BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

Guess again.

Actually he's right.

Because the DOJ already passed on prosecuting any of this spurious bologna.

The DA in this case is literally finding the legal equivalent of scraps under the proverbial table, and attempting to turn them into a sumptuous feast worthy of the snootiest of food critics.

And the food's already been chewed.
I talked to a friend last night. I told him I voted for Trump in 2016. I said after the first year I was getting discouraged. Trump just never figured out what it was to be President. He acted like it was just another Reality Show or CEO job.

My friend said that Trump wasn’t a Politician. I agreed. I told him I’m no baseball player. But if I’m hired to play Second Base I better figure it out quick.

I didn’t vote in 2020. I refused to pretend one steaming pile of shit was in any way preferable to the other. I didn’t expect Trump to lose. I’m not angry or happy he did. While I am doing better now than I was in 2020, that isn’t all that matters. Whoever is elected is the President. Period. I don’t have to like them. I don’t have to agree with them.

The problem with you Trump Supporters is that it is almost Religious with you. Anything that doesn’t agree is fake. Evidence doesn’t matter. Only belief matters.

Most people don’t want Trump back. They may not like Biden, but they do not want Trump.

The way I explained it in 16 was this. Yes. Trump is barely more popular than Herpes. But Hillary has about the same numbers. That made the election a toss up. Trump remains slightly more popular than Herpes. That hasn’t changed. His numbers continue to fall.

You are missing the plot entirely and you are probably a fake.
Supposedly FOX News has a source in the courts handling the Manhattan DA case.

Allegedly they're debating whether or not to handcuff him.

My prediction? If this is true, it plays right into Don's hands - and he will emerge stronger than ever before with martyr dark energy.

The Left always screw themselves by overplaying their hand.

You are missing the plot entirely and you are probably a fake.

Yeah. Whenever I disagree with the extreme left I’m a fake. When I disagree with the right I’m a fake.

So to summarize the plot. The vast majority of the American Public is going to be outraged at the idea of Trump being arrested. I don’t see any evidence of that. I suppose it is barely possible. Just as my winning the lottery is barely possible.

The plot continues. Trump is being persecuted. Not really an easy sell when he flys around on a private Boeing 757 called Trump Force One. Kind of hard to sell when he uses gold plated bathroom fixtures, on his plane.

The prosecution is all political. Possible. But unlikely. Bragg has to convict if he charges Trump. He has to. His career can’t recover from a botched prosecution. If it resulted in what appeared to be a frivolous prosecution he would face disbarment and people don’t regularly gamble with their professional reputation. As I said. It is possible. We won’t know that until we see more evidence. I’m willing to wait and see. Odd that you are not. I guess the plot doesn’t allow facts. Or something.

I like to think that I am a reasonable person. I try hard to be. I don’t hate Trump. I don’t hate anyone. I don’t hate his sycophants.
See? Told ya. It's a setup. The leftards need something new, now that J6 has fizzled. Protest, no matter how peacefully, and the leftards will be whinging about right wing terrorism again.

Every federal agency is prepping for this, including the FBI. Ask yourself, why. Why is the FBI getting involved in a local NY matter?

Obvious answer: it's another dog and pony show.

Righties, pay attention: what happened the last time Trump told people to get out and protest?

AND, has Trump helped any of the people who were arrested? Bailed them out of jail, like Kammie did for the lefties?

Think about it.
Don't take it from the left anymore. They are dominating the the legitimate US government. The only hope is stop the processes of the US government and take it over. MAGA knows best.
Cuba had Castro to throw over the elite driven Cuban government. The US has Trump. Trump will reform the US government in his own image with the help of his trained monkeys. He likes the way North Korea is set up. Donald Trump will lead until he dies and then Donald Trump Jr. we take over the US.
The Democracy is not working. Too many people do not support MAGA.
Yeah. Whenever I disagree with the extreme left I’m a fake. When I disagree with the right I’m a fake.

So to summarize the plot. The vast majority of the American Public is going to be outraged at the idea of Trump being arrested. I don’t see any evidence of that. I suppose it is barely possible. Just as my winning the lottery is barely possible.

The plot continues. Trump is being persecuted. Not really an easy sell when he flys around on a private Boeing 757 called Trump Force One. Kind of hard to sell when he uses gold plated bathroom fixtures, on his plane.

The prosecution is all political. Possible. But unlikely. Bragg has to convict if he charges Trump. He has to. His career can’t recover from a botched prosecution. If it resulted in what appeared to be a frivolous prosecution he would face disbarment and people don’t regularly gamble with their professional reputation. As I said. It is possible. We won’t know that until we see more evidence. I’m willing to wait and see. Odd that you are not. I guess the plot doesn’t allow facts. Or something.

I like to think that I am a reasonable person. I try hard to be. I don’t hate Trump. I don’t hate anyone. I don’t hate his sycophants.
I agree with you smann. I don't hate Trump but I hate what Trump and his supporters are doing to our country. Same with the extreme left.
The extremes are having way too much influence on the national narative.

The silent majority, in the middle, have to get off their fat asses and be as active as the extremes. Bring back normal dialog.
Another hapless lie from little pussy
All right I’m going to be the bigger man and admit you did respond to that post. Going back i realized I didn’t see it before. My bad. I’ll respond to it now.

There would be nothing stopping those attorneys from getting the discovery they would need. More importantly, you have not addressed WHY an agent would do this in the first place. Did they do it willingly or were they forced?
The proven Constitution and Rule of Law-violating, FISA Court-Defrauding, Illegally Spying, Free Speech-Censoring, Seditious, Treasonous, Coup-Failing, Criminal Impeachmen-conducting, money / power / control-hungry, authoritarian Democrats will nit be denied
All right I’m going to be the bigger man
Your not being the bigger man. You’re just admitting reality.
and admit you did respond to that post.

Yeah. I know.
Going back i realized I didn’t see it before. My bad. I’ll respond to it now.
There would be nothing stopping those attorneys from getting the discovery they would need.

More importantly, you have not addressed WHY an agent would do this in the first place. Did they do it willingly or were they forced?
Irrelevant. I don’t care about their motivations. I care that they were either Governor operatives or not. Willingly or forced, if they did it, they did it. And the defense attorneys may have some clues about that, but it is kind of silly to assume that a government which behaved illegally in the first place would suddenly comply with a legal requirement to admit it.
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Yiur not being the bigger man. You’re just admitting reality.

Yeah. I know.



Irrelevant. I don’t care about their motivations. I care that they were either Governor operatives or not. Willingly or forced, if they did it, they did it. And the defense attorneys may have some clues about that, but it is kind of silly to assume that a government which behaved illegally in the first place would suddenly comply with a legal requirement to admit it.
Lol okay you can’t pretend their motivation is irrelevant if you can’t even prove who they are in the first place. YOU are the one claiming they are FBI plants. Either you need to PROVE that or someone else does. So far none of you have. Without that, you need to explain their motive at least. WHY would an FBI agent be willing to go to prison for this? Why did it get so far that this agent did not crack?

So when you talk about the discovery being denied, what specifically are you talking about? Like if this agent really wanted to, he could prove with his OWN paperwork. You do get that right? He would have tax information. Short of that, he would have ANY correspondence that proved he worked for the FBI. There would be nothing stopping his attorney from showing this in court.
Watch that "Hillary" video again. It never gets old. I'm hoping that's how 2024 will go too.

Not sure what your post means?
"Yet not one leak about what"? (Not supposed to use pronouns when you write.)
You claimed the FBI and Hillary were in cohorts together to keep trump from being President and used Russian propaganda in the dossier to damage Trump,

Yet they never used the dossier or cross fire Hurricane to favor Hillary and hurt Trump's campaign....

No one was out to get and hurt Trumps candidacy by leaking it to the press during the campaign.

But the RUSSIANS did use stolen emails and delivered them to the trump campaign for him to use, along with the Trump campaign internal polling during THE election run given to the Russians on a weekly basis during the campaign by Trump's campaign manager to hurt Hillary....and help Trump.

Your accusations are baseless about Hillary, and Rs are guilty as hell for what they accused her of doing.

That's my point! :)
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Lol okay you can’t pretend their motivation is irrelevant if you can’t even prove who they are in the first place. YOU are the one claiming they are FBI plants. Either you need to PROVE that or someone else does. So far none of you have. Without that, you need to explain their motive at least. WHY would an FBI agent be willing to go to prison for this? Why did it get so far that this agent did not crack?

So when you talk about the discovery being denied, what specifically are you talking about? Like if this agent really wanted to, he could prove with his OWN paperwork. You do get that right? He would have tax information. Short of that, he would have ANY correspondence that proved he worked for the FBI. There would be nothing stopping his attorney from showing this in court.
Their motivation is irrelevant. Whether they did it or not is what does matter. You can’t admit that? Too close to reality for your taste?

If the government inserted agent provocateurs, then they wouldn’t admit it. And if they therefore declined to share the very paperwork with the defendants’ lawyers (paperwork which would prove their own misbehavior), they would be simply disregarding their discovery duties.

Not sure what the fuck you’re talking about.
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg sent out an email to members of his office just moments ago.

“…Please know that your safety is our top priority. We have full confidence in our outstanding security staff and investigators, along with our great OCA and NYPD colleagues, and will continue to coordinate with all of them. We do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office or threaten the rule of law in New York.

Our law enforcement partners will ensure that any specific or credible threats against the office will be fully investigated and that the proper safeguards are in place so all 1,600 of us have a secure work environment.

This office is full of the finest public servants in the country. I am committed to maintaining a safe work environment where everyone is able to continue to serve the public with the same diligence and professionalism that make this institution so renowned. In the meantime, as with all of our investigations, We will continue to apply the law evenly and fairly, and speak publicly only when appropriate.”

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