BREAKING: Trumps Tax Returns Revealed - HE PAYS NOTHING!!!!

There is no fair share. We all pay too much taxes unless we are part of the 48% that don't have to pay any of the goddamn income tax.

Earlier you were saying that people not paying income tax are greedy and gaming the system. Now you're saying that they're the only ones who aren't being overtaxed. You're a fucking idiot. You can't keep your shit straight from one post to the next. You're not even trying to articulate a rational thought. You're just talking out of your ass.
The last time information from Donald Trump’s income-tax returns was made public, the bottom line was striking: He had paid the federal government $0 in income taxes.

The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision popular with developers that allowed him to report negative income.

Today, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

“They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”

This is the dirty little secret of the super-rich. They don't pay federal income tax.


now we know why the government isn't great if hillary gets elected ... she will take away his tax shelters make him pay his fair share

Earlier you were saying that people not paying income tax are greedy and gaming the system. Now you're saying that they're the only ones who aren't being overtaxed. You're a fucking idiot. You can't keep your shit straight from one post to the next. You're not even trying to articulate a rational thought. You're just talking out of your ass.

You are the one that is confused. You Moon Bats are always confused.

I will straighten you out.

We all pay too much for the cost of government. The combined cost of government in this shithole of a welfare state country is about 40% of the GDP and that is despicable. The cost of government is the biggest expense of most Americans at all income levels even the ones that don't have to pay the income tax.

The US is spending more money on government than the GDP of all but two other countries on the face of the earth according to the CIA Factbook. That is ridiculous.

All government should be substantially smaller than it is now and the money returned to the people that earned it to be spent in the productive economy so the economy will boom.

As far as the 48% of Americans that don't pay any income tax. Most of you Moon Bat welfare queens that bitch about the rich not paying enough are in that 48% so that just makes you envious greedy bastards. You get the benefits (whatever they are) from the trillion dollars that other pay but then you bitch that is not enough. That is big time greed don't you think?

I don't like the idea of exempting anybody from paying taxes. If it is necessary to raise money for necessary government functions then we should all pay equally or pay based upon a user fee schedule. Nobody should get a free ride, not even you Moon Bat welfare queens.

I know this concept of fairness and responsibility is alien to you dumbass Moon Bats but then again you have never been know to understand things like that.
There is no fair share. We all pay too much taxes unless we are part of the 48% that don't have to pay any of the goddamn income tax.

Earlier you were saying that people not paying income tax are greedy and gaming the system. Now you're saying that they're the only ones who aren't being overtaxed. You're a fucking idiot. You can't keep your shit straight from one post to the next. You're not even trying to articulate a rational thought. You're just talking out of your ass.
There is no fair share. We all pay too much taxes unless we are part of the 48% that don't have to pay any of the goddamn income tax.

Earlier you were saying that people not paying income tax are greedy and gaming the system. Now you're saying that they're the only ones who aren't being overtaxed. You're a fucking idiot. You can't keep your shit straight from one post to the next. You're not even trying to articulate a rational thought. You're just talking out of your ass.

I have already explained it you in the above post. It is not my fault you are too dumb to understand but then again that confusion has become a trademark for you Moon Bats, hasn't it?
That is also a dirty little secret of all the welfare queens in the US. 48% of Americans don't pay any income tax al

Yea? What is your point? That low wage workers shouldn't take advantage of the tax code goodies that republicans gave them?

Why wouldn't a low wage worker take advantage of the EITC?.
That program is the only thing republicans have ever done for the working poor.

You don't want to pay taxes. Get a low wage job.
But why aren't republicans proud of this program?
Flashy are you really so stupid you don't think low wage workers shouldn't use the tax code to their advantage just like trump?

Why doesn't the republicans in congress eliminate the EITC?

Come on genius, explain why.
We all pay too much for the cost of government. The combined cost of government in this shithole of a welfare state country is about 40% of the GDP and that is despicable. The cost of government is the biggest expense of most Americans at all income levels even the ones that don't have to pay the income tax.


Fuckery. Pure fuckery.
We all pay too much for the cost of government. The combined cost of government in this shithole of a welfare state country is about 40% of the GDP and that is despicable. The cost of government is the biggest expense of most Americans at all income levels even the ones that don't have to pay the income tax.


Fuckery. Pure fuckery.
Thank God he's finally released them. So they prove he has done nothing illegal but has instead followed the tax code as written by liberals such as Charlie Rangel. As we have seen, however, the hypocritical, wealth-envying libs still won't shut up about them.

This story does make an awesome argument, though, for completely changing the entire tax system in the US. A 'Fair' or a 'Flat' Tax, even a 'Sales Tax' would ensure EVERYONE pays taxes / something. It would also cut the number of IRS workers and prevent the IRS from EVER being used as a political weapon by either party ever again.
We all pay too much for the cost of government.

I agree.

There are numerous duplicate agencies that do the exact same thing.

There is far too much fraud, waste, and abuse in programs such as Welfare and Food Stamps.

The concept of agencies spending all the money they got for the year, instead of saving money, so their budgets will not be cut the following year is moronic. Obviously you didn't need all the money, and if you don't need it you shouldn't be spending it.

The ACA was packed with over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar wasting BULL$H!TE, such as paying for a study to determine why the sex life of a homosexual Argentinian male is better than that of a heterosexual American male. (If Barney Frank wants to go on vacation he should pay for it himself! :p) Every tax dollar spent on B$ like this is a needless dollar taken out of hard working Americans' pockets.

Obama's 1st average $1.3 Trillion per year deficit-spending 4 years in office are a prime example of irresponsible, partisan spending by a mega-majority of LAWYERS (not accountants) who came up with a budget based on showing people/special interest groups / states / their districts / themselves with 'goodies' designed to help themselves, rewarding those who helped get them into office, and to help keep them there. (Before the Libs get pissy, both parties do it. I wasn't purposefully trying to single them out, just use that period as an example.)

The point is not one CPA has the 'hammer' on going through and rejecting / approving the budget. Congress should have the authority to create the budget, but the final draft should have to be reviewed and approved by an 'independent government CPA' that makes his decisions based on monetary factors rather than party desire / special interest groups / etc.

If we eliminated duplicate agencies and eliminated the actual total amount of our tax dollars wasted on fraud / waste / abuse / B$ pork, buying votes and/or influence / remaining in office we would have WAY more money than we needed to actually run it (IMHO).

The fact that we actually do pay too much in taxes for the ACTUAL amount we need to realistically run this country responsibly and in a fiscally responsible way should not be that much in question while exactly how much could / would still be up for debate. (For example: Many people believe in paying one's 'fair share' while others believe some - the rich - should pay far more than their 'fair' share' simply because 'they can afford it'...then there are those - like Charlie Rangel, Al Sharpton, Timmy Geithner - who believe the tax code, even if they write it like Rangel does, shouldn't apply to them.)
This is the dirty little secret of the super-rich. They don't pay federal income tax.
And do so in full accordance with the law.
Do you take every deduction and credit you are legally allowed? Yes?
And you fault Trump for doing the same?
Of course you do - you're the village useful idiot.
We all pay too much for the cost of government. The combined cost of government in this shithole of a welfare state country is about 40% of the GDP and that is despicable. The cost of government is the biggest expense of most Americans at all income levels even the ones that don't have to pay the income tax.

Fuckery. Pure fuckery.
The last time information from Donald Trump’s income-tax returns was made public, the bottom line was striking: He had paid the federal government $0 in income taxes.

The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision popular with developers that allowed him to report negative income.

Today, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

“They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”

This is the dirty little secret of the super-rich. They don't pay federal income tax.


Trump is part of the 48%!
Just what were Donald Trump's ties to the mob?

The Trump Taj Mahal casino resort is seen in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on May 8, 2016. The Trump Taj Mahal casino resort in Atlantic City | Jewel Samad/AFP via Getty Images

No other candidate for the White House this year has anything close to Trump’s record of repeated social and business dealings with mobsters, swindlers, and other crooks. Professor Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian, said the closest historical example would be President Warren G. Harding and Teapot Dome, a bribery and bid-rigging scandal in which the interior secretary went to prison. But even that has a key difference: Harding’s associates were corrupt but otherwise legitimate businessmen, not mobsters and drug dealers.

:eusa_boohoo: "I was born born born , born to be alive..born to be alive"....

Yea? What is your point? That low wage workers shouldn't take advantage of the tax code goodies that republicans gave them?

But why aren't republicans proud of this program?

I am not a Republican so your Moon Bat hatefest is wasted on me.

The point that I have made several times is that the Moon Bats bitch about Trump taking deductions but they take them themselves to the point where many of them don't have to pay any taxes.

It is hypocrisy big time and it is not hard to understand.

If the Moon Bats think it is wrong that Trump took advantage of legitimate IRS deductions to get out of paying income tax then it is wrong for 48% of Americans to do exactly the same.

Do you get it now or do I have to explain it more to you?
We all pay too much for the cost of government.

I agree.

There are numerous duplicate agencies that do the exact same thing.

There is far too much fraud, waste, and abuse in programs such as Welfare and Food Stamps.

The concept of agencies spending all the money they got for the year, instead of saving money, so their budgets will not be cut the following year is moronic. Obviously you didn't need all the money, and if you don't need it you shouldn't be spending it.

The ACA was packed with over 7,000 pieces of tax dollar wasting BULL$H!TE, such as paying for a study to determine why the sex life of a homosexual Argentinian male is better than that of a heterosexual American male. (If Barney Frank wants to go on vacation he should pay for it himself! :p) Every tax dollar spent on B$ like this is a needless dollar taken out of hard working Americans' pockets.

Obama's 1st average $1.3 Trillion per year deficit-spending 4 years in office are a prime example of irresponsible, partisan spending by a mega-majority of LAWYERS (not accountants) who came up with a budget based on showing people/special interest groups / states / their districts / themselves with 'goodies' designed to help themselves, rewarding those who helped get them into office, and to help keep them there. (Before the Libs get pissy, both parties do it. I wasn't purposefully trying to single them out, just use that period as an example.)

The point is not one CPA has the 'hammer' on going through and rejecting / approving the budget. Congress should have the authority to create the budget, but the final draft should have to be reviewed and approved by an 'independent government CPA' that makes his decisions based on monetary factors rather than party desire / special interest groups / etc.

If we eliminated duplicate agencies and eliminated the actual total amount of our tax dollars wasted on fraud / waste / abuse / B$ pork, buying votes and/or influence / remaining in office we would have WAY more money than we needed to actually run it (IMHO).

The fact that we actually do pay too much in taxes for the ACTUAL amount we need to realistically run this country responsibly and in a fiscally responsible way should not be that much in question while exactly how much could / would still be up for debate. (For example: Many people believe in paying one's 'fair share' while others believe some - the rich - should pay far more than their 'fair' share' simply because 'they can afford it'...then there are those - like Charlie Rangel, Al Sharpton, Timmy Geithner - who believe the tax code, even if they write it like Rangel does, shouldn't apply to them.)

There is a double whammy.

Not only is a tremendous amount of the money wasted that Americans get nothing for as you said but we shouldn't be paying for any kind of welfare, either domestic or foreign.

Our Federal budget should be about $1-1.5 trillion range not the bloated $4 trillion that it is now.
Just what were Donald Trump's ties to the mob?

The Trump Taj Mahal casino resort is seen in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on May 8, 2016. The Trump Taj Mahal casino resort in Atlantic City | Jewel Samad/AFP via Getty Images

No other candidate for the White House this year has anything close to Trump’s record of repeated social and business dealings with mobsters, swindlers, and other crooks. Professor Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian, said the closest historical example would be President Warren G. Harding and Teapot Dome, a bribery and bid-rigging scandal in which the interior secretary went to prison. But even that has a key difference: Harding’s associates were corrupt but otherwise legitimate businessmen, not mobsters and drug dealers.

:eusa_boohoo: "I was born born born , born to be alive..born to be alive"....

Although I do not doubt it in the least, you, of course, have the evidence to support your claim that Trump has engaged in business dealings with Mobsters, swindlers, etc....and will be more than willing to share the links, right?
The last time information from Donald Trump’s income-tax returns was made public, the bottom line was striking: He had paid the federal government $0 in income taxes.

The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision popular with developers that allowed him to report negative income.

Today, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

“They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”

This is the dirty little secret of the super-rich. They don't pay federal income tax.


Trump is part of the 48%!

"Trump is part of the 48%"

Except UN-like the rest of that '48%' he actually creates jobs, and people make a living (didn't say a great one) off of his businesses. By creating jobs, people get paid, and thus he generates taxes...unlike the 'freebies' handed out by the government that just pretty much ensures people will NOT be getting jobs and paying taxes.

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