Breaking: Trump announces new tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until immigration is solved!

What a surprise, the best you got is a "funny" icon. How about getting back to us when you have a fricken clue.

it's called an 'emoji' ............... not a "funny" icon ............

I already posted what will happen if Trump continues on this path:
US companies will
(1) pass the import (tariff) costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers @ US production plants
(3) close US production plants
(4) catching on, yet?
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!

and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?
You really hate Trump succeeding? Don't you? When Trump does, so does America and we know you hate that.

Trump is succeeding? Yeah, Kim un is back to firing off shit toward Japan & executing his negotiating staff.

Things are looking up; right?

I'd say its a positive sign that President Un is punishing diplomats for the failure of the Hanoi summit. Tells me that he is serious about getting a great deal from Donald J. Trump and his American people.
Trump is a first-class coward...almost always all talk and no action. And the only time he does action - it is usually wrong.

He will almost certainly back off these tariffs once Wall Street screams loudly enough about them. Because if he doesn't, he WILL hurt the economy...less then 18 months before election day.
He will make some pathetic claim that they have worked and Mexico is doing much better...when they probably did nothing.

Just like when Trump promised to pull ALL U.S. troops out of Syria - but now hundreds will stay for years - his word means nothing.

Dang but he is a useless prick.

Trump is many things but above all else Trump is the consummate 'con man'

I recall Jim Jones the cult leader of Jonestown infamy.

That is basically what we have currently in The White House but this is on a world wide/global scale.

Trump is taking anyone that is willing (his base) and those opposed (hostages) down a dark path.

OK everyone; drink that Kool-Aid ............ we're getting close & the Congressmen are about to show up ........
You're so full of shit you stink.
That's perfume you smell Trump is the one smelling like a skunk
Sorry liar, i've never been within 200 miles of Trump.

He got a restraining order on you, didn’t he.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
it'd be easier to suspend the law of gravity than to stop illegals from accessing welfare!
How do they do that? Every time I ask all I get is crickets and an occasional deflection. How do rhey get welfare checks and food stamps (or whatever it is called today)?
------------------------------ no crickets here at least on one way that illegal aliens get welfare and other FREEBIES . All they do is have some ANCHOR BABIES and 'papooses' and as many as they can have and they get the welfare and other goodies Camp .
I have known many Euro girls with anchor babies and none of them got welfare checks. Some food stamps and Medicaid for the American baby. Nothing for mom.
----------------------------- well , they get free stuff , doesn't matter if you know what they get . They get FREE Stuff plus they then send their anchor babies to taxpayer paid school . School lunches , free medical and other Free stuff . See the border , then get sent to the Doctor , get fed and then free transport to anywhere they want to go into the USA as they get a pat on the head and a kiss Camp .
I only know stuff from personal experience as a person with many contacts in the east European and Russian communities. I hear things on these boards but they do not match up with my personal experiences. Perhaps it is different in the east European and Russian communities. I have no experience with the Mexican immigrant community.
tariffs are taxes on America consumers.
-------------------------------------- and these taxes can EASILY be avoided . If you don't want to pay the TARIFF on avocados well , don't buy avocados BBro .

It is not that simple. If there is a 5% tariff on avocados, retailers will only raise the price on avocados by 2 or 3 percent and then add another 1 or 2 percent to 100 other produce items, no matter where they are grown.
What a surprise, the best you got is a "funny" icon. How about getting back to us when you have a fricken clue.

it's called an 'emoji' ............... not a "funny" icon ............

I already posted what will happen if Trump continues on this path:
US companies will
(1) pass the import (tariff) costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers @ US production plants
(3) close US production plants
(4) catching on, yet?
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!

and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?
You really hate Trump succeeding? Don't you? When Trump does, so does America and we know you hate that.

Trump is succeeding? Yeah, Kim un is back to firing off shit toward Japan & executing his negotiating staff.

Things are looking up; right?
The usual stuff? Trump at least tried to negotiate. More than Obama did.
it'd be easier to suspend the law of gravity than to stop illegals from accessing welfare!
How do they do that? Every time I ask all I get is crickets and an occasional deflection. How do rhey get welfare checks and food stamps (or whatever it is called today)?
------------------------------ no crickets here at least on one way that illegal aliens get welfare and other FREEBIES . All they do is have some ANCHOR BABIES and 'papooses' and as many as they can have and they get the welfare and other goodies Camp .
I have known many Euro girls with anchor babies and none of them got welfare checks. Some food stamps and Medicaid for the American baby. Nothing for mom.
----------------------------- well , they get free stuff , doesn't matter if you know what they get . They get FREE Stuff plus they then send their anchor babies to taxpayer paid school . School lunches , free medical and other Free stuff . See the border , then get sent to the Doctor , get fed and then free transport to anywhere they want to go into the USA as they get a pat on the head and a kiss Camp .
1,000 per day per illegal
Free housing, medical, food, health care, jailing get expensive very quickly
If Americans knew that each illegal costs each taxpayer $100 per day....,we’ll you libbies better hope that most never do the math
You can't back that up. Sounds like propaganda to me. Crap put out by extremist right-wing hate sites, FOX or ......
Trump still needs to make Mexico pay for the wall cause all we keep getting is screwed by Trump.
it's called an 'emoji' ............... not a "funny" icon ............

I already posted what will happen if Trump continues on this path:
US companies will
(1) pass the import (tariff) costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers @ US production plants
(3) close US production plants
(4) catching on, yet?
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!

and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?
You really hate Trump succeeding? Don't you? When Trump does, so does America and we know you hate that.

Trump is succeeding? Yeah, Kim un is back to firing off shit toward Japan & executing his negotiating staff.

Things are looking up; right?
The usual stuff? Trump at least tried to negotiate. More than Obama did.

so, you refer to 'strong arming' and coercion as negotiating?

LOFL ..........
I think the real problem in North Korea is that the generals aren't so hot on the idea of getting rid of nukes and enriching the nation.

President Un , however, would like to do it, as he figures to live a long time and doesn't see the situation right now as sustainable.

I personally am of the conviction that wrestling diplomacy can work here.
That's perfume you smell Trump is the one smelling like a skunk
Having a bad day Eddie?
Yeah real bad nas off 96 dow 288 and it's been worse This moron doesn't know wtf he's doing

President Trump has been stymied in his efforts to control the border in other ways. What's wrong with trying to persuade the Mexicans to help by implementing tariffs against them until they do?
You see what the AH is doing to our markets OUR American citizens ?/ Cars vegetables all kinds of things we need FN with China and europe wasn't enough for this sick AH?
What a surprise, the best you got is a "funny" icon. How about getting back to us when you have a fricken clue.

it's called an 'emoji' ............... not a "funny" icon ............

I already posted what will happen if Trump continues on this path:
US companies will
(1) pass the import (tariff) costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers @ US production plants
(3) close US production plants
(4) catching on, yet?
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!

and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?

If the plan works to resolve the problem and the crisis on the southern frontier, what's wrong with that?

Remember MEXICO are the ones asking for the meeting. These tariffs will be putting pressure on their economy and their budget. They have been motivated to help.

As far North Korea, that's a work in progress. President Un's efforts this week to punish members of his own regime who failed him in Vietnam is a good sign that he can come around too. In a few years, maybe we can all meet at the Trump International in Pyongyang?
These filth hate anything good for this country.
NO not true We love the fact that scumps best pals are Un and putin 2 murderers Un just murdered a few that failed in their meetings with trump
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!

and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?
You really hate Trump succeeding? Don't you? When Trump does, so does America and we know you hate that.

Trump is succeeding? Yeah, Kim un is back to firing off shit toward Japan & executing his negotiating staff.

Things are looking up; right?
The usual stuff? Trump at least tried to negotiate. More than Obama did.

so, you refer to 'strong arming' and coercion as negotiating?

LOFL ..........

Mexico are the ones trying to strong-arm President Trump by pouring illegals over the border. He's only answering, only counterpunching.

And further, Mexico is NOT sending us their very best to serve as Illegals.
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!

and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?
You really hate Trump succeeding? Don't you? When Trump does, so does America and we know you hate that.

Trump is succeeding? Yeah, Kim un is back to firing off shit toward Japan & executing his negotiating staff.

Things are looking up; right?
The usual stuff? Trump at least tried to negotiate. More than Obama did.

so, you refer to 'strong arming' and coercion as negotiating?

LOFL ..........
But trump wrote the art of the deal A deal maker LOL and moron repubs believed that
Having a bad day Eddie?
Yeah real bad nas off 96 dow 288 and it's been worse This moron doesn't know wtf he's doing

President Trump has been stymied in his efforts to control the border in other ways. What's wrong with trying to persuade the Mexicans to help by implementing tariffs against them until they do?
You see what the AH is doing to our markets OUR American citizens ?/ Cars vegetables all kinds of things we need FN with China and europe wasn't enough for this sick AH?
it's called an 'emoji' ............... not a "funny" icon ............

I already posted what will happen if Trump continues on this path:
US companies will
(1) pass the import (tariff) costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers @ US production plants
(3) close US production plants
(4) catching on, yet?
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!

and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?

If the plan works to resolve the problem and the crisis on the southern frontier, what's wrong with that?

Remember MEXICO are the ones asking for the meeting. These tariffs will be putting pressure on their economy and their budget. They have been motivated to help.

As far North Korea, that's a work in progress. President Un's efforts this week to punish members of his own regime who failed him in Vietnam is a good sign that he can come around too. In a few years, maybe we can all meet at the Trump International in Pyongyang?
These filth hate anything good for this country.
NO not true We love the fact that scumps best pals are Un and putin 2 murderers Un just murdered a few that failed in their meetings with trump

President Un didn't "murder" anyone. Members of his administration were charged and tried and punished, according to the laws of their land.
Wow...the DJI just broke 25,000....heading the wrong direction.

The DJI is now equal to what it was in Dec of 2017...18 months of zero growth.
Yeah real bad nas off 96 dow 288 and it's been worse This moron doesn't know wtf he's doing

President Trump has been stymied in his efforts to control the border in other ways. What's wrong with trying to persuade the Mexicans to help by implementing tariffs against them until they do?
You see what the AH is doing to our markets OUR American citizens ?/ Cars vegetables all kinds of things we need FN with China and europe wasn't enough for this sick AH?
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!

and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?

If the plan works to resolve the problem and the crisis on the southern frontier, what's wrong with that?

Remember MEXICO are the ones asking for the meeting. These tariffs will be putting pressure on their economy and their budget. They have been motivated to help.

As far North Korea, that's a work in progress. President Un's efforts this week to punish members of his own regime who failed him in Vietnam is a good sign that he can come around too. In a few years, maybe we can all meet at the Trump International in Pyongyang?
These filth hate anything good for this country.
NO not true We love the fact that scumps best pals are Un and putin 2 murderers Un just murdered a few that failed in their meetings with trump

President Un didn't "murder" anyone. Members of his administration were charged and tried and punished, according to the laws of their land.
OK brainiac WHY were they punished by death?
President Trump has been stymied in his efforts to control the border in other ways. What's wrong with trying to persuade the Mexicans to help by implementing tariffs against them until they do?
You see what the AH is doing to our markets OUR American citizens ?/ Cars vegetables all kinds of things we need FN with China and europe wasn't enough for this sick AH?
and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?

If the plan works to resolve the problem and the crisis on the southern frontier, what's wrong with that?

Remember MEXICO are the ones asking for the meeting. These tariffs will be putting pressure on their economy and their budget. They have been motivated to help.

As far North Korea, that's a work in progress. President Un's efforts this week to punish members of his own regime who failed him in Vietnam is a good sign that he can come around too. In a few years, maybe we can all meet at the Trump International in Pyongyang?
These filth hate anything good for this country.
NO not true We love the fact that scumps best pals are Un and putin 2 murderers Un just murdered a few that failed in their meetings with trump

President Un didn't "murder" anyone. Members of his administration were charged and tried and punished, according to the laws of their land.
OK brainiac WHY were they punished by death?

The judge made the determination in accordance with North Korean law. I'm not an expert in NK law.
President Trump has been stymied in his efforts to control the border in other ways. What's wrong with trying to persuade the Mexicans to help by implementing tariffs against them until they do?
You see what the AH is doing to our markets OUR American citizens ?/ Cars vegetables all kinds of things we need FN with China and europe wasn't enough for this sick AH?
and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?

If the plan works to resolve the problem and the crisis on the southern frontier, what's wrong with that?

Remember MEXICO are the ones asking for the meeting. These tariffs will be putting pressure on their economy and their budget. They have been motivated to help.

As far North Korea, that's a work in progress. President Un's efforts this week to punish members of his own regime who failed him in Vietnam is a good sign that he can come around too. In a few years, maybe we can all meet at the Trump International in Pyongyang?
These filth hate anything good for this country.
NO not true We love the fact that scumps best pals are Un and putin 2 murderers Un just murdered a few that failed in their meetings with trump

President Un didn't "murder" anyone. Members of his administration were charged and tried and punished, according to the laws of their land.
OK brainiac WHY were they punished by death?
That's the punishment for treason there like it should be here.
"How you gonna make Mexico pay for that wall??!! Har-di-har-di-har-di-har. derp"

I told you this 3 years ago. Simple -- Tariffs.

And if you don't realize that Tariffs really do hurt the targeted Country, you're too stupid to walk and breathe at the same time.

It's not a 'tax' on Americans, idiots.

The exporter has to meet a price point or they're fucked. So they take a big cut into their profit margin and sell at the same price.

You people (dims) are just simply stupid. You really are. Honest to God Stupid.

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