Bring back the pre-1964 Republican Party

Bring back the pre-southern strategy, pre-Reaganist, mainly pre-propaganda GOP. This is what happens with hate propaganda. Con man Trump and loudmouth deplorable morons...The Eastern Establishment GOP has been taken over by this disgrace...Father Coughlin was nothing in comparison...
Any GOP is a load of shit, they all spend more than what we have as a country.
Not hysterical enough for the modern day conservative temperment.

Basically, yup. Devious elements discovered that avenues to power lay in manipulating emotions at the expense of intellect.
I wish Bill Buckley could have come back from the dead and score a keynote spot at the party convention. He'd have some choice correctionals to lay down.

They should have nominated Margaret Chase Smith in '64.

So you think Republicans are "manipulating emotions at the expense of intellect," and you're voting for Hillary! Damn you people are dumb
Lee Harvey Oswald changed both parties and the country with a single bullet. Killing Kennedy opened the door for LBJ. LBJ ran against Goldwater who was a true Conservative. When LBJ defeated Goldwater that changed the course of the GOP. LBJ then went on to change the course of the Democratic Party.

I think you're giving Oswald --- or whoever he represents --- way too much credit.

Are you saying JFK wouldn't have had the balls to push the CRA like Johnson did? No pun intended there, it's his name...
It was after all JFK's project.

Don't see how Goldwater "changed the course" of the RP either. LBJ had a huge sympathy vote; that was going to be a hill to climb for any opponent. The next round they went back to Nixon -- who was also their candidate in the previous round. Seems more like Goldwater was a temporary deviation.

I don't think JFK would have had the clout that LBJ had in passing the CRA. Same goes for the voting rights act. JFK supported Civil Rights but seemed unwilling to spend the political capital to pass it. LBJ wrapped the whole thing up as "JFK wanted this" and anyone who opposed was spitting on the memory of the dead President

I also think JFK would have followed the same path as LBJ did on Vietnam
Lee Harvey Oswald changed both parties and the country with a single bullet. Killing Kennedy opened the door for LBJ. LBJ ran against Goldwater who was a true Conservative. When LBJ defeated Goldwater that changed the course of the GOP. LBJ then went on to change the course of the Democratic Party.

I think you're giving Oswald --- or whoever he represents --- way too much credit.

Are you saying JFK wouldn't have had the balls to push the CRA like Johnson did? No pun intended there, it's his name...
It was after all JFK's project.

Don't see how Goldwater "changed the course" of the RP either. LBJ had a huge sympathy vote; that was going to be a hill to climb for any opponent. The next round they went back to Nixon -- who was also their candidate in the previous round. Seems more like Goldwater was a temporary deviation.

I don't think JFK would have had the clout that LBJ had in passing the CRA. Same goes for the voting rights act. JFK supported Civil Rights but seemed unwilling to spend the political capital to pass it. LBJ wrapped the whole thing up as "JFK wanted this" and anyone who opposed was spitting on the memory of the dead President

I also think JFK would have followed the same path as LBJ did on Vietnam
The assassination helped the democratic party beat down the wannabe Jim Crowe folks.

President Kennedy was aware that a feud among party leaders in Texas could jeopardize his chances of carrying the state in 1964, and one of his aims for the trip was to bring Democrats together. He also knew that a relatively small but vocal group of extremists was contributing to the political tensions in Texas and would likely make its presence felt—particularly in Dallas, where US Ambassador to the United Nations Adlai Stevenson had been physically attacked a month earlier after making a speech there. Nonetheless, JFK seemed to relish the prospect of leaving Washington, getting out among the people and into the political fray.

November 22, 1963: Death of the President - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum
Lee Harvey Oswald changed both parties and the country with a single bullet. Killing Kennedy opened the door for LBJ. LBJ ran against Goldwater who was a true Conservative. When LBJ defeated Goldwater that changed the course of the GOP. LBJ then went on to change the course of the Democratic Party.

I think you're giving Oswald --- or whoever he represents --- way too much credit.

Are you saying JFK wouldn't have had the balls to push the CRA like Johnson did? No pun intended there, it's his name...
It was after all JFK's project.

Don't see how Goldwater "changed the course" of the RP either. LBJ had a huge sympathy vote; that was going to be a hill to climb for any opponent. The next round they went back to Nixon -- who was also their candidate in the previous round. Seems more like Goldwater was a temporary deviation.

I don't think JFK would have had the clout that LBJ had in passing the CRA. Same goes for the voting rights act. JFK supported Civil Rights but seemed unwilling to spend the political capital to pass it. LBJ wrapped the whole thing up as "JFK wanted this" and anyone who opposed was spitting on the memory of the dead President

I also think JFK would have followed the same path as LBJ did on Vietnam
The assassination helped the democratic party beat down the wannabe Jim Crowe folks.

President Kennedy was aware that a feud among party leaders in Texas could jeopardize his chances of carrying the state in 1964, and one of his aims for the trip was to bring Democrats together. He also knew that a relatively small but vocal group of extremists was contributing to the political tensions in Texas and would likely make its presence felt—particularly in Dallas, where US Ambassador to the United Nations Adlai Stevenson had been physically attacked a month earlier after making a speech there. Nonetheless, JFK seemed to relish the prospect of leaving Washington, getting out among the people and into the political fray.

November 22, 1963: Death of the President - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum
JFK was a corrupt son of a bitch...

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