Breakthrough Covid cases: Data shows how many vaccinated Americans have tested positive

John T. Ford

Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2020
WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.

The 125,682 "breakthrough" cases in 38 states found by NBC News represent less than .08 percent of the 164.2 million-plus people who have been fully vaccinated since January, or about one in every 1,300. The number of cases and deaths among the vaccinated is very small compared to the number among the unvaccinated. A former Biden adviser on Covid estimated that 98 to 99 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated.

But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases.

Despite your politics on this topic ....

Word is "Be Cautious" .......

The vaccine ..... for hundreds of thousands of Americans .... apparently isn't all that.
WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.

The 125,682 "breakthrough" cases in 38 states found by NBC News represent less than .08 percent of the 164.2 million-plus people who have been fully vaccinated since January, or about one in every 1,300. The number of cases and deaths among the vaccinated is very small compared to the number among the unvaccinated. A former Biden adviser on Covid estimated that 98 to 99 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated.

But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases.

Despite your politics on this topic ....

Word is "Be Cautious" .......

The vaccine ..... for hundreds of thousands of Americans .... apparently isn't all that.
So...according to your link..the number of cases and deaths among the vaccinated is very small compared to the number among the unvaccinated. A former Biden adviser on Covid estimated that 98 to 99 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated....yup.. the unvaccinated should be cautious.
So...according to your link..the number of cases and deaths among the vaccinated is very small compared to the number among the unvaccinated. A former Biden adviser on Covid estimated that 98 to 99 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated....yup.. the unvaccinated should be cautious.
I don't give a rip what some Xi Biden advisor has to say.

And, yes over 125,000 break through cases is .08% of the vaccinated population.

This from Extremely Left Leaning NBC.

They also admit the cases are higher due to 9 states not reporting.

This has the potential to be a lot worse.
I don't give a rip what some Xi Biden advisor has to say.

And, yes over 125,000 break through cases is .08% of the vaccinated population.

This from Extremely Left Leaning NBC.

They also admit the cases are higher due to 9 states not reporting.

This has the potential to be a lot worse.
No matter how you try to spin it the number of deaths among the unvaccinated will far surpass those of the vaccinated..but I'm sure you will keep trying anyway.
No matter how you try to spin it the number of deaths among the unvaccinated will far surpass those of the vaccinated..but I'm sure you will keep trying anyway.
You may be right ....

But, current data may show that vaccinated people are still just as at risk against variants that according to the CDC are more contagious......

That fact is undeniable at this point.
The short end of this whole hoopla is...the vax is NOT to stop someone from getting the chinese concocted virus. (I guess they are going to get away with poisoning the whole world, eh?). It only stops them from getting sicker if unvaxxed. So that means ALL of us are expected to take an experimental shot that could harm us, just so those sheep will not be as sick. Right? Right.
I don't give a rip what some Xi Biden advisor has to say.

And, yes over 125,000 break through cases is .08% of the vaccinated population.

This from Extremely Left Leaning NBC.

They also admit the cases are higher due to 9 states not reporting.

This has the potential to be a lot worse.

Or not. :dunno: In Minnesota 99.9% of those vaccinated have not had breakthroughs. But even if you double that .08% so what? Even those vaccinated who have been infected are 99.999% safe from hospitalization and death. That is the point of the vaccine, and those are the numbers we are currently seeing.

WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.

The 125,682 "breakthrough" cases in 38 states found by NBC News represent less than .08 percent of the 164.2 million-plus people who have been fully vaccinated since January, or about one in every 1,300. The number of cases and deaths among the vaccinated is very small compared to the number among the unvaccinated. A former Biden adviser on Covid estimated that 98 to 99 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated.

But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases.

Despite your politics on this topic ....

Word is "Be Cautious" .......

The vaccine ..... for hundreds of thousands of Americans .... apparently isn't all that.

125.682 breakthrough cases are .08 percent of the 164.2 million who are fully vaccinated and 1400 of 164.2 million is 0.0008526188%. This percentage represents your odds of dying after being vaccinated. It can't possibly get any statistically lower than that.

This is a classic case of cognitive dissonance. This article actually plays complete counter to your antivax indoctrination but it is so strong you can't even see it.
The short end of this whole hoopla is...the vax is NOT to stop someone from getting the chinese concocted virus. (I guess they are going to get away with poisoning the whole world, eh?). It only stops them from getting sicker if unvaxxed. So that means ALL of us are expected to take an experimental shot that could harm us, just so those sheep will not be as sick. Right? Right.

No, you have a 95% less likely chance of getting the wild type and an 88% less chance of getting Delta in the first place. It's not just about preventing you from being hospitalized and dying, although i'm curious why anyone would be against this last part LMAO

People, it's time to put away your antivax bibles and stop going to antivax church and stop listening to your antivax pastor.
WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.

The 125,682 "breakthrough" cases in 38 states found by NBC News represent less than .08 percent of the 164.2 million-plus people who have been fully vaccinated since January, or about one in every 1,300. The number of cases and deaths among the vaccinated is very small compared to the number among the unvaccinated. A former Biden adviser on Covid estimated that 98 to 99 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated.

But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases.

Despite your politics on this topic ....

Word is "Be Cautious" .......

The vaccine ..... for hundreds of thousands of Americans .... apparently isn't all that.
Imagine if there were all these "breakthrough cases" with the polio or smallpox vax.

The pitchforks and torches would all be out for BgPharm and the political whores who are imposing their poisons onto the nation.
WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.

The 125,682 "breakthrough" cases in 38 states found by NBC News represent less than .08 percent of the 164.2 million-plus people who have been fully vaccinated since January, or about one in every 1,300. The number of cases and deaths among the vaccinated is very small compared to the number among the unvaccinated. A former Biden adviser on Covid estimated that 98 to 99 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated.

But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases.

Despite your politics on this topic ....

Word is "Be Cautious" .......

The vaccine ..... for hundreds of thousands of Americans .... apparently isn't all that.
Imagine if there were all these "breakthrough cases" with the polio or smallpox vax.

The pitchforks and torches would all be out for BgPharm and the political whores who are imposing their poisons onto the nation.

Imagine people so stupid to refuse the polio and smallpox vaccine only to allow it to continue to spread, infect, injure and kill countless ppl.
WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.

The 125,682 "breakthrough" cases in 38 states found by NBC News represent less than .08 percent of the 164.2 million-plus people who have been fully vaccinated since January, or about one in every 1,300. The number of cases and deaths among the vaccinated is very small compared to the number among the unvaccinated. A former Biden adviser on Covid estimated that 98 to 99 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated.

But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases.

Despite your politics on this topic ....

Word is "Be Cautious" .......

The vaccine ..... for hundreds of thousands of Americans .... apparently isn't all that.
What's the point of that vaccine again?

Oh, yeah. To control the masses.
WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.

The 125,682 "breakthrough" cases in 38 states found by NBC News represent less than .08 percent of the 164.2 million-plus people who have been fully vaccinated since January, or about one in every 1,300. The number of cases and deaths among the vaccinated is very small compared to the number among the unvaccinated. A former Biden adviser on Covid estimated that 98 to 99 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated.

But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases.

Despite your politics on this topic ....

Word is "Be Cautious" .......

The vaccine ..... for hundreds of thousands of Americans .... apparently isn't all that.

Animal testing anyone

Why Is a Toxic Vaccine Being Mandated?

Paul Craig Roberts

Two medical scientists acquired the animal studies that Pfizer provided Japanese health authorities in its application for emergency use authorization of its Covid vaccine in Japan. The scientists saw that the animal studies had a number of red flags that were ignored in the rush to market a vaccine. The scientists discuss the vaccine, how it works, and the ignored red flags:

They conclude that it was gross negligence for regulatory authorities to grant emergency use of the vaccine. They say that the use of the vaccine constitutes crimes against humanity.

Here are the scientists’ conclusions:

“Pfizer’s animal data clearly presaged the following risks and dangers:

blood clotting shortly after vaccination, potentially leading to heart attacks, stroke, and venous thrombosis

grave harm to female fertility

grave harm to breastfed infants

cumulative toxicity after multiple injections

“With the exception of female fertility, which can simply not be evaluated within the short period of time for which the vaccines have been in use, all of the above risks have been substantiated since the vaccines have been rolled out—all are manifest in the reports to the various adverse event registries. Those registries also contain a very considerable number of reports on abortions and stillbirths shortly after vaccination, which should have prompted urgent investigation.
John T. Ford
That is a fake science report or one that has been manipulated.
Almost zero folks are dying of Covid who have been vaccinated
Or not. :dunno: In Minnesota 99.9% of those vaccinated have not had breakthroughs. But even if you double that .08% so what? Even those vaccinated who have been infected are 99.999% safe from hospitalization and death. That is the point of the vaccine, and those are the numbers we are currently seeing.

125.682 breakthrough cases are .08 percent of the 164.2 million who are fully vaccinated and 1400 of 164.2 million is 0.0008526188%. This percentage represents your odds of dying after being vaccinated. It can't possibly get any statistically lower than that.

This is a classic case of cognitive dissonance. This article actually plays complete counter to your antivax indoctrination but it is so strong you can't even see it.
You are being lied to.

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