Breaking: Sydney Powell and Chesebro Ratting

Lie. How can you contest the vote before it has occured?

That's what campaigns and debates are all about - the contest for the votes. That's the ONLY contest that matters. When elections are "contested" in the courts, it's because the loser has evidence that there has been fraud or deceipt in the result, or that all votes have not been counted.

Trump filed no evidence of any improprieties in either the conduct of the elections, or in the counting of the votes. In fact, Trump tried to STOP the counting of the votes while he was leading, saying the mail-in votes should not be counted, knowing that most Democrats voted by mail, due to the pandemic.

The only attempt to "steal" the election, came from Trump's attempts to install fake electors, and to keep the House from certifying the states' counts, and when that failed, to send a mob to stop the certification and give him an excuse to declare Martial Law.

There is nothing that Trump ordered with respect to fake electors, or stopping the certification of the election on January 6th, that is either legal or Constitutional.

You don't "contest" the election in the courts. You contest the election during the campaign, and if you lose the contest for the votes, you put on your Big Boy pants and you concede that you lost. And then you retire.

Look at Trump's business history. When his company is fired from a project, he sues for years, all while billing for work no one wants him to do. He loses every case, and then appeals to a higher court. When all appeals are lost, the condo owners have to get the SHERIFF to throw him out and change the locks on the doors.

This is a life-long pattern of criminal behaviour by this con artist.

The pendulum swings both ways Twisted Sister I'm sure she knows what she was doing and she only admitted that she did what she did it doesn't mean that it was wrong

Imo.....she'll be totally vindicated when ALL the truth is out and this will backfire on you guys.
( my voice texting editor is off tonight she went to some Club in Jamaica with her girlfriend

She told the Court in the Dominion defamation case that no one in their right mind would believe the claims she was making about Dominion, were true.

What I find shocking is the number of supposedly intelligent, highly educated people who seem enthusiastically willing to do ANYTHING Donald Trump asks him to do, legal or otherwise. Now they complain he never paid them, and he's just left them hung out to dry. Poor dears.

And then there are the members of the Trump Cult who refuse to believe that Trump is guillty of anything - ever. Proof positive that you can fool some of the people all of the time. The problem for Trump is that he fooled the public into electing him the first time, and it ain't gonna happen again. You cannot fool enough of the people all of the time to make that happen.

I keep harping back to the CIA's loss of agents the world over, in 2021. This article came out months before we knew that Trump has stolen boxes of highly classified documents and was keeping them in toilets and ballrooms at his beach resort. Did Trump expose American agents to his buddies in Russia, Turkey, and China?

Then there's his abandonment of the Kurds, who were holding ISIS prisoners,, and were forced to release them when they fled the Turkish assault, after Erdogan's late night phone call to Trump:

Now we see Hamas using ISIS techniques in their attacks on Isreal. How did THAT happen???
Sure. Everyone is corrupt. The entire government treats you poor cuck whites so unfairly. :itsok:
I said nothing about the obvious because you assholes do not do obvious. The government lies and gets caught constantly. People go to prison for what people walking around free have done. The corruption is right in your face and you are to fucking dumb to see they will be after your ass too. And sooner than you think.
Sure. Everyone is corrupt. :itsok:
Most government employees are corrupt. If you don't believe that, just watch a few videos that show how cops conduct a traffic stop. They always lie. They always try to violate your rights.

The entire government treats you poor cuck whites so unfairly.

Of course they do. The right wants to vastly reduce the size and scope of government. The means firing a lot of fat useless bureaucrats.
That's what campaigns and debates are all about - the contest for the votes. That's the ONLY contest that matters. When elections are "contested" in the courts, it's because the loser has evidence that there has been fraud or deceipt in the result, or that all votes have not been counted.
You're an idiot.

You're dismissed.
I said nothing about the obvious because you assholes do not do obvious. The government lies and gets caught constantly. People go to prison for what people walking around free have done. The corruption is right in your face and you are to fucking dumb to see they will be after your ass too. And sooner than you think.
Who else has tried to fraudulently pass off fake electors as real electors in order to steal an election? 😄
Most government employees are corrupt. If you don't believe that, just watch a few videos that show how cops conduct a traffic stop. They always lie. They always try to violate your rights.
Yea. That's what happens to poor people and it happens because they don't have the money to afford decent lawyers. It doesn't happen by magic you fucking moron.
Of course they do. The right wants to vastly reduce the size and scope of government. The means firing a lot of fat useless bureaucrats.
The Right is full of morons who don't do nuance. Because police forces prey on the poor with expensive (relatively to poor people) traffic infractions to pad their budgets you conclude that the vast majority of government is useless. You're too ignorant to even realize how ignorant you are. 😄
Indeed. The sheer number of criminal convictions of those who operated in Trump’s orbit is astounding.
Not to mention John Kelly and other distinguished military leaders and successes in the private sector whose close encounters with Trumpery have permanently besmirched the reputations they had earned.

Of course, the monumental diminutions, financially and otherwise, of a Rudy Giuliani and Mike Lindell are especially striking.
Those electors were perfectly legal and need to be chosen before an election can be challenged before or on Dec. 14th. That was done.
Wrong you dipshit. Those were fraudulent, fake, phoney electors. Real electors are certified by the State and election officials, not fraudulently by Chesebro and Co.
Those electors had to ready if Pence sent the election back to the challenged states. Perfectly legal. Pence is simply a traitor, like you.
That's not how the process works you moron. No one has to ready Pence. Pence doesn't have a fucking thing to do with Georgia certifying it's electors. Likewise, just because you have a legal challenge that doesn't mean shit. Until that challenge was successful in court (which it never was) Joe Biden's electors were the only real electors because Joe Biden was still the certified winner of Georgia. If the challenge had been successful those electors would have first been decertified and electors for Trump would then be certified to replace them.
They just did you fucking moron. Chesebro pleaded guilty to conspiracy to file false documents. Those false documents where the fraudulent certifications for the fraudulent electors.
None of it is fraudulent. How could it be if those are the electors that were appointed? This is legal theory not law. Learn the difference.
That's not how the process works you moron. No one has to ready Pence. Pence doesn't have a fucking thing to do with Georgia certifying it's electors. Likewise, just because you have a legal challenge that doesn't mean shit. Until that challenge was successful in court (which it never was) Joe Biden's electors were the only real electors because Joe Biden was still the certified winner of Georgia. If the challenge had been successful those electors would have first been decertified and electors for Trump would then be certified to replace them.
I never said Pence you stupid fuck. The State legislatures have plenary power in federal elections.elections.
It has been proven to well over half the country. The people know the traitors running things will not let that happen and that their justice is a lie. An illegitimate government has the power to do that. They should have no power to make anyone believe them but their attack dogs are trying.
The majority of witnesses against Trump are people in his own circle, registered lifelong Republicans, fool.

Please continue the tears for Dotard.. It's heartwarming

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