BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

If this occurs, they already openly admitted this was gonna obstruct (take congresses time off the Biden family corruption and tie them up with this junk), which means the timing couldn't be worse for Dems trying to intimidate Congress and the Republican party as a blatant act of Obstruction, and not just any obstruction, but one that exposes Biden selling lives and country to the CCP and Dems willingness to allow such act to manipulate elections and thwart democracy.
SO there must be a legal means of pushing back, and Dems bragging just handed them that legal recourse.
Fed law:
436(b)(1) ),2 intimidation as obstruction
18 USC Ch. 73

Section 1510 obstruction of investigations

And since Trump is a Floridian

Fl Law:
914.22. Intimidation

This means any FEDERAL OFFICER at any time any place or
FL deputy or Police Officer has full legal authority to arrest anyone coming into their State who is involved in the obstruction scheme.
They can arrest Anyone in the The Manhattan district attorney's office & require them to provide their source of names of who ordered the timed obstruction and election interference, everyone in the list of players seen here at their web site:
(Notice some of them have ties to conspiratory incitement & terrorist acts against NY and NYers by way of abuse of law and ties to terrorist financers like Sorros and Harris who financed terrorist acts across our country and in the case of Soros- other nations)

Hint hint: congress can quickly list Soros as a Terrorist financier ahead of this:

Because Alvin Bragg & George Soros have Funding Ties and others in that office have ties to acts that caused harm to NY in a terrorist sense of the word harm (crimes& criminals rappant that terrorised NYers).​

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There is no context that helps you

The OP said this was nothing but a political ploy. Many replies said in essence that this was a political witch hunt. I pointed out the stupidity of those arguments. They were dancing close to the idiotic 9th Dimensional Chess stupidity that the Left claimed during the Obama Admin.

You are just unhappy that you believe I am right. You can’t stand the idea that Trump is going to be tried. I don’t know if he will be convicted. I have said before that I can’t see any outcome but a hung jury. One out of twelve will be a hard core Trump Supporter. Statistically it is inevitable. They won’t convict no matter what the evidence says. One out of twelve will be a Trump hater. Again Statistically it is certain. They wont vote to acquit no matter what the evidence says.

The question that my original reply dealt with was the public opinion. I just don’t see people getting in line behind Trump. He jumped the shark. I was alive when that episode happened. And I was alive when it became a phrase meaning they have gone too far.

So let me reiterate my statements. Conviction? I doubt it. Acquittal? I doubt it. But Trump never had a chance at 24 even without this. More than two years of the stolen election lies has essentially insured that Trump has devolved into the CT candidate in the minds of the average voter. This isn’t going to help him.

I’ve had a book in mind lately. The Old Man and the Sea. The message in the book is simple. We can’t help being who we are. Trump can’t help being a bombastic attention hound. His call to the supporters to fight for the country. Protest and oppose his arrest. Stupid.

As Conservatives are fond of howling their outrage over, New York has no cash bail. If you qualify for bail, you get released. So Trump was going to go in, plead not guilty, and get released. Oh he would get mug shots and fingerprinted. And he would smile and probably sign it. Hell he would probably sell signed copies.

My point is that he would be out in two hours. Max.

Now he is potentially looking at additional charges. Incitement to riot. This may get the prosecutor to put additional restrictions on Trump. Perhaps he will be required to stay in the State, or City. Again Trump can’t help being who he is.

I know this is long, and it is about to get longer. In 2016 I told people that nobody is ready on day one. Nobody is ready for the Presidency. It takes time to learn the job. Here Trumps experience worked against him.

Trumps experience with Lawyers is that they are supposed to get you out of trouble. No matter if it is civil or public image issue. Lawyers are supposed to fix it after the fact.

But that’s not how the Presidency works. In the White House lawyers research everything to determine what the law says, what precedent there is, and what agreements may be involved. So before you say anything you go to the lawyers to keep you from getting into trouble.

As I said, I expected some mistakes early on. It takes time to learn the job. Trump just would not learn. That was his biggest problem.
Trump's lawyer says no way. To not believe Fox nor Trump.

There is still a witness for Monday. After the witness each and every charge must be gone through with the jurors. Each and every charge would have to be voted on. That's highly unlikely to get done Monday. The court then doesn't get together again until Wednesday.
Gives congress enough time to label Soros activities a financial sponsor of terrorism, and since

Alvin Bragg & George Soros Manhattan DA’s Funding Ties

Means the ones destroying NY and terrorizong NYers with it's bizzare protection of criminals while involving itself in treasonous acts, will be the ones in handcuffs. With the clearification of Soro's network any law enforcement will have legal authority to arrest the The Manhattan district attorney's office aiding the obstruction of the Biden investigations and democracy deniers.
Trump's lawyer says no way. To not believe Fox nor Trump.

There is still a witness for Monday. After the witness each and every charge must be gone through with the jurors. Each and every charge would have to be voted on. That's highly unlikely to get done Monday. The court then doesn't get together again until Wednesday.
And if they do aquit, does that mean that the yapping poodles will stop this madness of being out to get shorty?
So NO MENTION OF Biden and the China Million $ contributions recently, for god knows what. But Trump and Stormy Daniels 150K is a thing. Hunter Biden Slept with his late brother's wife, she ALSO got millions from China. Hunter slept with his brothers wife, got million from China. Trump and Stormey Daniels, 150K! Really?
What you said and more...

Congress never denied the exitance of a fund that is used to go into contract with those that have accusations against them such as sexual, physical, intimidation or otherwise.

That fund is funded by tax payer money.....and is used to protect the credibility of a member of congress so they can continue campaigning for the next election. And that is OK.

If the accusations about trump are true, Trump used his own money to do the same and that is not OK.


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