Bring your video camera to your town hall

After January 20th 2009, dissent is suddenly taboo...

Before January 20th 2009, it was treason, a terrorist act, and punishable by quarantine behind fenced areas at best, and arrest, official harassment, placement on no fly lists, or disappearance and extreme rendition at worst. Now its punished by dirty looks, possible removal, and a slap on the wrist for acts of violence. Nothing for disruption, the derailment of the political process, or disturbance of the peace. Ah, progress. You were whining about what, exactly? :wtf:

And yet we have a poster here who supports this action:

They're obstructionists. These so called protestors need to be put in cages the same way Republicans put Democratic protesters in cages or some distance away from the town halls so that people can get real questions answered.
Either that or begin using technology to get to the people. Use the internet, one person gets one question. Anyone yelling in the background doesn't get heard while they're being booted out.

Well, at least after January 20th supports this action....:eusa_shhh:

From what I've read, if we are speaking of the same poster, I believe she's pointing and laughing at those, laughed, and wholeheartedly supported the same not so long ago, and relatively long ago. WTF? Turnabout is suddenly foul play? The same rules supported by the ones breaking them are NOW, because they are broken, and by THEM, are tyranny? Sorry, you'll have to bark up a different tree for tea or sympathy. I wouldn't support such under any circumstances, and were I the hated ACLU lawyers, I would take the case on principle, but you must admit that they're all going to look pretty damned foolish running in that direction with hats in hand for protection considering the reality of past acts and verbiage. I'm just sayin. :eusa_whistle:
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From what I've read, if we are speaking of the same poster, I believe she's pointing and laughing at those, laughed, and wholeheartedly supported the same not so long ago, and relatively long ago. WTF? Turnabout is suddenly foul play? The same rules supported by the ones breaking them are NOW, because they are broken, and by THEM, are tyranny? Sorry, you'll have to bark up a different tree for tea or sympathy. I wouldn't support such under any circumstances, and were I the hated ACLU lawyers, I would take the case on principle, but you must admit that they're all going to look pretty damned foolish running in that direction with hats in hand for protection considering the reality of past acts and verbiage. I'm just sayin. :eusa_whistle:

I've always supported public dissent, boisterous or otherwise... Seems some on the left have a newfound opposition to it...

Jus sayin'..
I am not totally up to speed on this, but so far as I know the only arrests so far have been of 0bamabots. Several of them got arrested for assault on a protester in St. Louis.

The right has been involved in protests for years over one thing and another. They know the rules.

The only reason the cops can arrest someone is if they break something tresspass or hit someone. Something the left does a lot, but is rare, but does happen on the right. of course, there are righties who go off the deep end and commit crimes too, but there is very little defense of those who do. Violence is wrong. free expression is a fundamental right.
From what I've read, if we are speaking of the same poster, I believe she's pointing and laughing at those, laughed, and wholeheartedly supported the same not so long ago, and relatively long ago. WTF? Turnabout is suddenly foul play? The same rules supported by the ones breaking them are NOW, because they are broken, and by THEM, are tyranny? Sorry, you'll have to bark up a different tree for tea or sympathy. I wouldn't support such under any circumstances, and were I the hated ACLU lawyers, I would take the case on principle, but you must admit that they're all going to look pretty damned foolish running in that direction with hats in hand for protection considering the reality of past acts and verbiage. I'm just sayin. :eusa_whistle:

I've always supported public dissent, boisterous or otherwise... Seems some on the left have a newfound opposition to it...

Jus sayin'..

Seems to me more that some on the left are laughing their asses off. And when it comes to it, the left is more practiced at conducting their protests in a way that does not disturb the peace. They seem to know where to get permits, and how to abide the law. Maybe they should hold classes for the new protesters, so they will have a clue to lawful and peaceable assembly on the side of the law the left has been shot at from regardless. That way these new protesters would have a leg to stand on in their court cases. Hey, go ahead and act like we're assholes. We have thick skin born of decades of abuse though, and we're here to help.
After January 20th 2009, dissent is suddenly taboo...

Dissent is having an objection to an issue. What they are doing is stopping a question/answer town hall meeting from happening.

I don't believe that ever happened in McCain/Palin townhalls. There are a few who might come in and yell out their pov at any speech or townhall but this is organized obstruction preventing opposition from speaking. Period.

Are the Town Halls open or stacked with puppets? Is this real or a production that folks are fed up with?
So now it's okay to shout down everyone at a Town Hall because they're just puppets? :cuckoo:
Dissent is having an objection to an issue. What they are doing is stopping a question/answer town hall meeting from happening.

I don't believe that ever happened in McCain/Palin townhalls. There are a few who might come in and yell out their pov at any speech or townhall but this is organized obstruction preventing opposition from speaking. Period.

Let's set the way-back machine to Evil Booosh days.

What was the level of your opposition to the pro-democrat protestors?

If you can tell me which one rises to the level of these shout downs, I can tell you what my opposition would be.

Democrats normally choose peace. It's these loud, nasty, extremists who are attempting to stop lawful and peaceful, democratic, townhalls.

Do these rise to that level?

[ame=]YouTube - Code Pink Blocks Recruiting Center Entrance[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - CODEPINK STOPS Larry Summers "WE WANT OUR $$$ BACK,"You're Part of the Problem YOU SHOULD RESIGN!"[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Code Pink removed from Petraeus hearing[/ame]
Dissent is having an objection to an issue. What they are doing is stopping a question/answer town hall meeting from happening.

I don't believe that ever happened in McCain/Palin townhalls. There are a few who might come in and yell out their pov at any speech or townhall but this is organized obstruction preventing opposition from speaking. Period.

Are the Town Halls open or stacked with puppets? Is this real or a production that folks are fed up with?
So now it's okay to shout down everyone at a Town Hall because they're just puppets? :cuckoo:

They aren't just puppets, they are coming to townhall to get their questions and concerns answered. The protestors are taking matters into their own hands assuming they know what is right for America.

They don't.
Let's set the way-back machine to Evil Booosh days.

What was the level of your opposition to the pro-democrat protestors?

If you can tell me which one rises to the level of these shout downs, I can tell you what my opposition would be.

Democrats normally choose peace. It's these loud, nasty, extremists who are attempting to stop lawful and peaceful, democratic, townhalls.

Do these rise to that level?

[ame=]YouTube - Code Pink Blocks Recruiting Center Entrance[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - CODEPINK STOPS Larry Summers "WE WANT OUR $$$ BACK,"You're Part of the Problem YOU SHOULD RESIGN!"[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Code Pink removed from Petraeus hearing[/ame]

I believe I saw them during the Petraeus hearing. They were removed as well, yes?

Why do you think the townhall obstructionists should just be allowed to stay there and yell?
I noticed the article talks about this guy:


Over the last few days, a conservative activist in St. Louis named Kenneth Gladney seems to have become something of a cause celebre in far-right circles. Depending on which version of events you choose to believe, Gladney either initiated or was involved in a scuffle at a town-hall event late last week.

At least one prominent conservative blogger said Gladney was "brutally attacked" by SEIU members outside the event. After watching the video, there's ample reason for skepticism. Gladney was, in fact, pulled to the ground during the fracas, but he seemed to bounce back up quickly, and is seen walking around soon after without any obvious injuries. His attorney has argued that Gladney was beaten during the fight, but there's nothing in the clip to support that.

Gladney later went to the hospital, claiming to have sustained injuries to his "knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face."

Yesterday, about 200 conservative activists held a protest outside the SEIU office in St. Louis. Gladney was there -- bandaged and in a wheelchair -- as a featured guest. Some of the activists held signs that read, "Don't Tread on Kenny." Reader R.D. alerted me to this tidbit in the local news account of the protest:

Gladney did not address Saturday's crowd of about 200 people. His attorney, David Brown, however, read a prepared statement Gladney wrote. "A few nights ago there was an assault on my liberty, and on yours, too." Brown read. "This should never happen in this country."

Supporters cheered. Brown finished by telling the crowd that Gladney is accepting donations toward his medical expenses. Gladney told reporters he was recently laid off and has no health insurance. [emphasis added]

Wait, the conservative opponent of health care reform, fighting (literally) to defeat a plan that would bring coverage to those who lose their jobs, lost his coverage because he got laid off?

I'm not in a position to say whether Gladney sustained genuine injuries or whether he's exaggerating for 15 minutes of Fox News fame and a lucrative out-of-court settlement.

Either way, the new right-wing cause celebre needs to take up a collection to pay for his medical bills because he doesn't have health insurance. It's a fascinating sign of the times.

The Washington Monthly

Are the Town Halls open or stacked with puppets? Is this real or a production that folks are fed up with?
So now it's okay to shout down everyone at a Town Hall because they're just puppets? :cuckoo:

They aren't just puppets, they are coming to townhall to get their questions and concerns answered. The protestors are taking matters into their own hands assuming they know what is right for America.

They don't.

Only Pelosi knows what right for America...that's why she's our Queen
Conservative Speakers at College Campuses have disrupted regularly. That said, Be Polite.
Disruption should be avoided, it puts everyone at risk. Control vanishes very quickly.
Are the Town Halls open or stacked with puppets? Is this real or a production that folks are fed up with?
So now it's okay to shout down everyone at a Town Hall because they're just puppets? :cuckoo:

They aren't just puppets, they are coming to townhall to get their questions and concerns answered. The protestors are taking matters into their own hands assuming they know what is right for America. They don't.
My point exactly.
I noticed the article talks about this guy:


Over the last few days, a conservative activist in St. Louis named Kenneth Gladney seems to have become something of a cause celebre in far-right circles. Depending on which version of events you choose to believe, Gladney either initiated or was involved in a scuffle at a town-hall event late last week.

At least one prominent conservative blogger said Gladney was "brutally attacked" by SEIU members outside the event. After watching the video, there's ample reason for skepticism. Gladney was, in fact, pulled to the ground during the fracas, but he seemed to bounce back up quickly, and is seen walking around soon after without any obvious injuries. His attorney has argued that Gladney was beaten during the fight, but there's nothing in the clip to support that.

Gladney later went to the hospital, claiming to have sustained injuries to his "knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face."

Yesterday, about 200 conservative activists held a protest outside the SEIU office in St. Louis. Gladney was there -- bandaged and in a wheelchair -- as a featured guest. Some of the activists held signs that read, "Don't Tread on Kenny." Reader R.D. alerted me to this tidbit in the local news account of the protest:

Gladney did not address Saturday's crowd of about 200 people. His attorney, David Brown, however, read a prepared statement Gladney wrote. "A few nights ago there was an assault on my liberty, and on yours, too." Brown read. "This should never happen in this country."

Supporters cheered. Brown finished by telling the crowd that Gladney is accepting donations toward his medical expenses. Gladney told reporters he was recently laid off and has no health insurance. [emphasis added]

Wait, the conservative opponent of health care reform, fighting (literally) to defeat a plan that would bring coverage to those who lose their jobs, lost his coverage because he got laid off?

I'm not in a position to say whether Gladney sustained genuine injuries or whether he's exaggerating for 15 minutes of Fox News fame and a lucrative out-of-court settlement.

Either way, the new right-wing cause celebre needs to take up a collection to pay for his medical bills because he doesn't have health insurance. It's a fascinating sign of the times.

The Washington Monthly


This could be the right's new method of getting their medical expenses covered. "Protesting." :lol:
Seems to me more that some on the left are laughing their asses off.


Seems to me that more are into whining about people who want their opinions heard...

In some cases of tone deafness that difference might be confusing, but I do believe you're being disingenuous. I can see why you'd want to snip though. Its got to be embarrassing at this point, and it will only become more so. The "law and order...there's nothing to worry about if you're not doing anything WRONG" people suddenly on the other end of their own dearly held policy has to bite, and deeply. When one considers that we TRIED to warn you what would happen if you all were at the losing end...well, that has to be hell. Like I said, don't look in this direction for sympathy.
So now it's okay to shout down everyone at a Town Hall because they're just puppets? :cuckoo:

They aren't just puppets, they are coming to townhall to get their questions and concerns answered. The protestors are taking matters into their own hands assuming they know what is right for America.

They don't.

Only Pelosi knows what right for America...that's why she's our Queen

Do you think the senate plans are carbon copies of Nancy Pelosi's? Also, do you believe we should continue with healthcare under the same inefficient, expensive (to patients) and mismanaged by HMO policies we have in place now?

Frank, Repubs are not helping in this effort, they are simply the party of no. We need more workable solutions on several fronts. Healthcare is only one.
We are Nationalizing our National Economy, the cover up is being executed very poorly. That is the issue. Overcharging or denial of services, now and in our future, only part of the equation. Law Suits are not even Addressed in the Legislation. Why are the Law Suits not considered? Surely they contribute greatly to unnecessary procedures, under threat of Litigation.

You are arguing over how we make the $100 aspirin or band-aid available to the masses. I argue why support a system that rewards this behavior at all. They should all learn from the clinics, for a start. Our HMO's which currently are shit, is going to come out smelling real good, compared to whats coming.
If you can tell me which one rises to the level of these shout downs, I can tell you what my opposition would be.

Democrats normally choose peace. It's these loud, nasty, extremists who are attempting to stop lawful and peaceful, democratic, townhalls.

Do these rise to that level?

[ame=]YouTube - Code Pink Blocks Recruiting Center Entrance[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - CODEPINK STOPS Larry Summers "WE WANT OUR $$$ BACK,"You're Part of the Problem YOU SHOULD RESIGN!"[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Code Pink removed from Petraeus hearing[/ame]

I believe I saw them during the Petraeus hearing. They were removed as well, yes?

Why do you think the townhall obstructionists should just be allowed to stay there and yell?

The clips I've seen of the townhalls were citizens demanding answers only to be met with democratic rhetoric and no specific answers. That's when the shoutinging really begins and rightly so.

Do you believe our lawmakers should sign a bill that they haven't read?

Do you believe Americans should be forced to retain health insurance?

Do you feel that health care is a constitutional right?

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