Brett K liar??

He's actually a Russian liar. I know.
He colluded with Putin. Impeach 45 and Kavanaugh!

just like that.jpg
if you call him a liar, we need quotes/links/etc
and these have to prove he's a liar
it can't be:
''Ford said he lied''---dumbshit like that
IF you are not wrong
Not a single verifiable lie in the huff list NONE, all claims made by lefties and most don't even say what Huffington post claim they say. What WE have are specific lies easily proven by eye witness accounts that did not have to preface their claim with some other lie to make it seem true. Ford lied about her front door. She claimed she had it installed because of fear in 2012. The truth is the door was installed in 2008 as evidenced by the permit to do so. Further she NEVER made any fear claims in 2008. She lied about helping others beat the polygraph as evidenced by sworn statements from her X boyfriend, He did not claim to hear about them he claimed to know they were true she did it and did it several times. She lied about a fear of flying. She was so afraid of flying she routinely flew to the pacific on LONG RANGE flights and flew across the Country to Delaware to see her family. Not occasionally BUT every YEAR. Further she claimed in 2012 to her shrink that 4 boys were in the room when the attack occurred and NEVER named a single name. She claimed that Kavanaugh and Judge were so quiet coming up behind her she never heard them, but minutes later were so drunk they were bouncing off the walls going down stairs. She can not remember simple facts LIKE where the event occurred. How she got there. How she got home. NOT ONE of her listed people at the event REMEMBER any such gathering. Ohh and Huffington claims that is not the same as saying it never happened, give me a break. Her best friend from That year testified under oath that they did NOT know Kavanaugh and Judge that year.

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