BREAKING: Trumps Tax Returns Revealed - HE PAYS NOTHING!!!!

So, when a rich person is in that 48% it's cool. When a poor person is in that group, OHMYFUCKINGGODEXECUTETHATSONOFABITCH!!!

48% of American contribute nothing to that almost a trillion a year that is collected in that oppressive income tax but many of them are the ones that get all the stupid government welfare.

Not only is that greed but that is also thievery.

There should be no income tax at all. There should be no progressive rates. There should be no corporate tax. The filthy ass Federal government should be one third or less the size it is now.

Right now the US Federal government spends more money than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth and that is despicable.
That's so much bullshit. Less than 8% of Americans don't pay any federal taxes. You're using that ridiculous Romney "income tax" nonsense to create fake outrage. Most of the people in those income tax statistics are elderly, students and other low income households that don't make enough to qualify, yet you make it seem like they're welfare types trying to cheat the system. The absurdity about the size of government shows you have no knowledge whatsoever of the role of government in a society.
It's just theoretical BS.

I will join you in some of that. But no, I'm not going all the way to Randbot anarchy.

By some of that do you mean that the welfare queens still get their handouts and that Obama gets to spend taxpayer's money to save greedy bloated union pensions?

I draw the line at absolutely no welfare, bailouts, subsidies or entitlements.

Where do you draw the line?

That's so much bullshit. Less than 8% of Americans don't pay any federal taxes. You're using that ridiculous Romney "income tax" nonsense to create fake outrage. Most of the people in those income tax statistics are elderly, students and other low income households that don't make enough to qualify, yet you make it seem like they're welfare types trying to cheat the system. The absurdity about the size of government shows you have no knowledge whatsoever of the role of government in a society.
It's just theoretical BS.

I am sorry but you are a confused Moon Bat.

It is not 8%. it is almost 50% that don't have to pay any of that almost a trillion a year that the filthy ass government collects in income tax.

It is not fair that almost half of Americans get government benefits but don't have to pay income taxes, don't you think? How can that be fair?

By the way you haven't told us. What deductions do you take? Are you going to continue to run from that question?

I know what you stupid uneducated low information greedy Moon Bats think the role of government should be. You think it should be to provide welfare and free shit to the welfare queens and illegal aliens and government funded bonuses to Solyndra executives in exchange for bundling donors to the Democrat Party.

Chart of the Week: Nearly Half of All Americans Don't Pay Income Taxes

Chart of the Week: Nearly Half of All Americans Don’t Pay Income Taxes


That's so much bullshit. Less than 8% of Americans don't pay any federal taxes. You're using that ridiculous Romney "income tax" nonsense to create fake outrage. Most of the people in those income tax statistics are elderly, students and other low income households that don't make enough to qualify, yet you make it seem like they're welfare types trying to cheat the system. The absurdity about the size of government shows you have no knowledge whatsoever of the role of government in a society.
It's just theoretical BS.

I am sorry but you are a confused Moon Bat.

It is not 8%. it is almost 50% that don't have to pay any of that almost a trillion a year that the filthy ass government collects in income tax.

It is not fair that almost half of Americans get government benefits but don't have to pay income taxes, don't you think? How can that be fair?

By the way you haven't told us. What deductions do you take? Are you going to continue to run from that question?

I know what you stupid uneducated low information greedy Moon Bats think the role of government should be. You think it should be to provide welfare and free shit to the welfare queens and illegal aliens and government funded bonuses to Solyndra executives in exchange for bundling donors to the Democrat Party.

Chart of the Week: Nearly Half of All Americans Don't Pay Income Taxes

Chart of the Week: Nearly Half of All Americans Don’t Pay Income Taxes

Duh! It's called "income gap" and it's one of the biggest points of this election. And, for the first time, even Republicans are questioning it.
The last time Donald Trump's tax returns went public, they revealed some bombshell news

Even though he criticized Mitt Romney for delaying his returns in 2012.

"Mitt has to get those tax returns out. I'm a little surprised they weren't better prepared for that," Trump said.

And Trump promised to release returns after President Barack Obamareleased his birth certificate — which Obama did.


They weren't promises, they were "suggestions".

He goes on about only getting a million dollars but building up 10 billion. And he didn't pay taxes in all that time? No wonder he did so well. He's not that good of a businessman. He's that good at being a tax cheat.
This is a pretty gay comeback. Despite your accusation the IRS still hasn't found him guilty of anything. You are both lame and gay.

That's so much bullshit. Less than 8% of Americans don't pay any federal taxes. You're using that ridiculous Romney "income tax" nonsense to create fake outrage. Most of the people in those income tax statistics are elderly, students and other low income households that don't make enough to qualify, yet you make it seem like they're welfare types trying to cheat the system. The absurdity about the size of government shows you have no knowledge whatsoever of the role of government in a society.
It's just theoretical BS.

I am sorry but you are a confused Moon Bat.

It is not 8%. it is almost 50% that don't have to pay any of that almost a trillion a year that the filthy ass government collects in income tax.

It is not fair that almost half of Americans get government benefits but don't have to pay income taxes, don't you think? How can that be fair?

By the way you haven't told us. What deductions do you take? Are you going to continue to run from that question?

I know what you stupid uneducated low information greedy Moon Bats think the role of government should be. You think it should be to provide welfare and free shit to the welfare queens and illegal aliens and government funded bonuses to Solyndra executives in exchange for bundling donors to the Democrat Party.

Chart of the Week: Nearly Half of All Americans Don't Pay Income Taxes

Chart of the Week: Nearly Half of All Americans Don’t Pay Income Taxes

Duh! It's called "income gap" and it's one of the biggest points of this election. And, for the first time, even Republicans are questioning it.

The income gap you have is that your friends have a job and you live with mom and dad.
This is the dirty little secret of the super-rich. They don't pay federal income tax.


Good for him. If I could figure out how to do the same, I would too.

I'm more concerned about the worthless fuckers at the other end of the financial spectrum paying nothing.

Of course you are. Because you get more sadistic satisfaction squeezing eleven dollars out of a single parent that can't afford eggs than getting eleven thousand out of a spoiled-rich asshole who's had everything handed to him all his life including how to sidestep taxes and recycle it all back to Numero Uno.

Stay classy, assy.
Then you should give her 11 bucks.

And maybe I do. But the post wasn't about me; it was about the bitter old man to whom I replied.
There's no maybe about it. If there were you wouldn't be so hell bent on making someone else pay the 11 dollars you refuse to spend. You aren't handing anyone any money or support in any way since you think it's not really you that needs to help people but the government has to do it. And the only way you can keep your own money and not help is by making someone else pay for it. That is after all the entire point of being a left wing idiot. You want people to get help but not at your expense. Someone else should pay for your charity. It never does come down to you actually doing something.
The last time Donald Trump's tax returns went public, they revealed some bombshell news

Even though he criticized Mitt Romney for delaying his returns in 2012.

"Mitt has to get those tax returns out. I'm a little surprised they weren't better prepared for that," Trump said.

And Trump promised to release returns after President Barack Obamareleased his birth certificate — which Obama did.


They weren't promises, they were "suggestions".

He goes on about only getting a million dollars but building up 10 billion. And he didn't pay taxes in all that time? No wonder he did so well. He's not that good of a businessman. He's that good at being a tax cheat.

He never released his birth certificate because it is the property of Kenya.
This is the dirty little secret of the super-rich. They don't pay federal income tax.


Good for him. If I could figure out how to do the same, I would too.

I'm more concerned about the worthless fuckers at the other end of the financial spectrum paying nothing.

Of course you are. Because you get more sadistic satisfaction squeezing eleven dollars out of a single parent that can't afford eggs than getting eleven thousand out of a spoiled-rich asshole who's had everything handed to him all his life including how to sidestep taxes and recycle it all back to Numero Uno.

Stay classy, assy.
Then you should give her 11 bucks.

And maybe I do. But the post wasn't about me; it was about the bitter old man to whom I replied.
There's no maybe about it. If there were you wouldn't be so hell bent on making someone else pay the 11 dollars you refuse to spend. You aren't handing anyone any money or support in any way since you think it's not really you that needs to help people but the government has to do it. And the only way you can keep your own money and not help is by making someone else pay for it. That is after all the entire point of being a left wing idiot. You want people to get help but not at your expense. Someone else should pay for your charity. It never does come down to you actually doing something.

Wow. Extrapolation run amok. Froth much?

The fact remains, I was speaking TO --- and about --- the bitter old man to whom I posted.
Which is not you. NOR was any of it remotely about what I do or believe in. So fuck off and go find your own conversation. One that actually involves you. It ain't around here, Hunior.
This is a pretty gay comeback. Despite your accusation the IRS still hasn't found him guilty of anything. You are both lame and gay.

Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes. Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes and public duty to pay more than the law demands."

Judge Learned Hand
Helvering v. Gregory (1934),
This is a pretty gay comeback. Despite your accusation the IRS still hasn't found him guilty of anything. You are both lame and gay.

Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes. Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes and public duty to pay more than the law demands."

Judge Learned Hand
Helvering v. Gregory (1934),

I totally agree. I was pointing out that despite this the IRS has yet to fine him on anything which means everything he did was legal.
And of course you didn't bother to do any research before posting this drivel. Do you know why Trump has paid no income tax in some previous years? Because the federal tax law treats real estate investments and investment income differently than it treats other income, and for very sound, long-standing reasons. This is part of the incentive to induce the very rich to invest in real estate.

Would you care to discuss the millions that Trump has paid and still pays in local property taxes in numerous states? The state taxes he pays? The business taxes he pays? Any clue?

You do realize that people who own businesses have to pay taxes that people who work for others never have to worry about, right?

Duh! It's called "income gap" and it's one of the biggest points of this election. And, for the first time, even Republicans are questioning it.

Republicans are questioning it because President Shit for Brains has made it worse along with an increased poverty rate, increased welfare rolls, declining family income and a very dismal economic growth not to mention about ten trillion in debt. They excpect Crooked Hillary to be more of the same, duh!

I don't give a shit how much more other people make, unlike you greedy envious Moon Bats. What I care about is that the government stops taking so much of the money I make and give it to other people that didn't earn it and I care about the government being an impediment to growing the economy, which it is doing big time nowadays.

A rich person has never stolen the money that I earned but the government has. Rich people provide jobs and investment capital. The government takes money from the productive economy gives it away to special interest groups.

This out of control massive bloated debt ridden welfare state of a government in the US pretty well sucks nowadays and it is pathetic to see you dumbass Moon Bats defend it and advocate it get bigger and more oppressive than it is now.

I know that is hard for you Moon Bats to understand simple economics but then again you are not exactly known for ever getting anything right, are you?

If you really want the income gap to be smaller in this country then you stop being envious of the rich people and advocating using the government to steal money from them and be more concerned with getting the government off the backs of the people so the economy will grow and everybody will be more prosperous.

It is time just to eliminate the income tax all together.

Absolutely! Also the corporate tax.

Instead of the federal government spending a ridiculous economy destroying $4 trillion a year it should have a budget in the neighborhood of a trillion to a trillion and a half. That would pay for defense and the few other necessary government functions on a national level.

Highways could be paid for out of a user fee like we have now but the money should not be available for the government to use for other things.

We need to do away with Davis Bacon, which is nothing more than welfare for the unions.

People should be responsible for their own retirement. We don't need a government mandated Social Security Ponzy Scheme.

We don't need Medicare or this stupid Obamacare. People should be responsible for their own health care, not the filthy ass government.

Education should be on the local level and not be a massive wasteful Federal bureaucracy designed to be cash cow for the Teacher's unions.

We also need to stop borrowing money. With being $20 trillion in debt it is a dumbass thing to go further in debt.

These Moon Bats don't understand any of that, do they?
There is no fair share. We all pay too much taxes unless we are part of the 48% that don't have to pay any of the goddamn income tax.

Earlier you were saying that people not paying income tax are greedy and gaming the system. Now you're saying that they're the only ones who aren't being overtaxed. You're a fucking idiot. You can't keep your shit straight from one post to the next. You're not even trying to articulate a rational thought. You're just talking out of your ass.
There is no fair share. We all pay too much taxes unless we are part of the 48% that don't have to pay any of the goddamn income tax.

Earlier you were saying that people not paying income tax are greedy and gaming the system. Now you're saying that they're the only ones who aren't being overtaxed. You're a fucking idiot. You can't keep your shit straight from one post to the next. You're not even trying to articulate a rational thought. You're just talking out of your ass.

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