the SC regs by creating a political document instead of just reporting on indictments and declinations. Barr himself said that he asked Mueller three times if he failed to indict based upon the silly notion that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller replied no, three times.

Ed is a flailing partisan nut. He probably reads this forum and foams at the mouth, then flails and throws things at his television when things don't go his way on the news, or whatever it is he watches to get information. Clearly, he is misinformed.

I'm done with his lies and rabid rantings. Nothing you or anyone will say will penetrate his hatred.

A lost cause.
Hate for Obama and Hillary are all republican morons have AND it's all based on BS Mueller is a hero now and in the past and Barr has his head so far up trumps ass he may never be able to pull it out

Just when I didn't think you could be "More Stupider"
Typical repub come back Don't answer a basic question and call the poster stupid

Moon Bats are not to be debated. They are simply too stupid to say anything worthwhile. Real dumb mutherfuckers. The idiots of America. Most of them dumber than a door knob and lacking in any degree of moral clarity.

They are to be ridiculed. That is the only useful purpose they serve. To be ridiculed for being morons.
And that bs comes off your puter while russia is knocking on our door First the wanna be dictator president , then contaminate our elections and republicans are blinded
After all is said and done Mueller may turn out to be no villain. I thought he would fry Trump and he didn’t. Now this.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is on the level of Adolf Hitler in his villainy. He has destroyed lives for 40 years in order to suborn perjury from his victims against whoever his target happens to be.

Remember, just a few short months ago he murdered Whitey Bulger.

Mueller-Connected Boston Mobster Whitey Bulger Killed in Prison... As He Was About to Out FBI Officials

Trump will be on Mount Rushmore


While Obama will always be considered an asshole failure turd and Crooked Hillary a corrupt incompetent bitch.
BS traitor Only AH's believe that republican crap and you're a prime example

Face it Tard....

Your dick is in the dirt.....

Tic Toc...:fu:
It's not quite that long

It’s probably like half the size of a beanie weenie to match your brain.
You need to read the LAST 2 paragraphs of what Mueller wrote. What did he say?

He agreed with the conclusions AG Barr came too; or didn't you get that far after slobbering all over the report, lol.
It was YOU who slobbered all over the report.
Now quote the ACTUAL words where Mueller said he agreed with the lying scum POS Barr.

Your Butt Hurt is so entertaining.....

I enjoy seeing you tards being smacked around with facts.
You nitwits wouldn't know facts if they hit you in the face,,,,,FACT Russia interfered in our election
FACT The AH in our WH doesn't tell Putin it won't be accepted again? FACT either Trump doesn't give a F about protecting America OR he knows Putin will help him again Now take those facts and stick em where the sun don't shine

Hey Dumb Ass...….

Explain what did the Russians do to help TRUMP kick hillary's Ass?

Was it paying bill millions for his half hour speeches,

or was it all the money the Russians donated to the clinton foundation?

You Tards are so flucking stupid....
Are you really saying the Russians DIDN'T interfere in our election and to Trumps benefit ?? Say that so I know what kind of ass I'm posting to

Tell us what they did Tard to help Trump Win.....

You will look like the idiot you are trying to explain it....
Flood is one of Tramp's PAID liars, but you knew that already.
The guy who actually wrote the Special Council regulations says Flood is full of shit.
He's a liar, proven. Flood was a supreme court clerk and knows more about law than this clown will ever know in a lifetime of wanting.

Mueller violated the SC regs by creating a political document instead of just reporting on indictments and declinations. Barr himself said that he asked Mueller three times if he failed to indict based upon the silly notion that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller replied no, three times.

Ed is a flailing partisan nut. He probably reads this forum and foams at the mouth, then flails and throws things at his television when things don't go his way on the news, or whatever it is he watches to get information. Clearly, he is misinformed.

I'm done with his lies and rabid rantings. Nothing you or anyone will say will penetrate his hatred.

A lost cause.
Hate for Obama and Hillary are all republican morons have AND it's all based on BS Mueller is a hero now and in the past and Barr has his head so far up trumps ass he may never be able to pull it out

Just when I didn't think you could be "More Stupider"
Typical repub come back Don't answer a basic question and call the poster stupid

All of you Tards are Stupid..

The proof is in the pudding...…...
It was YOU who slobbered all over the report.
Now quote the ACTUAL words where Mueller said he agreed with the lying scum POS Barr.

Your Butt Hurt is so entertaining.....

I enjoy seeing you tards being smacked around with facts.
You nitwits wouldn't know facts if they hit you in the face,,,,,FACT Russia interfered in our election
FACT The AH in our WH doesn't tell Putin it won't be accepted again? FACT either Trump doesn't give a F about protecting America OR he knows Putin will help him again Now take those facts and stick em where the sun don't shine

Hey Dumb Ass...….

Explain what did the Russians do to help TRUMP kick hillary's Ass?

Was it paying bill millions for his half hour speeches,

or was it all the money the Russians donated to the clinton foundation?

You Tards are so flucking stupid....
Are you really saying the Russians DIDN'T interfere in our election and to Trumps benefit ?? Say that so I know what kind of ass I'm posting to

Tell us what they did Tard to help Trump Win.....

You will look like the idiot you are trying to explain it....
Ask Mueller You think the russians helped the hated Hillary?
Go look up the Flood letter and learn something about the regulations and role of a Speical Council.
Flood is one of Tramp's PAID liars, but you knew that already.
The guy who actually wrote the Special Council regulations says Flood is full of shit.

Neal Katyal


Mueller acted fully consistent w/Special Counsel regs. If Trump thinks it was unfair to lay out the evidence on obstruction w/out a trial, that can easily be remedied
But he didn’t
Actually he did. He enumerated at least 10 examples of obstruction by Tramp for congress to impeach him on since DOJ rules do not let Mueller indict a sitting president.
You wouldn't know that because you get all your MISinformation from CON$ervoFascist sources.
You need to read the LAST 2 paragraphs of what Mueller wrote. What did he say?

He agreed with the conclusions AG Barr came too; or didn't you get that far after slobbering all over the report, lol.
It was YOU who slobbered all over the report.
Now quote the ACTUAL words where Mueller said he agreed with the lying scum POS Barr.

Your Butt Hurt is so entertaining.....

I enjoy seeing you tards being smacked around with facts.
I notice you could not provide a single quote from the letter to back up the poster's LIE.
No surprise there!!!!
After all is said and done Mueller may turn out to be no villain. I thought he would fry Trump and he didn’t. Now this.

Robert Mueller is an honorable man and a dedicated public servant who is loyal to the People, their Republic, and their Constitution.

He has done more for this country than most of the ultra-right bumper-sticker echo-chambers around here put together.
Barr himself said that he asked Mueller three times if he failed to indict based upon the silly notion that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller replied no, three times.
You have only the word of proven liar Barr on that.

And as far as that "silly notion" read and learn something for the first time in your pathetic worthless life;
In 1973, in the midst of the Watergate scandal engulfing President Richard Nixon, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel adopted in an internal memo the position that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Nixon resigned in 1974, with the House of Representatives moving toward impeaching him.

“The spectacle of an indicted president still trying to serve as Chief Executive boggles the imagination,” the memo stated.

The department reaffirmed the policy in a 2000 memo, saying court decisions in the intervening years had not changed its conclusion that a sitting president is “constitutionally immune” from indictment and criminal prosecution. It concluded that criminal charges against a president would “violate the constitutional separation of powers” delineating the authority of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. government.

“The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions,” the memo stated.

The 1973 and 2000 memos are binding on Justice Department employees, including Mueller

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