BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

I wonder how much his contributions have increased since he announced he was going to be arrested.
True. I just got an email appeal for money for Trump at an address I NEVER let out ---- this is the moment to hunt down contributions, I suppose.
True. I just got an email appeal for money for Trump at an address I NEVER let out ---- this is the moment to hunt down contributions, I suppose.

Of course, he wouldn't have any arrest to announce if someone in the DA's office didn't leak it to FOX News that Trump was going to be arrested.


But yeah, the Left is playing right into his hands.

Some people on the Right believe it's 4D Chess to make sure Trump is the nominee because they think he'll be easy to beat.

I think they've just lost their ever loving minds because they fear him on an existential level.

Regardless, this is good for Trump's Republican nomination prospects. Only a politically inept fool would ever believe otherwise.
Regardless, this is good for Trump's Republican nomination prospects. Only a politically inept fool would ever believe otherwise.
That would be me, though, a politically inept fool. I am concerned that if they arrest him so he can't run and beat them, that will work for them. It does work, after all, in other Third World countries. Put 'em in jail, they can't run: that works. I guess we're just a failed nationstate now.
That would be me, though, a politically inept fool. I am concerned that if they arrest him so he can't run and beat them, that will work for them. It does work, after all, in other Third World countries. Put 'em in jail, they can't run: that works. I guess we're just a failed nationstate now.

Actually your thinking is not incorrect, generically speaking.

The problem in this particular instance, is they have no real case.

This is a case from 7 years ago that Robert Mueller himself declined to pursue, and even Alvin Bragg (the DA bringing the charges) - actually said this was not a viable case. Then when two of his underlings quit in protest, he did a 180.

This, as usual, is an absolute nothing burger. Its only purpose is to get Trump's mugshot and potential perp walk.

He'll never be convicted, and they know it.

Surprising, I know.

Cuz this like never happens ;)
actually it's the facts.

Facts huh?

OK wise guy, explain to us the intricacies of the case that the DA himself said wasn't viable just a few months ago before his own staff started quitting.

Because I'm no legal expert, but I've read up on it quite a bit.

We're waiting.
What exactly is it that you think is going to happen?

Here's what happens: Trump comes out of this stronger than ever before. It hands him the Republican nomination on a platter.

And this won't stop him from running for President.

As even some in the FAKE NEWS are conceding:

Even if Trump is marched into prison in leg-irons (an extremely unlikely possibility), he can’t be barred from running for reelection — unless he strikes some sort of plea deal that includes foreswearing public office. As ABC News recently explained:

The U.S. Constitution does not list the absence of a criminal record as a qualification for the presidency. It says only that natural born citizens who are at least 35 years old and have been a resident of the U.S. for 14 years can run for president.

Facts huh?

OK wise guy,

explain to us the intricacies of the case that the DA himself said wasn't viable just a few months ago

he did?

before his own staff started quitting.

who that be? are you talking about mark pomerantz & his associate? cause if you are - then you are mixing 2 cases up.

Because I'm no legal expert, but I've read up on it quite a bit.

sure, sure you did.

We're waiting.

i bet you are.


he did?

who that be? are you talking about mark pomerantz & his associate? cause if you are - then you are mixing 2 cases up.

sure, sure you did.

i bet you are.

Wow. What in the hell was any of that?

I'm gettin' some serious bot vibes.

Have a nice day.
Here's what happens: Trump comes out of this stronger than ever before. It hands him the Republican nomination on a platter.

And this won't stop him from running for President.
I already figured he would win the Republican nomination. I don’t see this changing that. So looks like we agree.
This Trumper nonsense about misdemeanors is nonsense.

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.
Here's what happens: Trump comes out of this stronger than ever before. It hands him the Republican nomination on a platter.

And this won't stop him from running for President.

As even some in the FAKE NEWS are conceding:

It doesn't seem to harm Netanyahu, come to think of it. He is constantly charged with pretty much every crime his political enemies can think of. Well, maybe you are right that it won't harm Trump ---- that making political opponents into political prisoners is harming the body republic is obvious, however.

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