Bull. If the President, or Supreme's are not being transparent and trying to pull a fast one, we should know about it.
Funny you don't like government doing shady shit in secrecy but this you are ok with.
I love this leak because it proves what i've been saying for years. Republicans want to ban abortion. And they want to end social security. At least cut everyone's $ 20%. Don't say I'm just trying to scare voters because that's what pro choice republicans said I was doing for years when I said Republicans want to BAN abortion. They didn't believe they would dare try it.
What did the judge say? They are above what the public thinks. They are going to rule based on their right wing perverted definition of what is constitutional, what is life, what is murder. It's ridiculous. Life is not that precious. What is this the taliban? Or like Iran where the Moolah's rule? Iranians don't agree with their religious government either. None the less they have to live by their rules.
Perhaps the Iranians should revolt we say. Well, perhaps so should we.
But if women don't mind, why should I? Women should vote every Republican out of office this November. If they don't, then either the elections are rigged or women approve of this move.
1. I stopped after your accusation of Me not supporting transparency seeing nowhere in my writing history in this board will you ever find where I believe the government should be transparent because sure the fuck know better than that!
2. Let me be very clear whomever leaked it will face disbarment and rightfully so seeing it is so unethical and they could face criminal prosecution and time in Jail!
Now do I believe the new appointed Judge did this?
Now do I believe it could have been from the left?
Yes and if so the people involved will have to deal with the harsh reality their careers are finished.
Now if it was Alito or Thomas then I expect them to step down or be removed from the court!
3. Now let me be clear if Gorsuch and Kavanaugh each lied to the Senate and can be proven their removal should be done also and they should be disbarred!
I believe the Senate should investigate those two judges and as I said if they are found guilty of lying aka perjury to the Senate then remove them from the Bench immediately and negate their votes!
4. My opinion on abortion is this is a State to State issue and so am not saying this because I am pro-life but because people of each State should decide if they want to support a woman right to abort her child.
Now as for me Abortion should be legal for the first trimester, if the woman or child is at risk or if rape or incest is involved then the child should be aborted if the woman wishes to do so…
You ain’t swaying me either way from this opinion and you can find me saying this over and over for years now!
Final Part:
Seeing you made a false accusation let me be clear never have I claim the government should be transparent because that is truly a foolish thing to think nor will you find me writing such foolish nonsense, so you better think about your next response because I am not
Unkotare !