BREAKING: Train plummets into Yellowstone River after Montana bridge collapse, officials warn against water usage due to fear of hazardous materials

Our bridges are collapsing. Quick, give some more money to illegals.

Glad you brought that up. I just found out the other day that the USA has something like 50,000 bridges in our country which are seriously compromised from unrepaired aging! And another 12,000 bridges all built in the 60s and 70s bridge building boom and highway expansion period that are designed with single point failures! Meaning that due to the way they are designed, IF A SINGLE PART OF THE BRIDGE SHOULD FAIL, it would bring the entire bridge down in seconds!

A single cable, a single gusset plate. In other words, the bridge needs 100% of itself to maintain integrity. There is no designed overhead.

A study of the past 20 years shows that over that period, there has been an average of about one bridge failure and collapse PER YEAR.

Kinda puts all those hundreds of billions that Biden has been giving away to other countries in a different perspective!
Glad you brought that up. I just found out the other day that the USA has something like 50,000 bridges in our country which are seriously compromised from unrepaired aging! And another 12,000 bridges all built in the 60s and 70s bridge building boom and highway expansion period that are designed with single point failures! Meaning that due to the way they are designed, IF A SINGLE PART OF THE BRIDGE SHOULD FAIL, it would bring the entire bridge down in seconds!

A single cable, a single gusset plate. In other words, the bridge needs 100% of itself to maintain integrity. There is no designed overhead.

A study of the past 20 years shows that over that period, there has been an average of about one bridge failure and collapse PER YEAR.

Kinda puts all those hundreds of billions that Biden has been giving away to other countries in a different perspective!
that is what happens with Reaganomics when you don't invest enough money in infrastructure DUHHH.... Also the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere. Yeah!
Odd, then why hasn't the liberals and democrats in power MOST OF THE TIME not done anything to maintain our infrastructure these past 70 years???
We still have Reagan tax rates, brainwashed functional moron. The states have raised taxes under Democrats to make up for that lack of investment but certainly not enough. Great Job as always!
I think Mayor Pete took the spikes out of the rail road ties just to distract from Hunter on the orders of Joe. Now you guys build a conspiracy around that.
Glad you brought that up. I just found out the other day that the USA has something like 50,000 bridges in our country which are seriously compromised from unrepaired aging! And another 12,000 bridges all built in the 60s and 70s bridge building boom and highway expansion period that are designed with single point failures! Meaning that due to the way they are designed, IF A SINGLE PART OF THE BRIDGE SHOULD FAIL, it would bring the entire bridge down in seconds!

A single cable, a single gusset plate. In other words, the bridge needs 100% of itself to maintain integrity. There is no designed overhead.

A study of the past 20 years shows that over that period, there has been an average of about one bridge failure and collapse PER YEAR.

Kinda puts all those hundreds of billions that Biden has been giving away to other countries in a different perspective!
totally wrong conclusion dingbat. Give away to the rich GOP policies for 40 years gives you this crap DUHHH
that is what happens with Reaganomics when you don't invest enough money in infrastructure DUHHH.... Also the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere. Yeah!

Just another sign of how democrat mayors, democrat governors and democrat leaders continually fail the people instead just padding their wallets like the criminal felon family the Bidens and the Pelosis.
I think Mayor Pete took the spikes out of the rail road ties just to distract from Hunter on the orders of Joe. Now you guys build a conspiracy around that.
And fixed route 95 in two weeks instead of two months like the GOP would. We have no idea what the hell you are talking about. More stupid propaganda
totally wrong conclusion dingbat. Give away to the rich GOP policies for 40 years gives you this crap DUHHH

I didn't know the GOP was ever in total power for 40 years to give everything away to the rich by letting them keep their own money asshole. You'll have to link me to just when this imaginary 40 years period was!
Just another sign of how democrat mayors, democrat governors and democrat leaders continually fail the people instead just padding their wallets like the criminal felon family the Bidens and the Pelosis.
too bad you can't take any of your ridiculous charges into a courtroom. Pure crap.
The libs actually want to INCREASE tax travel as well as railroad speeds. That's their big plan in California, a high speed atrocity to connect Fresno and Bakersfield by the year 2100. I think they should rethink this plan, at least wait until the adults are back in charge.

We didn't have this kind of problem happening when President Trump had that oriental chick working on Transportation.
I didn't know the GOP was ever in total power for 40 years to give everything away to the rich by letting them keep their own money asshole. You'll have to link me to just when this imaginary 40 years period was!
It is still going on DUHHH. Somehow the Republicans use their reconciliation to cut taxes on the rich with 51 votes. Kennedy cut the top tax rate from 90 to 70 percent. Reagan cut it from 70 to 50 and had success. But going out the door he cut it to 28% and period now it's finally 37% or something but it is not enough especially with all the GOP loopholes for the rich and giant big oil. And now you know something actually factual congratulations....
too bad you can't take any of your ridiculous charges into a courtroom.

Courts don't deal in facts. They deal in whoever makes the best presentation or whoever has the most pull with the judge, or whoever is the least likely to send a mob to their house terrorizing their family if they don't rule in their favor.
Courts don't deal in facts. They deal in whoever makes the best presentation or whoever has the most pull with the judge, or whoever is the least likely to send a mob to their house terrorizing their family if they don't rule in their favor.
shove your anti American BS where the sun doesn't shine, brainwashed functional moron. Your disrespect where our public servants and reality is a disgrace. Change the channel stupid oops

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