Breaking! Trump holds press conference LIVE right now!

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We are waiting for Trump right now!

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That was very good, The Donald bitch-slapped those POS MSM Whores, treated them like the absolute human garbage that they are and it was excellent.

The MSM Whores have now had to all go to collectively change their underwear.

It occurs to me Trump could have been behind the golden showers report to embarrass those who were leaking and it worked!

From the (CNN?) hot mic at the end. . .

"He attacked our news organisation"


"From the (CNN?) hot mic at the end. . .

"He attacked our news organisation"

They'll be running to their Safe Space, Play Doh and puppies to stroke await them :smoke:
Hmmm... didn't Assange just put out to CNN he was going to destroy them... Assange surely has friends in CNN.

Related or no?
He made a powerful statement which I greatly respect. He stated regarding fake accusations and fake news, something to the effect that "I am lucky, I have this (points at mic), I can defend myself. I know many people who don't have that opportunity and I have seen many lives ruined". This is very accurate and something all of us should consider. it almost brought a tear to my eye, it was such a profound statement. Good for him for speaking out to other good citizens who may have been ruined.

As someone who blew the whistle on Canadian authorities abusing American businesses through NAFTA, my wife and I paid a steep price and there is no recourse. I hope Trump realizes the extent of this abuse and does what is best for America to prevent this from continuing. If my word has any value, I will reach out to his administration myself and provide what I can to educate them on just how Canada operates. He is probably well versed in this already, certainly those in his party are.

For the record, none of these abuses are as blatant and excessive as they are in Communist Ontario. You wouldn't believe just how anti-capitalist and covert this province is.
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After all the Democrat shit, including the diarrhea last night, President Donald Trump is a spring breeze.

When the very media you have been railing about starts applauding your statements, America, and even Liberals should wake up and realize something very special and different is happening.

Trump has balls of Steel, but knows how to win people over too.
Trump to Jim Acosta, CNN:


excellent :happy-1:
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shockedcanadian Well thank you for your assistance. I've had a recent run in with a really terrible Canadian who greatly offended my neighborly feelings for your country - you bring back a little of that lost love :)

~ Alaskan neighbor
Trump was 20 minutes late to the news conference

Reports that he was in the shower were quickly denied by the Trump camp

We are waiting for Trump right now!

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That was very good, The Donald bitch-slapped those POS MSM Whores, treated them like the absolute human garbage that they are and it was excellent.

The MSM Whores have now had to all go to collectively change their underwear.

yeah he let fake news cnn have it


OUCH!!! CNN HACK SCREAMS AT TRUMP -- Trump Calls CNN "Fake News!" (

The Donald has them all Triggered :thup:




America doesn't need CNN. There are at least 4 other Fake New outlets I can think of we can get our Fake News from.
And that is just regular ole cable channels.

It's my hope that CNN crashes and burns, because they quit being journalists a long time ago.
shockedcanadian Well thank you for your assistance. I've had a recent run in with a really terrible Canadian who greatly offended my neighborly feelings for your country - you bring back a little of that lost love :)

~ Alaskan neighbor

I once called a poster on another message board who once mentioned he was from Canada a Canadian. I got banned for it.
Don't ever call a Liberal a Canadian.

We are waiting for Trump right now!

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The news conference just finished.

it was excellent.

I love the way he beat up CNN and BBC.

And he praised the NY Times, for a change.

All his assets are now in trust with his sons in charge. If they don't do well with it all over the next 8 years then he will tell them "you're fired!"

Great press conference!

I didn't see him beat up the BBC?
shockedcanadian Well thank you for your assistance. I've had a recent run in with a really terrible Canadian who greatly offended my neighborly feelings for your country - you bring back a little of that lost love :)

~ Alaskan neighbor

There used to be alot of good Canadians who loved America, especially when I was a kid and Mulroney and Reagan ran the shows. For the last few decades we have lost our direction, there has been angry Canadian reaction to America, we have become sensitive and carrying an inferiority complex.

As one quick example, there was a guy I worked with who was in Europe with another Canadian and they met some Americans at a bar. They played a game of Euchre as partners, drank throughout the night, he told me with rage in his eyes when the Americans won they shouted "USA! USA!" and high fived each other. I couldn't believe his reaction even years after the fact as he told me this story. I laughed at it and simply asked him, "well, can you confirm that they won?" He looked at me with the same rage.

We have lost our way, this is fact. Failing to shed our British loyalties, and then pretending America is our enemy even as they are our biggest consumer and defend us without asking much. It embarrasses me. Thankfully there are other Canadians like me who greatly appreciate America, but we have become far and few between it seems.
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shockedcanadian Well thank you for your assistance. I've had a recent run in with a really terrible Canadian who greatly offended my neighborly feelings for your country - you bring back a little of that lost love :)

~ Alaskan neighbor

I once called a poster on another message board who once mentioned he was from Canada a Canadian. I got banned for it.
Don't ever call a Liberal a Canadian.

I don't recall the fruits political bend (I actually don't pay too much attention to that stuff as an Independent) but essentially they had made statements to the effect that Canada would betray America if another country were to attack us (aka Russia coming through Alaska) and I'm afraid as a military brat I was quite offended that such an idea could even be in the hearts and minds of a Canadian - after all Alaska has always felt.. idk more "Canadian" than "American" somehow. It was a bit of a blow to my long standing opinions of the Canadian people as I'd never encountered any other with such an opinion. :/

Which of course only makes your... well I don't want to say loyalty exactly, but that's pretty much the gist of it, more poignant :)
Trump was 20 minutes late to the news conference

Reports that he was in the shower were quickly denied by the Trump camp

"Reports that he was in the shower were quickly denied by the Trump camp"

You are just disappointed that The Donald wasn't in the shower with Putin :poke: :rolleyes-41:

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