Trump Magic Bullet?

There was no collusion idiot. I see you suck on the tit of the democrat party.
Sorry, but the facts prove you wrong. Your propagandists have kept these facts from you.

Separately, on August 2, 2016, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort met in New York City with his long-time business associate Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence. Kilimnik requested the meeting to deliver in person a peace plan for Ukraine that Manafort acknowledged to the Special Counsel’s Office was a “backdoor” way for Russia to control part of eastern Ukraine; both men believed the plan would require candidate Trump’s assent to succeed (were he to be elected President). They also discussed the status of the Trump Campaign and Manafort’s strategy for winning Democratic votes in Midwestern states. Months before that meeting, Manafort had caused internal polling data to be shared with Kilimnik, and the sharing continued for some period of time after their August meeting.


In February 2018, Gates pleaded guilty, pursuant to a plea agreement, to a superseding criminal information charging him with conspiring to defraud and commit multiple offenses (i.e., tax fraud, failure to report foreign bank accounts, and acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign principal) against the United States, as well as making false statements to our Office.


On June 9, 2016, senior representatives of the Trump Campaign met in Trump Tower with a Russian attorney expecting to receive derogatory information about Hillary Clinton from the Russian government. The meeting was proposed to Donald Trump Jr. in an email from Robert Goldstone, at the request of his then-client Emin Agalarov, the son of Russian real-estate developer Aras Agalarov. Goldstone relayed to Trump Jr. that the “Crown prosecutor of Russia . . . offered to provide the Trump Campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia” as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.” Trump Jr. immediately responded that “if it’s what you say I love it,” and arranged the meeting through a series of emails and telephone calls.Trump Jr. invited campaign chairman Paul Manafort and senior advisor Jared Kushner to attend the meeting, and both attended. Members of the Campaign discussed the meeting before it occurred, and Michael Cohen recalled that Trump Jr. may have told candidate Trump about an upcoming meeting to receive adverse information about Clinton, without linking the meeting to Russia.
The shooter was 150 meters away, if I remember correctly.

A .223 round has lost a great deal of its kinetic energy at that distance.
Wrong. 150 is mid-range.

FBI is trying to trace the trajectories of the bullets
They know where they originated and if they find where it ended up they can determine if it was close to Trumps ear.
If it isn’t, it must be a magic bullet
Don't forget that there is an acoustics expert who says that one of the 8 bullets was from a 2nd shooter with a different gun. Something to think about.
you don't think they got all that?
I do not know. I have not seen a report on it. Due to the many valid questions, I simply disagree with the value of washing away any evidence, at this time.
One word: Photos.
5 words. I have not seen them.

Have you? How about the report on the pictures? Seen or heard that. I am certainly in no position to pass judgement on pictures, I haven't seen, reports not released, or possible evidence wash away. I should probably accept all on faith.;)
Except he was one of your nutter, who only had a gun because Trump refused to support even the most sensible gun laws.
If you believe that, you're hopeless. Chicago has some very tough gun laws, yet nutters don't seem to have trouble getting hold of guns. That has nothing to do with TRUMP! despite your desperate need to tie everything, no matter how far-fetched, to him.
5 words. I have not seen them.

Have you? How about the report on the pictures? Seen or heard that. I am certainly in no position to pass judgement on pictures, I haven't seen, reports not released, or possible evidence wash away. I should probably accept all on faith.;)
the picture has been posted several times in this thread are you even reading it?
There are increasing questions about whether Trump was struck by a bullet or shrapnel
FBI Director Wray acknowledged the FBI still can’t be sure.
FBI is investigating the path of the bullet and where it ended up

Why does it matter?

If someone fires 8 shots in my direction (while my dwarf-like security detail watch helplessly), and part of my ear comes off, I’d think ‘bullet.’

If it turns out it was “shrapnel,” somehow, what would that tell my political opponents?
Why does it matter?

If someone fires 8 shots in my direction (while my dwarf-like security detail watch helplessly), and part of my ear comes off, I’d think ‘bullet.’

If it turns out it was “shrapnel,” somehow, what would that tell my political opponents?
Their motivation is simple. They cannot allow TRUMP! to garner any sympathy or support for being shot, so they try to minimize what happened. If they were allowed to do so, it would not be long before they would be claiming that TRUMP! was never in any real danger and we should all just stop talking about it because it keeps getting in the way of Cackles getting coronated.
Their motivation is simple. They cannot allow TRUMP! to garner any sympathy or support for being shot, so they try to minimize what happened. If they were allowed to do so, it would not be long before they would be claiming that TRUMP! was never in any real danger and we should all just stop talking about it because it keeps getting in the way of Cackles getting coronated.
Yes, that part is working like a charm. If they can resist the urge to try again, Trump’s heroism that day becomes yesterdays news.
5 words. I have not seen them.

Have you? How about the report on the pictures? Seen or heard that. I am certainly in no position to pass judgement on pictures, I haven't seen, reports not released, or possible evidence wash away. I should probably accept all on faith.;)
Here are a couple of questions the FBI should snswer

Were 8 shell casings found on the roof?

And were any bullets lodged in the victims matched up to Crook’s weapon?
Yes, that part is working like a charm. If they can resist the urge to try again, Trump’s heroism that day becomes yesterdays news.
They've already obsessed over the size of the bandage and now what exactly hit TRUMP!. IOW, totally irrelevant details designed solely for a smoke screen.
Here are a couple of questions the FBI should snswer

Were 8 shell casings found on the roof?

And were any bullets lodged in the victims matched up to Crook’s weapon?
Wray answered yesterday. Plain as day, he said “ongoing investigation.”

What, you’re not satisfied with that?
I will have to defer to some of USMBs gun experts on this one.

Is a high velocity round fired from an AR 15 capable of just nicking the ear without causing additional concussive damage?
Unlike Kamala, who LIES a lot. I don't mind telling you that on the evening of the attempted assassination, I read a report that the bullet hit the glass and the piece of glass hit Trump's ear. Whether that was a conjecture or a true fact I have not seen anything further about it and now we are getting reports that shrapnel (might have) hit his ear. Either way, President Trump is telling his truth and you saw the video live of him grabbing his ear. If it was confirmed to be shrapnel, then let it be known. :)
Unlike Kamala, who LIES a lot. I don't mind telling you that on the evening of the attempted assassination, I read a report that the bullet hit the glass and the piece of glass hit Trump's ear. Whether that was a conjecture or a true fact I have not seen anything further about it and now we are getting reports that shrapnel (might have) hit his ear. Either way, President Trump is telling his truth and you saw the video live of him grabbing his ear. If it was confirmed to be shrapnel, then let it be known. :)
No teleprompter was hit and nothing near Trump had glass to break.

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