BREAKING: Special Counsel Mueller “deeply disturbed” by Pelosi accusations against AG Barr...

Any reasonable person is "deeply disturbed" by what the wingers are doing to this country.
So being concerned about an Attorney General lying before congress is a "winger" position? Barr appears to have done just that.

The main concern is you TARDS tried to FRAME our GREAT PRESIDENT.....

Now it's time to pay for your evil deeds....

You Tards are used to getting away with this kind of shit with the pussy

republicans of the past...…...

Trump is stomping your asses and we are having a blast watching it.....:fu:

Your tenuous grip on reality appears to be slipping. Nobody tried to frame the Oompa Loompa Oligarch.
Let Mueller talk, when he largely confirms what he wrote then the libs will cry that “the Russians got to him”
Barr himself said that he asked Mueller three times if he failed to indict based upon the silly notion that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller replied no, three times.
You have only the word of proven liar Barr on that.

And as far as that "silly notion" read and learn something for the first time in your pathetic worthless life;
In 1973, in the midst of the Watergate scandal engulfing President Richard Nixon, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel adopted in an internal memo the position that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Nixon resigned in 1974, with the House of Representatives moving toward impeaching him.

“The spectacle of an indicted president still trying to serve as Chief Executive boggles the imagination,” the memo stated.

The department reaffirmed the policy in a 2000 memo, saying court decisions in the intervening years had not changed its conclusion that a sitting president is “constitutionally immune” from indictment and criminal prosecution. It concluded that criminal charges against a president would “violate the constitutional separation of powers” delineating the authority of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. government.

“The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions,” the memo stated.

The 1973 and 2000 memos are binding on Justice Department employees, including Mueller
You're pathetic bud. Barr has more integrity than you and all the Democrats in D.C., combined.

Now learn something about your justice department. POLICY is set by every AG who is approved to the post. This means that they can enforce or ignore any policy that is set internally.

The Special Council is directed on how to behave by an actual regulation, meaning a law.

Go back to doing whatever repulsive thing it is you do, and leave your betters alone.
Barr himself said that he asked Mueller three times if he failed to indict based upon the silly notion that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller replied no, three times.
You have only the word of proven liar Barr on that.

And as far as that "silly notion" read and learn something for the first time in your pathetic worthless life;
In 1973, in the midst of the Watergate scandal engulfing President Richard Nixon, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel adopted in an internal memo the position that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Nixon resigned in 1974, with the House of Representatives moving toward impeaching him.

“The spectacle of an indicted president still trying to serve as Chief Executive boggles the imagination,” the memo stated.

The department reaffirmed the policy in a 2000 memo, saying court decisions in the intervening years had not changed its conclusion that a sitting president is “constitutionally immune” from indictment and criminal prosecution. It concluded that criminal charges against a president would “violate the constitutional separation of powers” delineating the authority of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. government.

“The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions,” the memo stated.

The 1973 and 2000 memos are binding on Justice Department employees, including Mueller
You're pathetic bud. Barr has more integrity than you and all the Democrats in D.C., combined.

Now learn something about your justice department. POLICY is set by every AG who is approved to the post. This means that they can enforce or ignore any policy that is set internally.

The Special Council is directed on how to behave by an actual regulation, meaning a law.

Go back to doing whatever repulsive thing it is you do, and leave your betters alone.
So typical of the worthless lying scum Right, even after being exposed to the actual DOJ rules in detail, you lying scum POS just make up your own non existent rules and claiming it is a "LAW" that you can't cite.

But thank you for being STUPID enough to admit it is lying scum Barr's POLICY that prevents Tramp from being indicted.
"CNN BREAKING NEWS: Christine Blasey Ford finally acknowledges that she made a mistake. She now remembers clearly, that it was not Justice Kavanagh. It was William Barr!"
Jack Posobiec
John Michael Posobiec III is an American alt-right internet troll and conspiracy theorist known primarily for his controversial and pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter.

Thank you! It's obvious the OP is fake news bullshit.
Call anything you can't argue against "fake news bullshit". Smart. Laugh at someone who puts forth a good argument. Very intelligent. Dismiss everything that goes against your held worldviews. My, how very open minded of you.

Lakhota, you never cease to disappoint me. Or entertain. Is it wrong to take delight in other people's failings? Maybe not. But it is entertaining to watch people like you strengthen your failings.

Wait, aren't you a paid troll? Why am I even talking to you?
Your Butt Hurt is so entertaining.....

I enjoy seeing you tards being smacked around with facts.
You nitwits wouldn't know facts if they hit you in the face,,,,,FACT Russia interfered in our election
FACT The AH in our WH doesn't tell Putin it won't be accepted again? FACT either Trump doesn't give a F about protecting America OR he knows Putin will help him again Now take those facts and stick em where the sun don't shine

Hey Dumb Ass...….

Explain what did the Russians do to help TRUMP kick hillary's Ass?

Was it paying bill millions for his half hour speeches,

or was it all the money the Russians donated to the clinton foundation?

You Tards are so flucking stupid....
Are you really saying the Russians DIDN'T interfere in our election and to Trumps benefit ?? Say that so I know what kind of ass I'm posting to

Tell us what they did Tard to help Trump Win.....

You will look like the idiot you are trying to explain it....
Ask Mueller You think the russians helped the hated Hillary?

Tell us what they did Tard.....

We knew you couldn't because you are full of shit...
Jack Posobiec
John Michael Posobiec III is an American alt-right internet troll and conspiracy theorist known primarily for his controversial and pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter.
The only difference between him and you is that he tells the Truth.....ROTFLMFAO
And we have the word of a worthless lying scum POS on that! :rofl::lmao:

Out of all the members of your clique... er party, how many can you reliably call "lying scum POS"?

Just curious, since you seemingly believe everything that a leftist talking head says.
You need to read the LAST 2 paragraphs of what Mueller wrote. What did he say?

He agreed with the conclusions AG Barr came too; or didn't you get that far after slobbering all over the report, lol.
It was YOU who slobbered all over the report.
Now quote the ACTUAL words where Mueller said he agreed with the lying scum POS Barr.

Your Butt Hurt is so entertaining.....

I enjoy seeing you tards being smacked around with facts.
I notice you could not provide a single quote from the letter to back up the poster's LIE.
No surprise there!!!!

Hey Jackass..

We noticed you tards are guilty and full of shit...

Barr is going to burn your ass.....
Jack Posobiec
John Michael Posobiec III is an American alt-right internet troll and conspiracy theorist known primarily for his controversial and pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter.

When you've got nothing . . . attack the source.
He is no source, he cited nothing and no one.

Ad hominem.

Cite a superior source then. One that can reliably contradict his.

Or stop insulting the OP.
Any reasonable person is "deeply disturbed" by what the wingers are doing to this country.
So being concerned about an Attorney General lying before congress is a "winger" position? Barr appears to have done just that.

The main concern is you TARDS tried to FRAME our GREAT PRESIDENT.....

Now it's time to pay for your evil deeds....

You Tards are used to getting away with this kind of shit with the pussy

republicans of the past...…...

Trump is stomping your asses and we are having a blast watching it.....:fu:

Your tenuous grip on reality appears to be slipping. Nobody tried to frame the Oompa Loompa Oligarch.


strzok and page were just beating each other off...

Barr is going to bury some Tard Ass.....
I think the DemNazis are a lot like Hitler, who Never Knew when to call a Strategic Retreat.

They are finished.

It's going to be a blood bath for them in 2020.

The 2020 election for DemNazis is going to make the Firebombing of Dresden look like a camp fire.
man, glad only the left does stupid nazi comparisons.
well they are more like hitler than anyone. take this, limit that punish them, ban those. when anyone can ever find a similarity with the right, let me know. we are all about keeping guns, free speech, debate. We don't shout our opposition down, nor do we ban them. we don't even get in their faces. their breath most likely smells.

The analogy of the post however was the retreat.

if I also remember correctly, they killed jews and blacks. called the kkk. remember them? dude, that post was so far off base you fell out of the stadium
Even right down to Brown Shirt Political Violence with BLM, ANTIFA, and Clinton even hired Thugs, to go to every single Trump Rally and criminally assault Trump Supporters.

I don't understand how people can NAZI that!
it was the old pick a fight and cry the fkers defended themselves. You know like Barr right now.
The Original Tree they're like trying to smack the right around and demanding that we stand still and let them hit.

You need to read the LAST 2 paragraphs of what Mueller wrote. What did he say?

He agreed with the conclusions AG Barr came too; or didn't you get that far after slobbering all over the report, lol.
It was YOU who slobbered all over the report.
Now quote the ACTUAL words where Mueller said he agreed with the lying scum POS Barr.

Your Butt Hurt is so entertaining.....

I enjoy seeing you tards being smacked around with facts.
I notice you could not provide a single quote from the letter to back up the poster's LIE.
No surprise there!!!!

Hey Jackass..

We noticed you tards are guilty and full of shit...

Barr is going to burn your ass.....
Again you haven't been able to cite a single word from the letter to support the poster's lie.
Thank you.
Jack Posobiec
John Michael Posobiec III is an American alt-right internet troll and conspiracy theorist known primarily for his controversial and pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter.

When you've got nothing . . . attack the source.
He is no source, he cited nothing and no one.

Ad hominem.

Cite a superior source then. One that can reliably contradict his.

Or stop insulting the OP.
'That which can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.'

- Christopher Hitchens
Jack Posobiec
John Michael Posobiec III is an American alt-right internet troll and conspiracy theorist known primarily for his controversial and pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter.
You beat me to it. Good work. He's just another insane trump bootlicker just like purge
Curious... whose boots are you licking right now?
Unlike you, I don't lick anybody's boots, asshole.
Twitter ^ | 2 May 2019 | Jack Posobiec
"BREAKING: Special Counsel Mueller “deeply disturbed” by Pelosi accusations against AG Barr today and is urging Nadler to push up his hearing to testify and correct the record as soon as possible - @OANN"

Think Mueller is just trying to minimize the time he will spend in prison for his part in the attempted coup.
Is trump going to round up and imprison all his political opponents? How very Russian of him
Nunes smells a rat: Lawmaker demands docs from CIA, NSA, State Dept., after casting DOUBT about Mueller report’s findings regarding Mifsud

The National Sentinel ^

Devin Nunes may only represent a small portion of Californians, but he’s done more for all Americans than just about any other congressman in regards to uncovering the seemingly endless layers of deceit, lies, obfuscation, and skullduggery regarding the deep state coup attempt against POTUS Donald Trump. On Friday, Nunes continued his quest to expose the guilty with a demand for documents from the NSA, CIA, State Department, and the FBI regarding an operative named Joseph Mifsud after casting doubts on conclusions about his role contained in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.



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