BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

The standard punishment for a penalty for a campaign finance issue like this, is usially a monetary fine, and rhe crime is NOT a 'felony'.

After 6.5 years of continuous failed 'We've got him this time' attempts - that consisted of violations of Constitutional and Rule of Law, illegal spying, perjury, manufacturing false evidence, sedition, treason, failed coup attempts and failed criminal Impeachment attempts - Democrats are going to try to push, bend, abd break laws and count on both a Trump-hating judge and an almost 'rigged' jury to find Trump guilty of a Felony to finally take him down and end his threat to the 2024 election.

"A settlement payment of a nuisance claim is not a federal campaign expense," said von Spakovsky, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation. "The state DA has no authority to prosecute a federal campaign finance violation in any event."

Are you getting ready to protest, Rhody. Your leader wants you to. Don't take this crap from left. Go out there and tell them so in the stongest way, like your leader wants you to.
If you don't, you are not with him.
Just like your fellow lemmings on January 6th.
See? Told ya. It's a setup. The leftards need something new, now that J6 has fizzled. Protest, no matter how peacefully, and the leftards will be whinging about right wing terrorism again.

Every federal agency is prepping for this, including the FBI. Ask yourself, why. Why is the FBI getting involved in a local NY matter?

Obvious answer: it's another dog and pony show.

Righties, pay attention: what happened the last time Trump told people to get out and protest?

AND, has Trump helped any of the people who were arrested? Bailed them out of jail, like Kammie did for the lefties?

Think about it.
Clinton's bagman. Ron Brown, ended up getting double-tapped.
The Biden Crime Family's electronic transfers seem to be working better.
Well said as a Trump trained monkey. The cult, the lemmings, the trained monkeys are doing as their leader requested. He instructed his obediant brain dead supporters to go out and crucify anyone and anything that dare say I did anything wrong, anything illegal.
The great leader, Trump, defines the truth for his poor gullible brain dead followers.
Trump followers are very similar to the other famous US cult leader, Jim Jones.

Jim Jones had his followers drink Kool Aid. Trump wanted his followers to drink Bleach to get rid of COVID. There are many similarities.
If it doesn’t happen, you are welcome to tag me in a post rubbing my nose in it. It’s probably going to though so…
You stains are doing everything you can to get him elected and you're too stupid to realize it.
Well said as a Trump trained monkey. The cult, the lemmings, the trained monkeys are doing as their leader requested. He instructed his obediant brain dead supporters to go out and crucify anyone and anything that dare say I did anything wrong, anything illegal.
The great leader, Trump, defines the truth for his poor gullible brain dead followers.
Trump followers are very similar to the other famous US cult leader, Jim Jones.

Jim Jones had his followers drink Kool Aid. Trump wanted his followers to drink Bleach to get rid of COVID. There are many similarities.
You bastards lie more in a single day than every criminal that has ever existed.
FOX News has an excellent breakdown of the situation and what happens next:

To the two gents who laughed at this post but rebutted nothing:

What part of the guest's meticulous legal analysis did you disagree with?

Oh, I almost forgot.

Your only recourse is to make fun of the other side without actually listening to any of it.

If you did that, you'd find your brains are as lacking as what's between your legs.
Well said as a Trump trained monkey. The cult, the lemmings, the trained monkeys are doing as their leader requested. He instructed his obediant brain dead supporters to go out and crucify anyone and anything that dare say I did anything wrong, anything illegal.
The great leader, Trump, defines the truth for his poor gullible brain dead followers.
Trump followers are very similar to the other famous US cult leader, Jim Jones.
Jim Jones had his followers drink Kool Aid. Trump wanted his followers to drink Bleach to get rid of COVID. There are many similarities.
LOL!! You Low-IQ democrats had better remember what happened in 2016. It may very well happen again in 2024!!

Jonathan Turley

The Hill has posted my column on expected arrest and prosecution of Donald Trump. Although it may be politically popular, the case is legally pathetic.
Get ready for Manhattan DA’s made-for-TV Trump prosecution: high on ratings, but short on the law
It will be a case to which you can bring your popcorn — so long

Another in depth and worthy legal argument from a sophisticated law expert who used to appear on none other than Countdown with Keith Olbermann.

But like me, he has abandoned the Left with the simultaneous developments of their own mental degradation in conjunction with the transformation of the Republicans via MAGA.

But not one of the Leftards will read it, or counter any specifics.

Kinda makes it difficult to feel any sympathy for their media addled deteriorating brain tissue.
That’s because paying someone hush money isn’t illegal.

Trump falsifying business records by classifying reimbursing Cohen for paying off Daniels as ‘legal fees’ is illegal, however.

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