BREAKING: The Kamala Harris campaign just got caught BUSSING in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina

I doubt that intelligent people would go to hear her say absolutely nothing. That's what she does. Kamala is more for low information, easily bamboozled, over emotional nincompoops. You'll never learn anything from her. MAGA
I heard that they get $50.00 an hour. I don't know if that includes drive time to and from or not.
I have posted videos of:

People leaving her BORING rallies early...

People promised free pizza if they attend..

Large areas of her EMPTY seats hidden by large curtains...

I heard that they get $50.00 an hour. I don't know if that includes drive time to and from or not.
This is so much like the old Soviet Union stocking store shelves when foreign dignitaries took a "tour". Everything the left says and does is a lie.

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