Brexit on the brink

Boris Johnson attacks Theresa May's 'crazy' Brexit customs plan

You cant slag off your boss in public but Mrs May lacks the authority to sack him.

This is all bubbling up nicely. A Tory civil war will bring them down and there will be a fresh election.There is less than a year to go and we still dont know what the plan is. Primarily because the government dont know.


This is one of the many disadvantages of a democracy, referenda in particular.

The Brexit debacle is the consequence of allowing ignorant nitwits, boors, and bigots decide important matters such as whether the UK should leave the EU.

That this was decided by plebiscite is what’s laughable.
As an example the border with the Republic was never mentioned. And now it looks like it will derail the whole thing.
Go for it Tainted Tommy; you'll have a better chance. But don't forget, once the German driven EU takes over control you vill learn to march to the drum Hitler never got to thump on British soil.
I think these guys are English.
And on and on it goes.
The Lords inflict the 15th defeat on the governments brexit bill.

This time safeguarding our environmental standards. Looks like we might get shit free beaches after all.

UK government suffers new Brexit defeat as Lords demand environment...

If you were smart enough to make Nigel Farage your US Ambassador, you could have the best trade deal in the world, in no time.
Nope. We will get screwed over by Trump and pretty much everyone else in the world because we will be weak and friendless.
Our children will suffer.
So your only choice is to ally up with the others in the EU that are as spineless and powerless as yourself. Better to bow in a group than alone.
And on and on it goes.
The Lords inflict the 15th defeat on the governments brexit bill.

This time safeguarding our environmental standards. Looks like we might get shit free beaches after all.

UK government suffers new Brexit defeat as Lords demand environment...

If you were smart enough to make Nigel Farage your US Ambassador, you could have the best trade deal in the world, in no time.
Nope. We will get screwed over by Trump and pretty much everyone else in the world because we will be weak and friendless.
Our children will suffer.
So your only choice is to ally up with the others in the EU that are as spineless and powerless as yourself. Better to bow in a group than alone.

The assumption that the US is not looking for equals to trade with and be friends with, is simply projection on the part of very selfish individuals.

Indeed, the bar for what relationship would be an IMPROVEMENT for the US, after the last 50 years, is so low, that the UK could offer a really sweet deal, for them, that would look good to US.
I was so proud of the Brits when they stood up against selling their sovereignty to Brussels.

They haven't been so stalwart since my Father was over there donating DNA in exchange for Hershey Bars.
The Brits were idiots
And on and on it goes.
The Lords inflict the 15th defeat on the governments brexit bill.

This time safeguarding our environmental standards. Looks like we might get shit free beaches after all.

UK government suffers new Brexit defeat as Lords demand environment...

If you were smart enough to make Nigel Farage your US Ambassador, you could have the best trade deal in the world, in no time.
Nope. We will get screwed over by Trump and pretty much everyone else in the world because we will be weak and friendless.
Our children will suffer.
So your only choice is to ally up with the others in the EU that are as spineless and powerless as yourself. Better to bow in a group than alone.

The assumption that the US is not looking for equals to trade with and be friends with, is simply projection on the part of very selfish individuals.

Indeed, the bar for what relationship would be an IMPROVEMENT for the US, after the last 50 years, is so low, that the UK could offer a really sweet deal, for them, that would look good to US.
The US is not looking for equals but for idiots who harm themselves and others with sanctions and even terrorists.
Boris Johnson attacks Theresa May's 'crazy' Brexit customs plan

You cant slag off your boss in public but Mrs May lacks the authority to sack him.

This is all bubbling up nicely. A Tory civil war will bring them down and there will be a fresh election.There is less than a year to go and we still dont know what the plan is. Primarily because the government dont know.



Well, that really doesn't surprise me.

First, the government never thought Brexit would pass. I did, but I'm one of those crazy Christian people. (I thought it would because of Revelations).... regardless.....

The government never thought they would leave the EU, and thus never had any plans to do so. Governments are like massive ocean liners. Everything is thinking alone the direction the ocean liner is traveling.

Trying to change the direction of the entire ship, takes hours. Trying to change the direction of an entire government can take years. Just look at Greece, and how long it's taken them to change how they do their finances.

So it doesn't surprise me that they don't have some magical comprehensive plan, when they never thought they would ever need any plan.

Second, the EU itself, was designed without any exit. They specifically setup the EU, without escape doors and exits. They did this intentionally. So there is no formal system to follow on how to exist the EU. There is no 'pre-designed' path to follow, that leads the UK government on how to leave.

Thirdly, and this is likely the most important of all the problems.....

A massive ton of people, both inside the UK, and outside the UK, don't want this to happen, and worse if it does, want it to be painful.

There are tons of people in the UK government trying to fight this, or make it fail.
There are tons of people in the EU government trying to fight this, or make it fail.

When you have that many people on both sides, trying to cause as many problems as possible.... it's natural that the system is going to be rocky and problematic.

If people on both sides would simply say... hey this is what they decided, let's work to get this done in as painless and quickly as possible...... this would be done.

Too many people, inside and out, are trying to actually punish the UK for the choice they had the right to make. I'm not saying it was the right choice, only that it was their right, to make that choice.

....As such it's going to breed hatred and resentment on all sides. Which again leads me back to my Christianity and Revelations which says there will be a 3rd world war. There has to be something that triggers it, and a strong health united EU, would prevent it. The EU imploding by hacking off anyone that wants out, and having financial crisis all the time, could be the weakening that is needed to cause a war to happen.
Boris Johnson attacks Theresa May's 'crazy' Brexit customs plan

You cant slag off your boss in public but Mrs May lacks the authority to sack him.

This is all bubbling up nicely. A Tory civil war will bring them down and there will be a fresh election.There is less than a year to go and we still dont know what the plan is. Primarily because the government dont know.



Well, that really doesn't surprise me.

First, the government never thought Brexit would pass. I did, but I'm one of those crazy Christian people. (I thought it would because of Revelations).... regardless.....

The government never thought they would leave the EU, and thus never had any plans to do so. Governments are like massive ocean liners. Everything is thinking alone the direction the ocean liner is traveling.

Trying to change the direction of the entire ship, takes hours. Trying to change the direction of an entire government can take years. Just look at Greece, and how long it's taken them to change how they do their finances.

So it doesn't surprise me that they don't have some magical comprehensive plan, when they never thought they would ever need any plan.

Second, the EU itself, was designed without any exit. They specifically setup the EU, without escape doors and exits. They did this intentionally. So there is no formal system to follow on how to exist the EU. There is no 'pre-designed' path to follow, that leads the UK government on how to leave.

Thirdly, and this is likely the most important of all the problems.....

A massive ton of people, both inside the UK, and outside the UK, don't want this to happen, and worse if it does, want it to be painful.

There are tons of people in the UK government trying to fight this, or make it fail.
There are tons of people in the EU government trying to fight this, or make it fail.

When you have that many people on both sides, trying to cause as many problems as possible.... it's natural that the system is going to be rocky and problematic.

If people on both sides would simply say... hey this is what they decided, let's work to get this done in as painless and quickly as possible...... this would be done.

Too many people, inside and out, are trying to actually punish the UK for the choice they had the right to make. I'm not saying it was the right choice, only that it was their right, to make that choice.

....As such it's going to breed hatred and resentment on all sides. Which again leads me back to my Christianity and Revelations which says there will be a 3rd world war. There has to be something that triggers it, and a strong health united EU, would prevent it. The EU imploding by hacking off anyone that wants out, and having financial crisis all the time, could be the weakening that is needed to cause a war to happen.

God bless those people fighting Brexit. They are trying to save the UK. They are also trying to save the Peace Process.
And on and on it goes.
The Lords inflict the 15th defeat on the governments brexit bill.

This time safeguarding our environmental standards. Looks like we might get shit free beaches after all.

UK government suffers new Brexit defeat as Lords demand environment...

If you were smart enough to make Nigel Farage your US Ambassador, you could have the best trade deal in the world, in no time.
Nope. We will get screwed over by Trump and pretty much everyone else in the world because we will be weak and friendless.
Our children will suffer.
So your only choice is to ally up with the others in the EU that are as spineless and powerless as yourself. Better to bow in a group than alone.

The assumption that the US is not looking for equals to trade with and be friends with, is simply projection on the part of very selfish individuals.

Indeed, the bar for what relationship would be an IMPROVEMENT for the US, after the last 50 years, is so low, that the UK could offer a really sweet deal, for them, that would look good to US.
The US is not looking for equals but for idiots who harm themselves and others with sanctions and even terrorists.

We have the world's largest trade deficits.

By far.

EQUAL would be a huge gain for US.

EQUAL would be Trump keeping one of his biggest promises to his supporters.

Your words are unsupported garbage.
If you were smart enough to make Nigel Farage your US Ambassador, you could have the best trade deal in the world, in no time.
Nope. We will get screwed over by Trump and pretty much everyone else in the world because we will be weak and friendless.
Our children will suffer.
So your only choice is to ally up with the others in the EU that are as spineless and powerless as yourself. Better to bow in a group than alone.

The assumption that the US is not looking for equals to trade with and be friends with, is simply projection on the part of very selfish individuals.

Indeed, the bar for what relationship would be an IMPROVEMENT for the US, after the last 50 years, is so low, that the UK could offer a really sweet deal, for them, that would look good to US.
The US is not looking for equals but for idiots who harm themselves and others with sanctions and even terrorists.

We have the world's largest trade deficits.

By far.

EQUAL would be a huge gain for US.

EQUAL would be Trump keeping one of his biggest promises to his supporters.

Your words are unsupported garbage.
The US is reducing the deficit by wars.
Nope. We will get screwed over by Trump and pretty much everyone else in the world because we will be weak and friendless.
Our children will suffer.
So your only choice is to ally up with the others in the EU that are as spineless and powerless as yourself. Better to bow in a group than alone.

The assumption that the US is not looking for equals to trade with and be friends with, is simply projection on the part of very selfish individuals.

Indeed, the bar for what relationship would be an IMPROVEMENT for the US, after the last 50 years, is so low, that the UK could offer a really sweet deal, for them, that would look good to US.
The US is not looking for equals but for idiots who harm themselves and others with sanctions and even terrorists.

We have the world's largest trade deficits.

By far.

EQUAL would be a huge gain for US.

EQUAL would be Trump keeping one of his biggest promises to his supporters.

Your words are unsupported garbage.
The US is reducing the deficit by wars.

Errr, no we are not.
So your only choice is to ally up with the others in the EU that are as spineless and powerless as yourself. Better to bow in a group than alone.

The assumption that the US is not looking for equals to trade with and be friends with, is simply projection on the part of very selfish individuals.

Indeed, the bar for what relationship would be an IMPROVEMENT for the US, after the last 50 years, is so low, that the UK could offer a really sweet deal, for them, that would look good to US.
The US is not looking for equals but for idiots who harm themselves and others with sanctions and even terrorists.

We have the world's largest trade deficits.

By far.

EQUAL would be a huge gain for US.

EQUAL would be Trump keeping one of his biggest promises to his supporters.

Your words are unsupported garbage.
The US is reducing the deficit by wars.

Errr, no we are not.
Make your own goods, then. Isn´t that what Trump has promised?
The assumption that the US is not looking for equals to trade with and be friends with, is simply projection on the part of very selfish individuals.

Indeed, the bar for what relationship would be an IMPROVEMENT for the US, after the last 50 years, is so low, that the UK could offer a really sweet deal, for them, that would look good to US.
The US is not looking for equals but for idiots who harm themselves and others with sanctions and even terrorists.

We have the world's largest trade deficits.

By far.

EQUAL would be a huge gain for US.

EQUAL would be Trump keeping one of his biggest promises to his supporters.

Your words are unsupported garbage.
The US is reducing the deficit by wars.

Errr, no we are not.
Make your own goods, then. Isn´t that what Trump has promised?

Plenty of room for a good deal with the UK, if they want it.
God bless those people fighting Brexit. They are trying to save the UK. They are also trying to save the Peace Process.

Let us not forget that those in denial and still trying to abort BREXIT are the sort who report weekly to their dominatrix to have their spavined asses whipped. They're so deep into that perversion that they want an entire nation to be subservient to the EU. Yes, that they believe their vision of Angela Merkel in leather wielding a metal-tipped cat-0-9tails is every Brit's wet dream.

Sorry, Tainted Tommy, 'taint so.
The US is not looking for equals but for idiots who harm themselves and others with sanctions and even terrorists.

We have the world's largest trade deficits.

By far.

EQUAL would be a huge gain for US.

EQUAL would be Trump keeping one of his biggest promises to his supporters.

Your words are unsupported garbage.
The US is reducing the deficit by wars.

Errr, no we are not.
Make your own goods, then. Isn´t that what Trump has promised?

Plenty of room for a good deal with the UK, if they want it.
I don´t think so. Too many countries that the US is excluding already.
We have the world's largest trade deficits.

By far.

EQUAL would be a huge gain for US.

EQUAL would be Trump keeping one of his biggest promises to his supporters.

Your words are unsupported garbage.
The US is reducing the deficit by wars.

Errr, no we are not.
Make your own goods, then. Isn´t that what Trump has promised?

Plenty of room for a good deal with the UK, if they want it.
I don´t think so. Too many countries that the US is excluding already.

Um, we have the most open market in the world, and are CONSTANTLY paying a massively heavy price because of it.

We SHOULD be dialing that shit WAY down, very soon, at least that is what TRump ran on.

BUT, not to isolationism but to actual Mutually Beneficial Trade.

If the UK is able to do that, we can certainly work it out.
The US is reducing the deficit by wars.

Errr, no we are not.
Make your own goods, then. Isn´t that what Trump has promised?

Plenty of room for a good deal with the UK, if they want it.
I don´t think so. Too many countries that the US is excluding already.

Um, we have the most open market in the world, and are CONSTANTLY paying a massively heavy price because of it.

We SHOULD be dialing that shit WAY down, very soon, at least that is what TRump ran on.

BUT, not to isolationism but to actual Mutually Beneficial Trade.

If the UK is able to do that, we can certainly work it out.
The US deficit is actually not malicious for the US. It only means that the US imports more then it exports. And this is mostly about cars and consumer goods. Trump is an idiot when he wants to "enforce" a better trade balance. What he can do is to sanction US companies that source out and that is what he promised beside reviewing the big trade agreements. If those agreements ain´t beneficiary for the US, why did the US agree in the first place?
Errr, no we are not.
Make your own goods, then. Isn´t that what Trump has promised?

Plenty of room for a good deal with the UK, if they want it.
I don´t think so. Too many countries that the US is excluding already.

Um, we have the most open market in the world, and are CONSTANTLY paying a massively heavy price because of it.

We SHOULD be dialing that shit WAY down, very soon, at least that is what TRump ran on.

BUT, not to isolationism but to actual Mutually Beneficial Trade.

If the UK is able to do that, we can certainly work it out.
The US deficit is actually not malicious for the US. It only means that the US imports more then it exports. And this is mostly about cars and consumer goods. Trump is an idiot when he wants to "enforce" a better trade balance. What he can do is to sanction US companies that source out and that is what he promised beside reviewing the big trade agreements. If those agreements ain´t beneficiary for the US, why did the US agree in the first place?

1. It is absurd to claim that the trade deficits are not bad for the US.

2. If trade deficits are not bad, then why fight reversing them? If it is not bad, than give US the trade surpluses, and it won't make any difference, right?

3. THe reasons for our mistakes in agreeing to those bad trade deals are varied. They include, Ideological Free Traders, and the desire to bolster the economy of shaky allies during the Cold War.

4. What ever the reasons, the deals were always sold as helping US export more, to benefit our economy and workers. And they never have. The deals have failed, the policy has failed. Time to change.
Make your own goods, then. Isn´t that what Trump has promised?

Plenty of room for a good deal with the UK, if they want it.
I don´t think so. Too many countries that the US is excluding already.

Um, we have the most open market in the world, and are CONSTANTLY paying a massively heavy price because of it.

We SHOULD be dialing that shit WAY down, very soon, at least that is what TRump ran on.

BUT, not to isolationism but to actual Mutually Beneficial Trade.

If the UK is able to do that, we can certainly work it out.
The US deficit is actually not malicious for the US. It only means that the US imports more then it exports. And this is mostly about cars and consumer goods. Trump is an idiot when he wants to "enforce" a better trade balance. What he can do is to sanction US companies that source out and that is what he promised beside reviewing the big trade agreements. If those agreements ain´t beneficiary for the US, why did the US agree in the first place?

1. It is absurd to claim that the trade deficits are not bad for the US.

2. If trade deficits are not bad, then why fight reversing them? If it is not bad, than give US the trade surpluses, and it won't make any difference, right?

3. THe reasons for our mistakes in agreeing to those bad trade deals are varied. They include, Ideological Free Traders, and the desire to bolster the economy of shaky allies during the Cold War.

4. What ever the reasons, the deals were always sold as helping US export more, to benefit our economy and workers. And they never have. The deals have failed, the policy has failed. Time to change.
If the society can afford more than it produces, this cannot be bad. The actual problem is that when the US industry falls apart, a main pillar of the economy falls apart. And this can have several causes: Outsourcing, technological backlog, dumping prices. Here´s where the government must take action and it needs allies. Blackmailing allies is not good for a solution.

The US tried to take over other markets and it didn´t work out as well as hoped. Now you cry. You want new deals that exclusively benefit the US? Ask the man in the moon.
Plenty of room for a good deal with the UK, if they want it.
I don´t think so. Too many countries that the US is excluding already.

Um, we have the most open market in the world, and are CONSTANTLY paying a massively heavy price because of it.

We SHOULD be dialing that shit WAY down, very soon, at least that is what TRump ran on.

BUT, not to isolationism but to actual Mutually Beneficial Trade.

If the UK is able to do that, we can certainly work it out.
The US deficit is actually not malicious for the US. It only means that the US imports more then it exports. And this is mostly about cars and consumer goods. Trump is an idiot when he wants to "enforce" a better trade balance. What he can do is to sanction US companies that source out and that is what he promised beside reviewing the big trade agreements. If those agreements ain´t beneficiary for the US, why did the US agree in the first place?

1. It is absurd to claim that the trade deficits are not bad for the US.

2. If trade deficits are not bad, then why fight reversing them? If it is not bad, than give US the trade surpluses, and it won't make any difference, right?

3. THe reasons for our mistakes in agreeing to those bad trade deals are varied. They include, Ideological Free Traders, and the desire to bolster the economy of shaky allies during the Cold War.

4. What ever the reasons, the deals were always sold as helping US export more, to benefit our economy and workers. And they never have. The deals have failed, the policy has failed. Time to change.
If the society can afford more than it produces, this cannot be bad. The actual problem is that when the US industry falls apart, a main pillar of the economy falls apart. And this can have several causes: Outsourcing, technological backlog, dumping prices. Here´s where the government must take action and it needs allies. Blackmailing allies is not good for a solution.

The US tried to take over other markets and it didn´t work out as well as hoped. Now you cry. You want new deals that exclusively benefit the US? Ask the man in the moon.

1. Thank you for admitting that a "main pillar of our economy" has fallen apart. Do you admit that this has caused great suffering to our people.

2. Our "allies" are the ones benefiting at our expense. THey will not willingly give up the benefit they receive from this trade imbalance.

3. "Take over" is overstating the case. We were looking for Mutually Beneficial Trade. Instead, OUR market has been taken over.

4. And dismissing my complaints as "crying" is not much of an answer, it is just you being a dick. There is a problem and I want to fix it.

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