Breaking: Trump announces new tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until immigration is solved!

You see what the AH is doing to our markets OUR American citizens ?/ Cars vegetables all kinds of things we need FN with China and europe wasn't enough for this sick AH?
If the plan works to resolve the problem and the crisis on the southern frontier, what's wrong with that?

Remember MEXICO are the ones asking for the meeting. These tariffs will be putting pressure on their economy and their budget. They have been motivated to help.

As far North Korea, that's a work in progress. President Un's efforts this week to punish members of his own regime who failed him in Vietnam is a good sign that he can come around too. In a few years, maybe we can all meet at the Trump International in Pyongyang?
These filth hate anything good for this country.
NO not true We love the fact that scumps best pals are Un and putin 2 murderers Un just murdered a few that failed in their meetings with trump

President Un didn't "murder" anyone. Members of his administration were charged and tried and punished, according to the laws of their land.
OK brainiac WHY were they punished by death?
That's the punishment for treason there like it should be here.
Punishment for what ? Not making a deal with trump?
President Un didn't "murder" anyone. Members of his administration were charged and tried and punished, according to the laws of their land.

Crime against humanity punishable by hanging.

Just ask your neighbors to the West.
some things are more important than money according to my DAD . He told me when i was about 9 years old 61 years ago that the only ones always worried about money were criminals and whores GGator .
More self-indulgent emoting over the immigration issue.

Hi Bozo. In the 80's, I had nothing better to do, had money saved up and decided to spend the summer working with "legal" immigrant Mexicans. Since then, I have lived in Mexico several times. I got nothing against those people. It's the illegals here to steal, trash and cause trouble that are a whole other conversation. In other words, what we have crossing our southern border now. So, bitch, until you have done any of that, STFU and go pick your nose in the corner. At least I have an inlkling what it's all about, unlike you.
These filth hate anything good for this country.
NO not true We love the fact that scumps best pals are Un and putin 2 murderers Un just murdered a few that failed in their meetings with trump

President Un didn't "murder" anyone. Members of his administration were charged and tried and punished, according to the laws of their land.
OK brainiac WHY were they punished by death?
That's the punishment for treason there like it should be here.
Punishment for what ? Not making a deal with trump?
Oh now the troll says people other than Kim can make deals with Trump! Do you have any idea how STUPID you sound?
some things are more important than money according to my DAD . He told me when i was about 9 years old 61 years ago that the only ones always worried about money were criminals and whores GGator .

with all due respect, your dad is a moron.
some things are more important than money according to my DAD . He told me when i was about 9 years old 61 years ago that the only ones always worried about money were criminals and whores GGator .

with all due respect, your dad is a moron.
------------------------------------------- things might be going back to old style with the TRUMP GGator .
some things are more important than money according to my DAD . He told me when i was about 9 years old 61 years ago that the only ones always worried about money were criminals and whores GGator .

with all due respect, your dad is a moron.
------------------------------------------- things might be going back to old style with the TRUMP GGator .

Nothing worse than people stuck in the past that keep fighting against the future.

A song for you...
NO not true We love the fact that scumps best pals are Un and putin 2 murderers Un just murdered a few that failed in their meetings with trump

President Un didn't "murder" anyone. Members of his administration were charged and tried and punished, according to the laws of their land.
OK brainiac WHY were they punished by death?
That's the punishment for treason there like it should be here.
Punishment for what ? Not making a deal with trump?
Oh now the troll says people other than Kim can make deals with Trump! Do you have any idea how STUPID you sound?
un sent people here to make a deal or to bring one back ,,, or are you just trying to be an ass?
Having a bad day Eddie?
Yeah real bad nas off 96 dow 288 and it's been worse This moron doesn't know wtf he's doing

President Trump has been stymied in his efforts to control the border in other ways. What's wrong with trying to persuade the Mexicans to help by implementing tariffs against them until they do?
You see what the AH is doing to our markets OUR American citizens ?/ Cars vegetables all kinds of things we need FN with China and europe wasn't enough for this sick AH?
it's called an 'emoji' ............... not a "funny" icon ............

I already posted what will happen if Trump continues on this path:
US companies will
(1) pass the import (tariff) costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers @ US production plants
(3) close US production plants
(4) catching on, yet?
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!

and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?

If the plan works to resolve the problem and the crisis on the southern frontier, what's wrong with that?

Remember MEXICO are the ones asking for the meeting. These tariffs will be putting pressure on their economy and their budget. They have been motivated to help.

As far North Korea, that's a work in progress. President Un's efforts this week to punish members of his own regime who failed him in Vietnam is a good sign that he can come around too. In a few years, maybe we can all meet at the Trump International in Pyongyang?
These filth hate anything good for this country.
NO not true We love the fact that scumps best pals are Un and putin 2 murderers Un just murdered a few that failed in their meetings with trump
I never thought you have a lot of high-class friends being an aged low life, but even those guys are an improvement over the Maxines, Hillarys and Ilhans of yours.

Do you ever disgust yourself?
its obvious , the TRUMP is in charge . No reason for me to say anything more Gents and Ladies .
NO not true We love the fact that scumps best pals are Un and putin 2 murderers Un just murdered a few that failed in their meetings with trump

President Un didn't "murder" anyone. Members of his administration were charged and tried and punished, according to the laws of their land.
OK brainiac WHY were they punished by death?
That's the punishment for treason there like it should be here.
Punishment for what ? Not making a deal with trump?
Oh now the troll says people other than Kim can make deals with Trump! Do you have any idea how STUPID you sound?

US Checking Claims That Kim Jong Un Executed Officials ... - The Root

5 hours ago - It will be interesting to see how the president of people who participate ... Kim Jong Un may have had five officials executed over thefailed summit ... executions including the killing of Jang Song-thaek, Kim's uncle and mentor ...
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!

and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?
You really hate Trump succeeding? Don't you? When Trump does, so does America and we know you hate that.

Trump is succeeding? Yeah, Kim un is back to firing off shit toward Japan & executing his negotiating staff.

Things are looking up; right?
The usual stuff? Trump at least tried to negotiate. More than Obama did.

so, you refer to 'strong arming' and coercion as negotiating?

LOFL ..........
He did more than Obama did, hell more than any president has.
More self-indulgent emoting over the immigration issue.

Hi Bozo. In the 80's, I had nothing better to do, had money saved up and decided to spend the summer working with "legal" immigrant Mexicans. Since then, I have lived in Mexico several times. I got nothing against those people. It's the illegals here to steal, trash and cause trouble that are a whole other conversation. In other words, what we have crossing our southern border now. So, bitch, until you have done any of that, STFU and go pick your nose in the corner. At least I have an inlkling what it's all about, unlike you.

Swing and a miss, champ. I’ve spent decades working with and on behalf of immigrants of every sort: legal, illegal, wealthy, poor, refugees, asylum seekers, businessmen, old, young, grade school through graduate school and beyond, you name it.

You won’t be sliding any of your bullshit past me.

Reuter’s didn't publish that the Mexican president was begging Trump for a meeting. That is part is made up, aka fake news.

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