Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Who did the tests? Could his head have been down because he was falling, in pain from the previous shots? Did an independent outside source do the testing, or was it someone connected to the government?

Forensics experts did the tests. They are VERY good at their jobs. Ever watched Forensic Files?
Some are, some aren't. There have been many cases of tainted evidence, misread DNA tests, and other botched tests. And, again, who did the tests? Was it an independent outside source, or was it someone associated with or connect with the government?

One expert was a highly regarded military coroner/forensics expert.

There arent many private crime scene investigators in the world. Thats why they used a military one...who isnt law enforcement.

A private group works on contract and CASH. Would you trust either side if someone gets to bid for the job?
After reading about many court cases where evidence was mishandled, tainted, and improperly processed, I don't trust any of them. We have many innocent citizens in our prisons today due to bad tests results, tainted evidence, and intentional improper testing. There's even a case where the FBI lab in Texas was caught giving the wrong test results in a case. I don't trust anyone connect to, or associated with the government.

Well, that's your own paranoia. I, for one, can agree that yes corruption exists and has occurred. It could happen far more than we even know, but that does not mean that MOST police or other authority figures are corrupt and enjoy shooting young black men. That is just not the case. Police officers have to undergo psychiatric evaluations on a regular basis.
I have never ever said nor implied that they enjoy or like to shoot black people. I have never ever said anything about cops singling out one race or the other. Cops spread their murder, brutality, and other disgusting acts around, and not confine it to one race of people.
Who did the tests? Could his head have been down because he was falling, in pain from the previous shots? Did an independent outside source do the testing, or was it someone connected to the government?

Forensics experts did the tests. They are VERY good at their jobs. Ever watched Forensic Files?
Some are, some aren't. There have been many cases of tainted evidence, misread DNA tests, and other botched tests. And, again, who did the tests? Was it an independent outside source, or was it someone associated with or connect with the government?

One expert was a highly regarded military coroner/forensics expert.

There arent many private crime scene investigators in the world. Thats why they used a military one...who isnt law enforcement.

A private group works on contract and CASH. Would you trust either side if someone gets to bid for the job?
After reading about many court cases where evidence was mishandled, tainted, and improperly processed, I don't trust any of them. We have many innocent citizens in our prisons today due to bad tests results, tainted evidence, and intentional improper testing. There's even a case where the FBI lab in Texas was caught giving the wrong test results in a case. I don't trust anyone connect to, or associated with the government.

Well, that's your own paranoia. I, for one, can agree that yes corruption exists and has occurred. It could happen far more than we even know, but that does not mean that MOST police or other authority figures are corrupt and enjoy shooting young black men. That is just not the case. Police officers have to undergo psychiatric evaluations on a regular basis.

You're exactly right.

Unfortunately. ..we live in the digital world. Many of these morons feel more sense of community on their facebook page than their own town. So...when 5 incidents of a bad police encounter from Anywhere USA pops up on their Facebook their rotted brain they think thats how all cops are.

But...they dont realize their OWN local police have rarely had these incidents. They assume all the cops around them physically are just like the handful they see on YouTube and Facebook.

If my local police had a bad incident almost daily or be very upset. But they dont. Its usually like 1 every 5-10 years.

But in this fake world they've created on Facebook and Twitter....they see a "bad cop" story...somewhere or anywhere...and in some fucked up way their brain interprets that digital world as THEIR community.
Who examined the evidence? Was it an outside independent source? And, the dead man can't dispute the evidence. nor explain it.

BOTH sides had their own forensics experts who all agreed with the officer's version of events. Are you sure you're an American? You don't seem to understand how forensics evidence in court cases works. Both the prosecutors and the defendants have their OWN experts.
I am an American. Yes, I understand very well how evidence is handled, the tests, and how evidence can be tampered with and tainted. Do you have the names of the independent outside sources that examined the evidence in this case?

Do you not understand that both the prosecutor and the defendant have their own experts and that all agreed with the officer's version of events? The people who were trying to indict the officer had their OWN forensic experts that also agreed with the officer's version of events. IOW, he shot the man in self defense.
There was only one side of the story to investigate and prove. The evidence examined had no story of the event other than the cop's story. The other story couldn't be told due to the other party being dead. No one actually saw Mr. Brown reach for the officer's weapon, while the officer was seated in his vehicle. The blood could've been the result of the office attacking Mr. Brown. There's no video, and witnesses were cherry picked. In addition, since Mr. Brown is dead, there's nothing to dispute the officer's word, nor how the evidence points in only one direction.

Wrong again. Read the link in my prior post #839 please.
Thanks, but I've read the reports, several weeks ago. Unless that links has something recent and new, I'm familiar with the evidence and tests done on the blood, gun powder, position of the body, etc. etc.
Forensics experts did the tests. They are VERY good at their jobs. Ever watched Forensic Files?
Some are, some aren't. There have been many cases of tainted evidence, misread DNA tests, and other botched tests. And, again, who did the tests? Was it an independent outside source, or was it someone associated with or connect with the government?

One expert was a highly regarded military coroner/forensics expert.

There arent many private crime scene investigators in the world. Thats why they used a military one...who isnt law enforcement.

A private group works on contract and CASH. Would you trust either side if someone gets to bid for the job?
After reading about many court cases where evidence was mishandled, tainted, and improperly processed, I don't trust any of them. We have many innocent citizens in our prisons today due to bad tests results, tainted evidence, and intentional improper testing. There's even a case where the FBI lab in Texas was caught giving the wrong test results in a case. I don't trust anyone connect to, or associated with the government.

Well, that's your own paranoia. I, for one, can agree that yes corruption exists and has occurred. It could happen far more than we even know, but that does not mean that MOST police or other authority figures are corrupt and enjoy shooting young black men. That is just not the case. Police officers have to undergo psychiatric evaluations on a regular basis.
I have never ever said nor implied that they enjoy or like to shoot black people. I have never ever said anything about cops singling out one race or the other. Cops spread their murder, brutality, and other disgusting acts around, and not confine it to one race of people.

They do? I live in Charleston SC. State with one of the highest violent crime rates in America. I see many of our thousands of Charleston area cops every day.

I never see them murder people or beat people or any of that shit. Our guys are wonderful. Even the one who got me speeding.

Id guess most fair citizens would say the same .
BOTH sides had their own forensics experts who all agreed with the officer's version of events. Are you sure you're an American? You don't seem to understand how forensics evidence in court cases works. Both the prosecutors and the defendants have their OWN experts.
I am an American. Yes, I understand very well how evidence is handled, the tests, and how evidence can be tampered with and tainted. Do you have the names of the independent outside sources that examined the evidence in this case?

Do you not understand that both the prosecutor and the defendant have their own experts and that all agreed with the officer's version of events? The people who were trying to indict the officer had their OWN forensic experts that also agreed with the officer's version of events. IOW, he shot the man in self defense.
There was only one side of the story to investigate and prove. The evidence examined had no story of the event other than the cop's story. The other story couldn't be told due to the other party being dead. No one actually saw Mr. Brown reach for the officer's weapon, while the officer was seated in his vehicle. The blood could've been the result of the office attacking Mr. Brown. There's no video, and witnesses were cherry picked. In addition, since Mr. Brown is dead, there's nothing to dispute the officer's word, nor how the evidence points in only one direction.

Wrong again. Read the link in my prior post #839 please.
Thanks, but I've read the reports, several weeks ago. Unless that links has something recent and new, I'm familiar with the evidence and tests done on the blood, gun powder, position of the body, etc. etc.

Well, ALL of the evidence corroborates the officer's story of what happened.

And something for YOU to consider before making false allegations with absolutely NO supporting evidence.

What the forensic evidence says about Michael Brown s death

I want to reiterate that medical examiners, forensic pathologists are not police. We’re not cops. We are independent practitioners. We’re physicians. And Saint Louis Medical Examiner is an independent agency and is part of the Department of Health, not the police.

They’re not in the business of covering up for the police. They’re in the business of collecting evidence and documenting it. And you have to understand that all that evidence eventually becomes public record. So whether a family trusts it or distrusts it — and it’s perfectly understandable that people will distrust public agencies when there has been a death in the police custody or an officer-involved shooting. That is understandable.

But these are physicians at the medical examiner’s office. And they are collecting the evidence and that evidence will be presented to the grand jury. And whether they indict or not, it will eventually all become public. So there will be complete scrutiny. There will be access to all that information. And it will eventually come to light. We just have to let the justice system do its thing, take its time, and be cautious and understanding as that happens.
There was only one side of the story to investigate and prove

There were two. There always is, there always will be.

The claim Wilson shot Brown with his hands up was a side, the claim Wilson shot Brown in self defense was the other. This insistence that there be only one side to a tragedy like this is what causes more tragedy, including the shooting of those two cops.

Justice is impartial, justice is blind. It sees no skin color or ethnicity, religion or creed. It is JUSTICE.
51%? Where do you come up with that number? Link? You can't just pull numbers out of your butt . . .
You are pulling them out of your butt. "MOST police officers do ot do these things", you say. Really? Link? And, yes, 51% does mean most.

Theres no incidents that dont occur.

There are 900, 000 cops in America. Even if there were 9, 000 Mike Brown incidents per year...almost 200 per week...that'd only be 1% of cops. And we DO NOT have 200 Mike Browns per week. We 1-2 at most.

Thank you for making sense. That is a very rare occurrence around here obviously. :lol:

They love science and math....until science and math supports cops.

The number of corrupt cops relative to the number of total cops is so tiny. They need to be removed for sure. But this much outrage...and these cops didnt even do anything insane.

Its like having a million man march to protest a few 12 inch pot holes on the 2000 mile Interstate 95.

I agree. The liberals will attach like a leach to any story that indicts the police as being "racist." It's absolutely ridiculous.
I'm NOT a LIBERAL. And, I have never ever said that cops are racist.
There was only one side of the story to investigate and prove

There were two. There always is, there always will be.

The claim Wilson shot Brown with his hands up was a side, the claim Wilson shot Brown in self defense was the other. This insistence that there be only one side to a tragedy like this is what causes more tragedy, including the shooting of those two cops.

Justice is impartial, justice is blind. It sees no skin color or ethnicity, religion or creed. It is JUSTICE.
Where is the side of the story that disputes the cops claim that Mr. Brown reached for the cops weapon while his arm was inside the cop's vehicle?
The evidence has been widely presented, so, no, you don't get "just once more". I will not litigate your nonsense as if it is worthwhile. It is not.

The forensic evidence showed that the man was in attack mode when he was shot. The shot placement was the top of his head which means his head was downward in position while he was running at the officer to "tackle" him.
Who did the tests? Could his head have been down because he was falling, in pain from the previous shots? Did an independent outside source do the testing, or was it someone connected to the government?

Forensics experts did the tests. They are VERY good at their jobs. Ever watched Forensic Files?
Some are, some aren't. There have been many cases of tainted evidence, misread DNA tests, and other botched tests. And, again, who did the tests? Was it an independent outside source, or was it someone associated with or connect with the government?

So now, you are trying to say that the forensic experts are covering for the police? Good Lord. This belongs in the conspiracy theory section of the forum. Your conspiracy theories are worthless.
It's been know to have happened. Are you saying that bias never enters into police cases?
You are pulling them out of your butt. "MOST police officers do ot do these things", you say. Really? Link? And, yes, 51% does mean most.

Theres no incidents that dont occur.

There are 900, 000 cops in America. Even if there were 9, 000 Mike Brown incidents per year...almost 200 per week...that'd only be 1% of cops. And we DO NOT have 200 Mike Browns per week. We 1-2 at most.

Thank you for making sense. That is a very rare occurrence around here obviously. :lol:

They love science and math....until science and math supports cops.

The number of corrupt cops relative to the number of total cops is so tiny. They need to be removed for sure. But this much outrage...and these cops didnt even do anything insane.

Its like having a million man march to protest a few 12 inch pot holes on the 2000 mile Interstate 95.

I agree. The liberals will attach like a leach to any story that indicts the police as being "racist." It's absolutely ridiculous.
I'm NOT a LIBERAL. And, I have never ever said that cops are racist.

So out of 900, 000 many are corrupt? 9, 000 would be 1%. 45, 000 would be only 5%.

Id love to see 45, 000 links.
You are pulling them out of your butt. "MOST police officers do ot do these things", you say. Really? Link? And, yes, 51% does mean most.

Theres no incidents that dont occur.

There are 900, 000 cops in America. Even if there were 9, 000 Mike Brown incidents per year...almost 200 per week...that'd only be 1% of cops. And we DO NOT have 200 Mike Browns per week. We 1-2 at most.

Thank you for making sense. That is a very rare occurrence around here obviously. :lol:

They love science and math....until science and math supports cops.

The number of corrupt cops relative to the number of total cops is so tiny. They need to be removed for sure. But this much outrage...and these cops didnt even do anything insane.

Its like having a million man march to protest a few 12 inch pot holes on the 2000 mile Interstate 95.

I agree. The liberals will attach like a leach to any story that indicts the police as being "racist." It's absolutely ridiculous.
I'm NOT a LIBERAL. And, I have never ever said that cops are racist.

Then what IS it that you are trying to say about the police?
The forensic evidence showed that the man was in attack mode when he was shot. The shot placement was the top of his head which means his head was downward in position while he was running at the officer to "tackle" him.
Who did the tests? Could his head have been down because he was falling, in pain from the previous shots? Did an independent outside source do the testing, or was it someone connected to the government?

Forensics experts did the tests. They are VERY good at their jobs. Ever watched Forensic Files?
Some are, some aren't. There have been many cases of tainted evidence, misread DNA tests, and other botched tests. And, again, who did the tests? Was it an independent outside source, or was it someone associated with or connect with the government?

So now, you are trying to say that the forensic experts are covering for the police? Good Lord. This belongs in the conspiracy theory section of the forum. Your conspiracy theories are worthless.
It's been know to have happened. Are you saying that bias never enters into police cases?

Sure it has and will in the future, but there is nothing to indicate that in this particular case besides some angry black people.
Theres no incidents that dont occur.

There are 900, 000 cops in America. Even if there were 9, 000 Mike Brown incidents per year...almost 200 per week...that'd only be 1% of cops. And we DO NOT have 200 Mike Browns per week. We 1-2 at most.

Thank you for making sense. That is a very rare occurrence around here obviously. :lol:

They love science and math....until science and math supports cops.

The number of corrupt cops relative to the number of total cops is so tiny. They need to be removed for sure. But this much outrage...and these cops didnt even do anything insane.

Its like having a million man march to protest a few 12 inch pot holes on the 2000 mile Interstate 95.

I agree. The liberals will attach like a leach to any story that indicts the police as being "racist." It's absolutely ridiculous.
I'm NOT a LIBERAL. And, I have never ever said that cops are racist.

Then what IS it that you are trying to say about the police?
I'm not trying to say anything about cops. I have said everything that I wanted to say about the low-life sorry POS.
There was only one side of the story to investigate and prove

There were two. There always is, there always will be.

The claim Wilson shot Brown with his hands up was a side, the claim Wilson shot Brown in self defense was the other. This insistence that there be only one side to a tragedy like this is what causes more tragedy, including the shooting of those two cops.

Justice is impartial, justice is blind. It sees no skin color or ethnicity, religion or creed. It is JUSTICE.
Where is the side of the story that disputes the cops claim that Mr. Brown reached for the cops weapon while his arm was inside the cop's vehicle?

The forensics examination agrees with the cop's story. The Grand Jury did not indict the Officer Wilson because the evidence agreed with his version of events, including forensic evidence such as gun powder, blood, and trajectory of bullets. None of the evidence went against his version of events. It has nothing to do with corruption in this instance. The officer was within his right to defend himself against this person.
Who did the tests? Could his head have been down because he was falling, in pain from the previous shots? Did an independent outside source do the testing, or was it someone connected to the government?

Forensics experts did the tests. They are VERY good at their jobs. Ever watched Forensic Files?
Some are, some aren't. There have been many cases of tainted evidence, misread DNA tests, and other botched tests. And, again, who did the tests? Was it an independent outside source, or was it someone associated with or connect with the government?

So now, you are trying to say that the forensic experts are covering for the police? Good Lord. This belongs in the conspiracy theory section of the forum. Your conspiracy theories are worthless.
It's been know to have happened. Are you saying that bias never enters into police cases?

Sure it has and will in the future, but there is nothing to indicate that in this particular case besides some angry black people.
I agree, nothing so far has come out about the tests not being correct. And, it may never come out. The tests may have been done on the up and up, who knows. Also, the witnesses may have been questioned at length for both sides, but we'll never know for sure because some witnesses were dismissed as liars. It was handled by people that had a dog in the fight. No outside independent sources, some witnesses dismissed, no word on the two construction workers that witnessed the actual shooting, and was on video the second it happened. So, can any of us be sure that everything was handled correctly, fairly, and above board?
Not to mention falsifying or tampering with evidence and/or coercing witnesses is a punishable felony. Sonny, really, take off the tin foil hat please.
There was only one side of the story to investigate and prove

There were two. There always is, there always will be.

The claim Wilson shot Brown with his hands up was a side, the claim Wilson shot Brown in self defense was the other. This insistence that there be only one side to a tragedy like this is what causes more tragedy, including the shooting of those two cops.

Justice is impartial, justice is blind. It sees no skin color or ethnicity, religion or creed. It is JUSTICE.
Where is the side of the story that disputes the cops claim that Mr. Brown reached for the cops weapon while his arm was inside the cop's vehicle?

The forensics examination agrees with the cop's story. The Grand Jury did not indict the Officer Wilson because the evidence agreed with his version of events, including forensic evidence such as gun powder, blood, and trajectory of bullets. None of the evidence went against his version of events. It has nothing to do with corruption in this instance. The officer was within his right to defend himself against this person.
There was only one story, the cop's. A dead man can't talk and give his story.

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