Breaking: Tactical police to enforce immigration laws in Sanctuary cities

I don't like this one little bit.

Given that The Swamp is as out of control as it is, this shit could be turned on We the Peasants at any given point.
Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities
Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities
". . .The Trump administration is deploying law enforcement tactical units from the southern border as part of a supercharged arrest operation in sanctuary cities across the country, an escalation in the president’s battle against localities that refuse to participate in immigration enforcement.. . "

You know Mindwars, a lot of times, Infowars is just a clearing house for mainstream news. If you would just carefully read where the info is coming from, and post that info, with the links, in Current Events, you would not have to post this stuff in the CT sub-forum. . . .
I don't like this one little bit.

Given that The Swamp is as out of control as it is, this shit could be turned on We the Peasants at any given point.

Only those peasants who disagree with the Trump regime. Everyone else is safe until Trump says they aren't loyal to him.
Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities
Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities
". . .The Trump administration is deploying law enforcement tactical units from the southern border as part of a supercharged arrest operation in sanctuary cities across the country, an escalation in the president’s battle against localities that refuse to participate in immigration enforcement.. . "

You know Mindwars, a lot of times, Infowars is just a clearing house for mainstream news. If you would just carefully read where the info is coming from, and post that info, with the links, in Current Events, you would not have to post this stuff in the CT sub-forum. . . .

Only problem with that is that Blind Whore doesn't believe anything unless it comes from InfoWars or other conspiracy sites like End Times News.
I don't like this one little bit.

Given that The Swamp is as out of control as it is, this shit could be turned on We the Peasants at any given point.

Only those peasants who disagree with the Trump regime. Everyone else is safe until Trump says they aren't loyal to him.

Nope. This shit will carry over. Trump is using powers we let Obama use.

If another regime is voted in, I can see them locking up folks that deny Climate Change as Carbon terrorists.

The federal government should not have such powers. Period.
I don't like this one little bit.

Given that The Swamp is as out of control as it is, this shit could be turned on We the Peasants at any given point.

Only those peasants who disagree with the Trump regime. Everyone else is safe until Trump says they aren't loyal to him.

Nope. This shit will carry over. Trump is using powers we let Obama use.

If another regime is voted in, I can see them locking up folks that deny Climate Change as Carbon terrorists.

The federal government should not have such powers. Period.

Sorry, but neither Trump, nor his followers will let him leave office. Many supporters of his on these very boards are saying he should get a 3rd term because his first 100 days were blocked by the Dems. There are others who say that Trump should have another term, followed by his son, then his daughter, turning their family into a dynasty.
If implemented once it becomes the go to for everything- I guess it is better than no knock warrants by Tactical Thugs on innocent citizens though.
Sorry, but neither Trump, nor his followers will let him leave office. Many supporters of his on these very boards are saying he should get a 3rd term because his first 100 days were blocked by the Dems. There are others who say that Trump should have another term, followed by his son, then his daughter, turning their family into a dynasty.
Hear say is not evidence.
I don't like this one little bit.

Given that The Swamp is as out of control as it is, this shit could be turned on We the Peasants at any given point.

Only those peasants who disagree with the Trump regime. Everyone else is safe until Trump says they aren't loyal to him.

Nope. This shit will carry over. Trump is using powers we let Obama use.

If another regime is voted in, I can see them locking up folks that deny Climate Change as Carbon terrorists.

The federal government should not have such powers. Period.

Sorry, but neither Trump, nor his followers will let him leave office. Many supporters of his on these very boards are saying he should get a 3rd term because his first 100 days were blocked by the Dems. There are others who say that Trump should have another term, followed by his son, then his daughter, turning their family into a dynasty.
You know that is not going to happen. But endless impeachments and maximum accusations of demeaning and destruction of connected people and people who desire political power at its highest is okay by me. We should let the world really know what we are. What we have become over many decades. A dangerous immature people with weapons that can exterminate the world many times over. What makes it worse we are babies compared to the rest of the world and we have babies calling others the same. Get the baby food out. And poison it.
Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities
Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities
". . .The Trump administration is deploying law enforcement tactical units from the southern border as part of a supercharged arrest operation in sanctuary cities across the country, an escalation in the president’s battle against localities that refuse to participate in immigration enforcement.. . "

You know Mindwars, a lot of times, Infowars is just a clearing house for mainstream news. If you would just carefully read where the info is coming from, and post that info, with the links, in Current Events, you would not have to post this stuff in the CT sub-forum. . . .

What you don't get is INFOWARS DECODED what they don't -- won't etc. You never notice those who take on his information as truth LOSE THEIR JOBS end up dead. or contract some info. told yall do not get the depth f this trust me you have no clue.
I don't like this one little bit.

Given that The Swamp is as out of control as it is, this shit could be turned on We the Peasants at any given point.

Only those peasants who disagree with the Trump regime. Everyone else is safe until Trump says they aren't loyal to him.

Nope. This shit will carry over. Trump is using powers we let Obama use.

If another regime is voted in, I can see them locking up folks that deny Climate Change as Carbon terrorists.

The federal government should not have such powers. Period.

Sorry, but neither Trump, nor his followers will let him leave office. Many supporters of his on these very boards are saying he should get a 3rd term because his first 100 days were blocked by the Dems. There are others who say that Trump should have another term, followed by his son, then his daughter, turning their family into a dynasty.
You and I know most of what his most ardent supporters say is loony. And the folks that hate him want to abolish the 2nd Amendment and the Electoral college. Everyone thinks their own personal politics is more important than the Constitution, what of it? Neither you, nor I, take any of that seriously.

We DO however, need to worry about an expanded power of the executive.
I don't like this one little bit.

Given that The Swamp is as out of control as it is, this shit could be turned on We the Peasants at any given point.

Only those peasants who disagree with the Trump regime. Everyone else is safe until Trump says they aren't loyal to him.
Go fuck yourself...You're totally good with these tactics when they're turned against poor inconsequential schlubbs like Roger Stone.
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Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities
Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities
". . .The Trump administration is deploying law enforcement tactical units from the southern border as part of a supercharged arrest operation in sanctuary cities across the country, an escalation in the president’s battle against localities that refuse to participate in immigration enforcement.. . "

You know Mindwars, a lot of times, Infowars is just a clearing house for mainstream news. If you would just carefully read where the info is coming from, and post that info, with the links, in Current Events, you would not have to post this stuff in the CT sub-forum. . . .

What you don't get is INFOWARS DECODED what they don't -- won't etc. You never notice those who take on his information as truth LOSE THEIR JOBS end up dead. or contract some info. told yall do not get the depth f this trust me you have no clue.

Both articles give identical information. In fact, Kelen McBreen pretty much plagiarized her piece right from MSN piece. I read them both. Whole sections were lifted verbatim. There is no more depth to the INFOWARS piece than there is in the MSN piece. Telling me I have no clue, assumes, I don't know how to read?! :20:

The only thing the INFOWARS piece adds is a MAP;


. . and it excludes the context, IOW, the down side of this program, the OTHER SIDE of the story at the latter part of the MSN article;

". . . But Gil Kerlikowske, the former commissioner of C.B.P., which oversees tactical units along the border, said sending the officers to conduct immigration enforcement within cities, where they are not trained to work, could escalate situations that are already volatile. He called the move a “significant mistake.”

“If you were a police chief and you were going to make an apprehension for a relatively minor offense, you don’t send the SWAT team. And BORTAC is the SWAT team,” said Mr. Kerlikowske, who is the former chief of police in Seattle. “They’re trained for much more hazardous missions than this.”

The Border Patrol squads will be charged with backing up ICE agents during deportation operations and standing by as a show of force, the officials said.

ICE agents typically seek out people with criminal convictions or multiple immigration violations as their primary targets for deportation, but family members and friends are often swept up in the enforcement net in what are known as “collateral” arrests, and many such people could now be caught up in any enhanced operations.

ICE leadership requested the help in sanctuary jurisdictions because agents there often struggle to track down undocumented immigrants without the help of the police and other state and local agencies. Law enforcement officers in areas that refuse to cooperate with ICE and the Border Patrol — which include both liberal and conservative parts of the country — often argue that doing so pushes undocumented people further into the shadows, ultimately making cities less safe because that segment of the population becomes less likely to report crimes or cooperate with investigations.

The goal of the new joint operation, one of the officials said, was to increase arrests in the sanctuary jurisdictions by at least 35 percent.

The operation reflects an increasingly hawkish approach to immigration enforcement, following the firings and resignations of leaders who have been viewed in the White House as unwilling to take the harsh steps Mr. Trump and his advisers view as necessary to slow illegal immigration.

Other recent attempts at aggressive enforcement by ICE have faltered, such as a series of raids targeting more than 2,000 migrant families that were planned during the summer of 2019. Mr. Trump’s advance warnings on Twitter led many of those who were targeted to refuse to open their front doors, and ultimately, only 35 of those who had been targeted were arrested in the operation’s first several weeks.

Even with the added show of force from BORTAC, agents will be limited in their abilities compared to the police or sheriff’s deputies. Unlike operations on the border, where BORTAC agents may engage in armed confrontations with drug smuggling suspects using armored vehicles, immigration agents in cities are enforcing civil, rather than criminal infractions. They are not allowed to forcibly enter properties in order to make arrests, and the presence of BORTAC agents, while helpful in boosting the number of agents on the ground, may prove most useful for the visual message it sends.

The agents will not be busting down doors or engaging in shootouts, said one official with direct knowledge of the operation, who like the other official would not be identified because he was not authorized to discuss it.

Many ICE agents say their jobs have become increasingly difficult, three years into Mr. Trump’s presidency, because of robust campaigns by immigrant advocacy organizations seeking to safeguard undocumented immigrants by educating them on the legal limitations that ICE officers face. As a result, in many communities where undocumented immigrants live, when ICE agents are spotted, people now turn immediately to their phones to alert neighbors that they should stay inside.

Mr. Trump campaigned on a promise to crack down on sanctuary cities. Within a few months of taking office, the Justice Department moved to withhold certain federal funds from the jurisdictions. Last week, the Justice Department filed suit against state and local governments in California, New Jersey and Washington over sanctuary policies there. Also this month, the Department of Homeland Security announced it would ban New Yorkers from enrolling in programs that allow travelers to speed through customs checkpoints in airports and at the border as a result of the state’s decision to offer drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants and bar Homeland Security agencies from accessing the state’s motor vehicle database.

The president again highlighted the issue in his State of the Union address, arguing that sanctuary cities “release dangerous criminal aliens to prey upon the public.”

In January, a New York City Council member wrote an open letter for his fellow councilors expressing concern about increasing ICE activity in the region, including collateral arrests. Last week, an acquaintance of a man in New York who was being arrested by ICE was shot in an incident that the agency later blamed on sanctuary policies.

The aggressive immigration enforcement tactics being implemented around the country are not limited to any one agency. In a widely circulated video recorded in El Paso, Texas, on Tuesday night, Border Patrol agents are shown subduing and using a Taser to apprehend a man in a Burger King restaurant.

The video shows the man pleading repeatedly with the agents while shouting that he had done nothing wrong. A female bystander asks the agents to leave the restaurant, as she cries while witnessing the episode. While the man was writhing in pain on the floor after being stunned repeatedly, another woman in the video approached the agents and asked, “Why are you still hitting him?”

A Border Patrol spokesman said in a statement that the apprehended man was a “suspected alien smuggler,” without offering any evidence to support that assertion. The spokesman did not respond to a request for the man’s name and nationality.

“The man refused to cooperate with the verbal instructions and attempted to avoid being handcuffed and a struggle ensued,” the Border Patrol spokesman said.

In the same statement, the spokesman said that a “citizen” had notified law enforcement of a suspicious vehicle parked on his property. The Border Patrol said the man apprehended by the agents on Tuesday was the driver of the vehicle and that “record checks indicated that the man was in the country illegally and had a positive criminal history.”

An ICE spokesman declined to comment on the specifics of the latest effort in sanctuary cities, citing the agency’s policy against sharing information about enforcement operations before they have taken place. However, the spokesman added that the agency had “made it abundantly clear for years that, in jurisdictions where we are not allowed to assume custody of aliens from jails, our officers would be redirected to make at-large arrests.”
I have to say, I have a hard time empathizing with the SJW's and the illegal in that video. I mean seriously, he keeps asking, "why?!" "why?!" "why?!"

Illegal being taken into custody on FB video

. . . well. . . b/c you are here illegally ya dumb ass. :auiqs.jpg:

I just CANNOT get over the comments on the video though. . . all these bleeding hearts? wtf?

Border Patrol officials comment on circulating social media video of arrest

Watching that video actually pissed me off... Why in the fuck... and how in the fuck did it take them so long to take down this invader of our Motherland? Disgraceful... We should demand better!
Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities
Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities
". . .The Trump administration is deploying law enforcement tactical units from the southern border as part of a supercharged arrest operation in sanctuary cities across the country, an escalation in the president’s battle against localities that refuse to participate in immigration enforcement.. . "

You know Mindwars, a lot of times, Infowars is just a clearing house for mainstream news. If you would just carefully read where the info is coming from, and post that info, with the links, in Current Events, you would not have to post this stuff in the CT sub-forum. . . .

Often I can put something,/ or have posted something not from Infowars it gets moved here anyway.
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