BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

The Clintons murdered people and sold government influence.
The Bidens got rich from selling government influence to foreign interest.
How come the Justice Department is not investigating those corrupt turds?
Clinton's bagman. Ron Brown, ended up getting double-tapped.
The Biden Crime Family's electronic transfers seem to be working better.
The idea of protesting in America is to change peoples mind who vote and make them aware of others ideas. Trump saying to protest and take our country sounds a lot like a call to insurrection (again), not voter awareness. I still after all this time, find it so hard to believe people who consider themselves great constitutionalist Americans support Trump. He is the opposite of that.
Those who support Trump and consider themselves great constitutionalist Americans are neither.
Lol it so pathetic you actually deflected to this. You don’t get to change the conversation because you can’t explain my question. Quit being a pussy. If you want to make a thread on Biden’s polices, do it. Until then, address what I said.
I know you're a Low-IQ democrat with poor reading comprehension. So here is your post regarding (Trump):
"So why does all of that make him (Trump) a better presidential candidate? And not just candidate mind you. Why would it make him (Trump) a better policy maker as president?"

I then showed you Biden's record of policy failures, and Trump;'s record of policy successes.

Now you are whining that my post was a deflection. You obviously have no clue what a "deflection: is. Thanks for playing.
I know you're a Low-IQ democrat with poor reading comprehension. So here is your post regarding (Trump):
"So why does all of that make him (Trump) a better presidential candidate? And not just candidate mind you. Why would it make him (Trump) a better policy maker as president?"

I then showed you Biden's record of policy failures, and Trump;'s record of policy successes.

Now you are whining that my post was a deflection. You obviously have no clue what a "deflection: is. Thanks for playing.
Lol you and I both know it was a deflection. The issue is why the perceived persecution would make him a better policy maker. It’s directly related to that and only that. You deflected. You’re both a pussy and a moron.
Lol you and I both know it was a deflection. The issue is why the perceived persecution would make him a better policy maker. It’s directly related to that and only that. You deflected. You’re both a pussy and a moron.
"Perceived Persecution"? Are you kidding me? Where the fuck have you been the last 7-years?

Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!! Now the Soros DA in NYC is going to indict Trump for a non-crime.

It is ridiculous that Hillary Clinton and others walk around without a care in the world while President Trump is put through hell on earth. The Democrats know they won't be able to beat our ideas at the ballot box in 2024 so think this is their only hope. We are living in truly perilous times.
"Perceived Persecution"? Are you kidding me? Where the fuck have you been the last 7-years?

Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!! Now the Soros DA in NYC is going to indict Trump for a non-crime.

All that to GET TRUMP and hand Hillary the win,

Even ASA HUTCHINSON weighed in before Ron DeSantis. DeSantis is so weak & totally ungrateful! He used Trump to get to where he is today and he’s secretly rooting for the downfall of Trump!

It is ridiculous that Hillary Clinton and others walk around without a care in the world while President Trump is put through hell on earth. The Democrats know they won't be able to beat our ideas at the ballot box in 2024 so think this is their only hope. We are living in truly perilous times.
He's a pompous ass, with no self dignity or control.

He's made all of his own problems.
All that to GET TRUMP and hand Hillary the win,
Watch that "Hillary" video again. It never gets old. I'm hoping that's how 2024 will go too.

Not sure what your post means?
"Yet not one leak about what"? (Not supposed to use pronouns when you write.)
To note, this is Trump stating this so it's as likely that he is just trying to keep his name in the spotlight. We will see.
You're not getting that the democrats are turning the government into their political arm, the Stasi.
This is what happened in old Yugoslavia until Milosevioch put the hammer down.
Jebus kyzr....

Turning the Doj in to Trump's arm is what trump did in spades... Got Barr involved in Mueller report...

Got Barr to clear LaFayetteSquare for his walk to the Church Bible holding stunt...

He got Doj to drop charges for Bannon

And Doj to stop Roger Stone trial....

He tried to get Doj to make a statement that fraud occurred in the election, thank God they refused...

He got Doj to fire his perceived political foes, Strozk , Page, McCabe, Comey etc etc...Got Hillary investigated, got the FBI investigated.

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