BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

Hey leftists, did any of your “news” sources tell you the statute of limitations has run out on these charges your wacko leftist DA is charging Trump with?

I’ll enjoy watching you being played for fools yet again.
You claimed the FBI and Hillary were in cohorts together to keep trump from being President and used Russian propaganda in the dossier to damage Trump,

Yet they never used the dossier or cross fire Hurricane to favor Hillary and hurt Trump's campaign....

No one was out to get and hurt Trumps candidacy by leaking it to the press during the campaign.

But the RUSSIANS did use stolen emails and delivered them to the trump campaign for him to use, along with the Trump campaign internal polling during THE election run given to the Russians on a weekly basis during the campaign by Trump's campaign manager to hurt Hillary....and help Trump.

Your accusations are baseless about Hillary, and Rs are guilty as hell for what they accused her of doing.

That's my point! :)

It's pretty funny listening to the libtards jumping through hoops, trying to defend the indefensible.
Their motivation is irrelevant. Whether they did it or not is what does matter. You can’t admit that? Too close to reality for your taste?

If the government inserted agent provocateurs, then they wouldn’t admit it. And if they therefore declined to share the very paperwork with the defendants’ lawyers (paperwork which would prove their own misbehavior), they would be simply disregarding their discovery duties.

Not sure what the fuck you’re talking about.
Lol of course it fucking matters if your dumbass can’t provide ANY proof of any of this. What are you waiting for? Where is the proof? Good god you’re pathetic and stupid. If you have no proof, you need to at least explain their motivations. You can’t even do that. You’re goddmann useless lol.

You and I both know how stupid you sound. You’re just too much of a pussy to admit it.

And moron I’m talking about paperwork in the possession of the defendant. Discovery isn’t needed. He has it lol
Lol of course it fucking matters if your dumbass can’t provide ANY proof of any of this.

My ass is smarter than your brain. So, so much for your feeble efforts.

And no; it doesn’t matter.
What are you waiting for? Where is the proof? Good god you’re pathetic and stupid.
Zzz. Your sauce is weak.
If you have no proof, you need to at least explain their motivations. You can’t even do that. You’re goddmann useless lol.
Epps. Move along, ya pathetic douche-nugget.
You and I both know how stupid you sound.
I know I don’t value anything you label your opinion.
You’re just too much of a pussy to admit it.
Nah, bitch. I’m just way too intelligent to be worried about your mindless gibbering.
And moron I’m talking about paperwork in the possession of the defendant.
No. You’re not.
Discovery isn’t needed. He has it lol
What does he have?
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg sent out an email to members of his office just moments ago.

“…Please know that your safety is our top priority. We have full confidence in our outstanding security staff and investigators, along with our great OCA and NYPD colleagues, and will continue to coordinate with all of them. We do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office or threaten the rule of law in New York.

Our law enforcement partners will ensure that any specific or credible threats against the office will be fully investigated and that the proper safeguards are in place so all 1,600 of us have a secure work environment.

This office is full of the finest public servants in the country. I am committed to maintaining a safe work environment where everyone is able to continue to serve the public with the same diligence and professionalism that make this institution so renowned. In the meantime, as with all of our investigations, We will continue to apply the law evenly and fairly, and speak publicly only when appropriate.”
Hyperbolic, self-serving pablum.

Here’s What Will Happen If Trump Is Arrested Next Week

18 Mar 2024 ~~ By Matt Margolis

According to recent reports, law enforcement and security agencies at the local, state, and federal levels are getting ready for a possible indictment of former President Donald Trump as soon as next week.
These agencies are carrying out preliminary security assessments and deliberating over potential security arrangements around the Manhattan Criminal Court situated at 100 Centre Street. The discussion revolves around the chance that Trump may be charged with an alleged hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels and could travel to New York to face the charges if any.
As PJ Media’s Robert Spencer noted on Friday, it appears that the upcoming preparations for Donald Trump’s arrest are being designed to maximize their impact on the media. The intention is not just to arrest Trump but to handcuff and perp-walk him, creating a highly sensationalized event.
This should come as no surprise, especially considering the pre-dawn raid of Roger Stone’s home in 2019, complete with CNN on the scene, and the unprecedented raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago last year. So far, nothing the radical left has done has managed to stop Trump from being legally able or politically viable enough to seek the presidency again, and it’s reasonable to see how those who have been trying to get Trump for something would resort to political theatrics and create a media spectacle.
It’s not yet clear if this arrest will happen, but for what it’s worth, Stormy Daniels has not had a lot of luck in her litigious grudge against Trump. In 2018, she was ordered to pay nearly $300,000 after her defamation suit against Trump failed spectacularly. But if we assume for a moment that it does happen, I think Elon Musk is right.
Radical left-wing public officials have been trying for years to indict him for something, abusing their positions of power to launch investigations in search of a crime. Last year after the unprecedented raid on Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s approval ratings went up, not down. When Democrats impeached Trump over a phone call, his approval ratings also went up.
Americans react accordingly when they see blatant abuses of power, and if Democrats insist on abusing the justice system to carry out their partisan grudge against Trump, they, not Trump, will pay the political price.

Like many Americans, we are well aware of the persecution of conservatives and Donald J. Trump by Maoist/DSA Democrats and the RINOs in D.C.
Didn't this previously happen to Putin's adversary and critic Alexei Navalny.
First Putin poisoned him, that didn't work so Putin arrested him on made up charges.
Joey Xi is emulating his hero Vlad.
No one is clear what Trump is to be arrested for.
Having an affair with bimbo Stormy Daniels? That’s not illegal.
Paying hush money for her to keep quiet? Well, has it been proven that he used public money or campaign funds to do it? If he used his own money, how is that illegal?
This will backfire not only on the Maoist/DSA Democrats but GOP RINO Never Trumpers they've been complicit too.
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My ass is smarter than your brain. So, so much for your feeble efforts.

And no; it doesn’t matter.

Zzz. Your sauce is weak.

Epps. Move along, ya pathetic douche-nugget.

I know I don’t value anything you label your opinion.

Nah, bitch. I’m just way too intelligent to be worried about your mindless gibbering.

No. You’re not.

What does he have?
Lol you’re so pitiful. I guess you think it is some serious 8th grade pwning to break my post down phrase by phrase but if you’re mostly avoiding disputing my points you just sound like a moron.

I already told you what he would have. He would have tax documents proving his employment. He would have onboarding information for when his job first started. Perhaps he would have social media posts confirming it. He could have friends or family corroborate under oath. If any of those inbred retards were actually FBI agents, they would say so if it would mean they could avoid prison time or at least get lesser sentences. None of them are even fucking verbally claiming it. Your childish bullshit claim is nonsense.

Give it up. You’re a failed douche lol
One year ago.


According to CBS:

The Federal Election Commission has fined Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign $8,000 and the Democratic National Committee $105,000 for obscuring their funding of the “Steele dossier,” a 2016 opposition research report that sought to highlight alleged links between Donald Trump and Russia.

The bipartisan election commission also dismissed a complaint against Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier that caused a firestorm of allegations and investigations that shook the early months of Trump’s presidency.

The campaign mislabeled Steele’s work as “legal services” and “legal and compliance consulting” in campaign filings, the FEC concluded.

Steele and the campaign were notified of the FEC’s decision Tuesday. A spokesperson for the Democratic National Committee acknowledged that it agreed to pay the FEC’s fine, but said it had “settled aging and silly complaints from the 2016 election about ‘purpose descriptions’ in our FEC report.”

The FEC’s ruling was in response to a complaint filed in 2018 by the conservative advocacy group the Coolidge Reagan Foundation. Paul Kamenar, a member of the Coolidge Reagan Foundation’s advisory board, called the DNC spokesperson’s description “appalling” in a phone call with CBS News.

“It’s outrageous that the DNC would minimize the serious violation that took place by calling campaign disclosure laws ‘silly’ violations,” said Kamenar, who added that he believes the FEC should have made a criminal referral to the Justice Department.


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