BREAKING: Trumps Tax Returns Revealed - HE PAYS NOTHING!!!!

This is the dirty little secret of the super-rich. They don't pay federal income tax.



So you quote a 1981 report that refers to two years in the 1970s during he used a legal tax provision in the preparation of his taxes.

Oh teh horrors!!111!!!!!!!?!!!!! By the by, do you take a deduction for your mortgage interest?
Sure Doesn't everyone? Even the super rich with 10 million and up homes

It's a tax provision which allows you to reduce the amount of taxes you pay. Isn't that evil according to your worldview?
NO NOT AT ALL a mtg deduction is something anyone can use who owns a home There are many loopholes that only scum like trump can use those are the ones that should go BUT repubs won't hurt their REAL base ......billionaires

Oh blah blah blah. The reason that the tax code is so complex with an unknowable amount of deductions and preferences is because Big Government Loons such as you support the system. Want less of these? Then cut back government and implement a simple flat tax for everyone.
Yeah we support all those pages of tax law ,,, middle class get such benefits from them BULLSHIT they're there because the WEALTHY write the laws and who do you think those laws benefit??
That is also a dirty little secret of all the welfare queens in the US. 48% of Americans don't pay any income tax although they get government bennies. Nothing.

So, when a rich person is in that 48% it's cool. When a poor person is in that group, OHMYFUCKINGGODEXECUTETHATSONOFABITCH!!!
I don't like Trump. I'm not voting for Trump.

Did he break any laws?
There is no law that requires one to pay a tax on their labor. The 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states to begin with. The Supreme Court even ruled that the 16th amendment never gave "da gubermint" any new taxing authority not one, not twice but five times. Here are some other fun facts. The IRS is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62 and this is easily verifiable and it is not even eligible to conduct business outside the District of Columbia.

Your income tax does not go towards funding the day to day operations of this for profit entity and that is a verifiable fact. It goes to pay interest to the Federal Reserve bank that extends credit and creates money out of nothing. USA.INC declared bankruptcy a 4th time in 1950 and was taken into receivership by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) which is also ran by the same group of thieves that bankrupted USA.INC in 1933 and confiscated the gold of the American people where FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt via your birth certificate that is written on bond paper and then monetized because under the Universal Commercial Code, anything can be used as a negiotable to all you lame fucks that cry "someone isn't paying money into da gubermint"??? Here is a heapin helpin' of "Fuck you, ya unintelligent sheep" are nothing but chattel to your owners and that is a fact. Debate me on this....I fucking DARE anyone to dispute this. This is what I have done for 10 to 14 hours a day for 4 years and I am loaded for bear.
So, when a rich person is in that 48% it's cool. When a poor person is in that group, OHMYFUCKINGGODEXECUTETHATSONOFABITCH!!!

48% of American contribute nothing to that almost a trillion a year that is collected in that oppressive income tax but many of them are the ones that get all the stupid government welfare.

Not only is that greed but that is also thievery.

There should be no income tax at all. There should be no progressive rates. There should be no corporate tax. The filthy ass Federal government should be one third or less the size it is now.

Right now the US Federal government spends more money than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth and that is despicable.
So you quote a 1981 report that refers to two years in the 1970s during he used a legal tax provision in the preparation of his taxes.

Oh teh horrors!!111!!!!!!!?!!!!! By the by, do you take a deduction for your mortgage interest?
Sure Doesn't everyone? Even the super rich with 10 million and up homes

It's a tax provision which allows you to reduce the amount of taxes you pay. Isn't that evil according to your worldview?
NO NOT AT ALL a mtg deduction is something anyone can use who owns a home There are many loopholes that only scum like trump can use those are the ones that should go BUT repubs won't hurt their REAL base ......billionaires

Oh blah blah blah. The reason that the tax code is so complex with an unknowable amount of deductions and preferences is because Big Government Loons such as you support the system. Want less of these? Then cut back government and implement a simple flat tax for everyone.
Yeah we support all those pages of tax law ,,, middle class get such benefits from them BULLSHIT they're there because the WEALTHY write the laws and who do you think those laws benefit??

Big Government and Big Government cronies are the ones who benefit from taxpayer income transfers. So why do you support them?
He da' man.

The sixteenth amendment was a fascist/socialist scam to soak the rich.

Doesn't seem to have worked, does it.

Fuck no.

Businessmen simply pass the additional tax on to the consumers. So the poor is the one actually paying for the so-called 16th Am.

Then you concede that I'm right and you were wrong.
You are confusing me with someone else. I am NEVER wrong.
The last time information from Donald Trump’s income-tax returns was made public, the bottom line was striking: He had paid the federal government $0 in income taxes.

The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision popular with developers that allowed him to report negative income.

Today, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

“They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”

This is the dirty little secret of the super-rich. They don't pay federal income tax.



A 34 year old disclosure, detailing something he did nearly over 40 years ago. The WaPo must be getting really desperate.
That's why we need fresh dirt.

What's he hiding?

This is the dirty little secret of the super-rich. They don't pay federal income tax.


That is also a dirty little secret of all the welfare queens in the US. 48% of Americans don't pay any income tax although they get government bennies. Nothing.
Because starvation is all they deserve. So there should be a lot of hungry Republicans out there since they get the most help.
So, when a rich person is in that 48% it's cool. When a poor person is in that group, OHMYFUCKINGGODEXECUTETHATSONOFABITCH!!!

48% of American contribute nothing to that almost a trillion a year that is collected in that oppressive income tax but many of them are the ones that get all the stupid government welfare.

Not only is that greed but that is also thievery.

There should be no income tax at all. There should be no progressive rates. There should be no corporate tax. The filthy ass Federal government should be one third or less the size it is now.

Right now the US Federal government spends more money than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth and that is despicable. think that Trump should have to pay his fair share?

Because starvation is all they deserve. So there should be a lot of hungry Republicans out there since they get the most help.

What people deserve is a country where the filthy ass government doesn't take your money and give it away to welfare queens. That is slavery to the state.

What the people deserve is a combined government that doesn't take take 40% of the GDP.

What the people deserve is Liberty and not government oppression.

What the people deserve is equal protection by the government and not some Left Wing shitheads ruining the economy to provide equal outcomes for the welfare queens.

There are lots of things that the American people deserve and it is not the filthy ass welfare state government we have now.
[Q think that Trump should have to pay his fair share?

In 1981 he paid his fair share according to the tax laws. Have you ever taken an income tax deduction yourself? If you haven't you are either a fool or else one of these welfare queens in the 48% that don't pay income taxes.

Do you think Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy should be using their political power to extort money from foreign countries and corporations and using the Clinton Foundation as a money laundering operation?

I think that all of us are paying a lot more for this filthy ass bloated corrupt government than we should be paying.
[Q think that Trump should have to pay his fair share?

In 1981 he paid his fair share according to the tax laws. Have you ever taken an income tax deduction yourself? If you haven't you are either a fool or else one of these welfare queens in the 48% that don't pay income taxes.


So, $0 is a fair share if you're one of the richest people in the country. But if you're poor, it's greedy.

The amount of horse shit that must be inside of your head to say that nonsense could fertilize the entire US agriculture industry for the next five years.
What people deserve is a country where the filthy ass government doesn't take your money and give it away to welfare queens. That is slavery to the state.

Actually a lot more government money goes to the MIC and corporate welfare than to the poor.
Start there.
BREAKING: Trumps Tax Returns Revealed - HE PAYS NOTHING!!!!

1978 is breaking news?

Nothing to see here folks. Just a troll. Move on.

I think 1978 is still relevant today, if it's the most up to date information we have available. But if it's trolling, then that means posts should be limited to once every 6 minutes, amiright? Or, by 1978, did you mean the number of inches of cock you need shoved up your ass for you to be able to have an orgasm?


So, $0 is a fair share if you're one of the richest people in the country. But if you're poor, it's greedy.

The amount of horse shit that must be inside of your head to say that nonsense could fertilize the entire US agriculture industry for the next five years.

There is no fair share. We all pay too much taxes unless we are part of the 48% that don't have to pay any of the goddamn income tax.

The income tax is what is unfair. It is unfair for the government to take money by force and give it away to the welfare queens, illegal aliens and Solyndra executives.

It is called slavery when you have to work and others benefit from it.

Trump didn't set his income tax requirements. Congress did when they established the rules for paying. If you think it was unfair then don't blame Trump. Blame the Congress.

I think it is unfair that welfare queens get money that I make. I don't blame the greedy little bastards for taking the money. I blame you stupid assholes that vote in the corrupt politicians that give out the welfare in exchange for a voting block.

By the way Moon Bat, what deductions do you take on your income tax? I think it is unfair that you take any since you believe that other people are not entitled to to business deduction that were established by Congress. How come it is fair for you but not fair for them? That is hypocritical, isn't it?

Actually a lot more government money goes to the MIC and corporate welfare than to the poor.
Start there.

I have started there.

I believe in no government transfer of money. No welfare, no subsidies, no bailouts and no entitlements.

I believe in the smallest possible government to provide for the minimal necessary government functions such as defense, police, courts etc and not much else.

Since you don't like crony capitalism like me then you will join me in calling for the government to stop taking money from the people that earn it and giving to the people that didn't earn it, right?

You can start with denouncing Obama for his Wall Street bailouts and the bailouts of GM and Chrysler.

Actually a lot more government money goes to the MIC and corporate welfare than to the poor.
Start there.

I have started there.

I believe in no government transfer of money. No welfare, no subsidies, no bailouts and no entitlements.

I believe in the smallest possible government to provide for the minimal necessary government functions such as defense, police, courts etc and not much else.

Since you don't like crony capitalism like me then you will join me in calling for the government to stop taking money from the people that earn it and giving to the people that didn't earn it, right?

You can start with denouncing Obama for his Wall Street bailouts and the bailouts of GM and Chrysler.

I will join you in some of that. But no, I'm not going all the way to Randbot anarchy.

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