Bring your video camera to your town hall

Why are they worried then? Why don't they just vote it into law and end all of the disruption taking place? Why can't any of you leftist dems answer this question?
They're worried that some of their constituents are dumb enough to believe the lies being fed to them - and in fact some of them ARE. The meetings are just to clear the air. Your questions have all been answered now.

Oh, so they're more worried about their jobs than what is good for the common American? :lol:
What makes you think the congresspeople don't believe that this plan is good for the common American? Let's see some evidence. :eusa_whistle:
They're worried that some of their constituents are dumb enough to believe the lies being fed to them - and in fact some of them ARE. The meetings are just to clear the air. Your questions have all been answered now.

Oh, so they're more worried about their jobs than what is good for the common American? :lol:
What makes you think the congresspeople don't believe that this plan is good for the common American? Let's see some evidence. :eusa_whistle:
if they think this is so good, stop the town halls and just go back to DC and vote for it
I noticed the article talks about this guy:


Over the last few days, a conservative activist in St. Louis named Kenneth Gladney seems to have become something of a cause celebre in far-right circles. Depending on which version of events you choose to believe, Gladney either initiated or was involved in a scuffle at a town-hall event late last week.

At least one prominent conservative blogger said Gladney was "brutally attacked" by SEIU members outside the event. After watching the video, there's ample reason for skepticism. Gladney was, in fact, pulled to the ground during the fracas, but he seemed to bounce back up quickly, and is seen walking around soon after without any obvious injuries. His attorney has argued that Gladney was beaten during the fight, but there's nothing in the clip to support that.

Gladney later went to the hospital, claiming to have sustained injuries to his "knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face."

Yesterday, about 200 conservative activists held a protest outside the SEIU office in St. Louis. Gladney was there -- bandaged and in a wheelchair -- as a featured guest. Some of the activists held signs that read, "Don't Tread on Kenny." Reader R.D. alerted me to this tidbit in the local news account of the protest:

Gladney did not address Saturday's crowd of about 200 people. His attorney, David Brown, however, read a prepared statement Gladney wrote. "A few nights ago there was an assault on my liberty, and on yours, too." Brown read. "This should never happen in this country."

Supporters cheered. Brown finished by telling the crowd that Gladney is accepting donations toward his medical expenses. Gladney told reporters he was recently laid off and has no health insurance. [emphasis added]

Wait, the conservative opponent of health care reform, fighting (literally) to defeat a plan that would bring coverage to those who lose their jobs, lost his coverage because he got laid off?

I'm not in a position to say whether Gladney sustained genuine injuries or whether he's exaggerating for 15 minutes of Fox News fame and a lucrative out-of-court settlement.

Either way, the new right-wing cause celebre needs to take up a collection to pay for his medical bills because he doesn't have health insurance. It's a fascinating sign of the times.

The Washington Monthly

For a few moments after a fight (or a beating) the adrenaline is still hyping a person up, so to say he likely wasn't hurt as much as he complains now does him a disservice; he was simply living up to his ideals, probably knowing it is risky - vis-a-vis a Clarence Thomas. He didn't think coming out and supporting his ideals would get him into a brawl with leftist thugs, even questioning his blackness (what kind of a N. are you?) but unfortunately our president is saying "push back twice as much" and to some of these thugs who see any rebuttal as impermissable, in their world, they think this is how the opposition is (man) handled.
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What makes you think the congresspeople don't believe that this plan is good for the common American? Let's see some evidence. :eusa_whistle:
if they think this is so good, stop the town halls and just go back to DC and vote for it

I guess the way I worded it was too complicated... :lol:
In other words you have no evidence. It figures.

So the only remaining possiblities are:
1. The individuals in Congress believe the plan is good for the common American and are correct, OR
2. The individuals in Congress believe the plan is good for the average American and are mistaken.

Even if scenario 2 is true, it's still not an excuse for the idiots on the right to deprive everyone else around them of their own free speech.

Hope I didn't word that in too complicated a way. :cool:
There is a very good reason why this healthcare bill has not been passed on a pure democrat party line. The biggest reason is , a whole LOT of democrats that are in districts that just "squeeked" by the last election know that by doing so they will be out of a job if they do. The other reason is that you have a block of democrats in the party who are trying as best they can to keep spending down and are fighting a losing battle with their caucus. These so called "blue dogs" are not only house members but they also are represented in the Senate. Many of these Senators know that if they vote for this they own it, and if it flops and causes any problems it will result in a huge backlash and its a gamble that some are not willing to take. So this contention that we don't need the Republicans while that is true, it will be hard to pass anyway, because of the sheer number of democrats who's hides are on the line with this bill.
Your analysis is fairly accurate for a change, but even with all that said, the bill will still pass.

If it does, imagine 2010. Unless of course there are no longer elections which would make everything easier for the party in power, right?
Your analysis is fairly accurate for a change, but even with all that said, the bill will still pass.

If it does, imagine 2010. Unless of course there are no longer elections which would make everything easier for the party in power, right?
If people are happy with the bill on balance, and if unemployment drops by several percentage points, 2010 will be a cake walk. If one or both of those things doesn't happen, Congress will probably be up for grabs. You heard it here first.
Your analysis is fairly accurate for a change, but even with all that said, the bill will still pass.

If it does, imagine 2010. Unless of course there are no longer elections which would make everything easier for the party in power, right?
If people are happy with the bill on balance, and if unemployment drops by several percentage points, 2010 will be a cake walk. If one or both of those things doesn't happen, Congress will probably be up for grabs. You heard it here first.

Unemployment will NOT be dropping by several percentage points in less than a year...

Most are predicting that it will get worse...
I noticed the article talks about this guy:


Over the last few days, a conservative activist in St. Louis named Kenneth Gladney seems to have become something of a cause celebre in far-right circles. Depending on which version of events you choose to believe, Gladney either initiated or was involved in a scuffle at a town-hall event late last week.

At least one prominent conservative blogger said Gladney was "brutally attacked" by SEIU members outside the event. After watching the video, there's ample reason for skepticism. Gladney was, in fact, pulled to the ground during the fracas, but he seemed to bounce back up quickly, and is seen walking around soon after without any obvious injuries. His attorney has argued that Gladney was beaten during the fight, but there's nothing in the clip to support that.

Gladney later went to the hospital, claiming to have sustained injuries to his "knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face."

Yesterday, about 200 conservative activists held a protest outside the SEIU office in St. Louis. Gladney was there -- bandaged and in a wheelchair -- as a featured guest. Some of the activists held signs that read, "Don't Tread on Kenny." Reader R.D. alerted me to this tidbit in the local news account of the protest:

Wait, the conservative opponent of health care reform, fighting (literally) to defeat a plan that would bring coverage to those who lose their jobs, lost his coverage because he got laid off?

I'm not in a position to say whether Gladney sustained genuine injuries or whether he's exaggerating for 15 minutes of Fox News fame and a lucrative out-of-court settlement.

Either way, the new right-wing cause celebre needs to take up a collection to pay for his medical bills because he doesn't have health insurance. It's a fascinating sign of the times.

The Washington Monthly

For a few moments after a fight (or a beating) the adrenaline is still hyping a person up, so to say he likely wasn't hurt as much as he complains now does him a disservice; he was simply living up to his ideals, probably knowing it is risky - vis-a-vis a Clarence Thomas. He didn't think coming out and supporting his ideals would get him into a brawl with leftist thugs, even questioning his blackness (what kind of a N. are you?) but unfortunately our president is saying "push back twice as much" and to some of these thugs who see any rebuttal as impermissable, in their world, they think this is how the opposition is (man) handled.

I don't buy it - adrenaline or no adrenaline (unless you are pumped up on meth) you don't go from bouncing up and walking away from a fight to heavily bandaged and in a wheelchair the next day.

Leftist thugs? Howabout Rightwing thugs? What the hell do these people expect when they deliberately set out to be confrontational and disruptive? There are other people on the opposing sides who are going to take it in the same spirit but you only call one partisan team "thugs".

Perhaps they need to read up on what peaceful protesting really means?
Your analysis is fairly accurate for a change, but even with all that said, the bill will still pass.
so lets stop wasting time with the meaningless town halls and get them back in DC and vote for it

if they dont want to know how large the opposition is to this mess, then just go ahead and pass this monstrosity and then face the music come 2010
but they dont have the BALLS to do that
they want to go out and lie to the people in the town halls and try to convince them against their will
I noticed the article talks about this guy:

The Washington Monthly

For a few moments after a fight (or a beating) the adrenaline is still hyping a person up, so to say he likely wasn't hurt as much as he complains now does him a disservice; he was simply living up to his ideals, probably knowing it is risky - vis-a-vis a Clarence Thomas. He didn't think coming out and supporting his ideals would get him into a brawl with leftist thugs, even questioning his blackness (what kind of a N. are you?) but unfortunately our president is saying "push back twice as much" and to some of these thugs who see any rebuttal as impermissable, in their world, they think this is how the opposition is (man) handled.

I don't buy it - adrenaline or no adrenaline (unless you are pumped up on meth) you don't go from bouncing up and walking away from a fight to heavily bandaged and in a wheelchair the next day.

Leftist thugs? Howabout Rightwing thugs? What the hell do these people expect when they deliberately set out to be confrontational and disruptive? There are other people on the opposing sides who are going to take it in the same spirit but you only call one partisan team "thugs".

Perhaps they need to read up on what peaceful protesting really means?
lets see video of these "right wing thugs" beating people up
If it does, imagine 2010. Unless of course there are no longer elections which would make everything easier for the party in power, right?
If people are happy with the bill on balance, and if unemployment drops by several percentage points, 2010 will be a cake walk. If one or both of those things doesn't happen, Congress will probably be up for grabs. You heard it here first.

Unemployment will NOT be dropping by several percentage points in less than a year...

Most are predicting that it will get worse...

Post saved..
If people are happy with the bill on balance, and if unemployment drops by several percentage points, 2010 will be a cake walk. If one or both of those things doesn't happen, Congress will probably be up for grabs. You heard it here first.

Unemployment will NOT be dropping by several percentage points in less than a year...

Most are predicting that it will get worse...

Post saved..

Not very long until the 2010 election season begins...

I'd love to see any economic predictions that unemployment, a lagging economic indicator, will be dropping by several percentage points between now and next year's election...

I mean other than those from Liberalism'sVoice...
The economy will get better with or without Obama's help, however I will say this, if these 2 bills pass healthcare and cap and trade it will put this nation into a deep financial position that it will not soon be able to get out of. That will for years slow down a recovery that would have otherwise taken less time. Between healthcare and cap and trade your talking about 3 trillion dollars of money this Govt. does not have. If you add to that additional bills such as a second Stimulus or any others then you run the risk of stalling a recovery. The stock market is doing quite well at the moment but if the US dollar should tank because of out of control spending then you have another down turn right after this one. While unemployment numbers are slowing, the biggest job growth sector according to the BLS is in the Govt. sector and not the private sector. This also does not bode well for the economy. However, if the healthcare bill should fail or a version of it should pass without the public option and cap and trade should fail one would think the economy would pick up rapidly on the news of less Govt. spending and less regulation which the private sector responds too traditionally.
I noticed the article talks about this guy:

The Washington Monthly

For a few moments after a fight (or a beating) the adrenaline is still hyping a person up, so to say he likely wasn't hurt as much as he complains now does him a disservice; he was simply living up to his ideals, probably knowing it is risky - vis-a-vis a Clarence Thomas. He didn't think coming out and supporting his ideals would get him into a brawl with leftist thugs, even questioning his blackness (what kind of a N. are you?) but unfortunately our president is saying "push back twice as much" and to some of these thugs who see any rebuttal as impermissable, in their world, they think this is how the opposition is (man) handled.

I don't buy it - adrenaline or no adrenaline (unless you are pumped up on meth) you don't go from bouncing up and walking away from a fight to heavily bandaged and in a wheelchair the next day.

Leftist thugs? Howabout Rightwing thugs? What the hell do these people expect when they deliberately set out to be confrontational and disruptive? There are other people on the opposing sides who are going to take it in the same spirit but you only call one partisan team "thugs".

Perhaps they need to read up on what peaceful protesting really means?

I beg to differ.

I've personally experienced similar situations, not in fights but rather in contests. As an ex pro bullrider there has been numerous times when I would get injured but not really start feeling the effects of said injury(s) until hours and sometimes even the day after the fact. There may be several reasons why he is now in a wheelchair, if it's indeed a knee injury, he may have been ordered to stay off off his knee for a length of time by his doctor.
I don't buy it - adrenaline or no adrenaline (unless you are pumped up on meth) you don't go from bouncing up and walking away from a fight to heavily bandaged and in a wheelchair the next day.
No you don't, especially when you haven't been beaten.
I noticed the article talks about this guy:

The Washington Monthly

For a few moments after a fight (or a beating) the adrenaline is still hyping a person up, so to say he likely wasn't hurt as much as he complains now does him a disservice; he was simply living up to his ideals, probably knowing it is risky - vis-a-vis a Clarence Thomas. He didn't think coming out and supporting his ideals would get him into a brawl with leftist thugs, even questioning his blackness (what kind of a N. are you?) but unfortunately our president is saying "push back twice as much" and to some of these thugs who see any rebuttal as impermissable, in their world, they think this is how the opposition is (man) handled.

I don't buy it - adrenaline or no adrenaline (unless you are pumped up on meth) you don't go from bouncing up and walking away from a fight to heavily bandaged and in a wheelchair the next day.

Leftist thugs? Howabout Rightwing thugs? What the hell do these people expect when they deliberately set out to be confrontational and disruptive? There are other people on the opposing sides who are going to take it in the same spirit but you only call one partisan team "thugs".

Perhaps they need to read up on what peaceful protesting really means?
Thug: a hood: an aggressive and violent young criminal

The definition of a thug is one who uses physical force on another person. Raising an uproar over a political issue in a public venue is not thuggery. When ordinary folks get upset this is how they behave. I've seen it before; largely it's because they are not organized, rather than that they are organized. The average American is far less articulate about issues they feel strongly, even frustrated about than those who are organized tend to be.

Living in a university town that has seen more than it's share or protests from the 60's on, and remonstrances, it's easy to identify the organized protestors: They divide up the subject matter between a long range of speakers so that every point is hammered home, many times causing the real business of the body to have to be postponed and to have to come back again without getting any of their planned business done in its original session. They dominate the rostrom for as long as possible, and seem reasonable and concerned. Those who are not organized, being less articulate, but frustrated do a lot of yelling off the cuff hoping to find the catch words that make their intent clear. Don't confuse the two. This may be hard for people who spend their time spinning words on a forum like this one to understand, but it's a fact of life and it's human nature.
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Unemployment will NOT be dropping by several percentage points in less than a year...

Most are predicting that it will get worse...

Post saved..

Not very long until the 2010 election season begins...

I'd love to see any economic predictions that unemployment, a lagging economic indicator, will be dropping by several percentage points between now and next year's election...

I mean other than those from Liberalism'sVoice...
Don't expect any economic predicitons from me, either, Greg. I'm not in the business of foretelling economic fluctuations (and you should stick to medicine).

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