Bring your video camera to your town hall

You are correct. Those SEIU folks, along with AFL/CIO folks should be checked to make sure they are really constituents. In any case, they should not be allowed to bully and physically attack real constituents.

The Unions are not above being boycotted, should they bring it to that.

How do you boycott an union?

Im not an advocate of Boycotts, primarily because I think it's a shotgun approach that hurts a lot of people that aren't in play.

But the answer to the question is to identify what function the Union serves and overtly avoid doing business with those companies... and the companies that do business with those companies.
It's time to face facts. The town hall hecklers aren't "protestors" at all. Their only aim is to disrupt the meetings and rob you, the constituent, of the right to speak to your representative.

This is a crime. Get that crime on video, and take it to both the local authorities and to the FBI field office. We can't tolerate this kind of activity in a free, democratic society.

Because only YOU and those who agree with you are entitled to free speech?
You obviously have me confused with Publius. Or maybe -Cp.

ROFLMNAO... Yeah... because PI is so prone to silencing the Left... and how does PI silence the left? Why he lets them speak and debates their position; points out the fatal flaw in their reasoning and merely notes that those who demonstrate such a feeble means to reason, should never be allowed to vote.

Essentially, the same thing as letting someone drive and noting that the massive amount of proerty damage demonstrates that they have no business being allowed to drive.

Some would argue that one can't put a price on politcal errors... thus the reasonable judgement of the analogy isn't fair; I submit the US national debt and the failing feminized culture, as fair evidence of the cost of 50 years of Leftist political errors.

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The Unions are not above being boycotted, should they bring it to that.

How do you boycott an union?

Im not an advocate of Boycotts, primarily because I think it's a shotgun approach that hurts a lot of people that aren't in play.

But the answer to the question is to identify what function the Union serves and overtly avoid doing business with those companies... and the companies that do business with those companies.
Except that does not hurt the union. It hurts businesses.

Unions transcend any single business.
ROFLMNAO... Yeah... because PI is so prone to silencing the Left... and how does PI silence the left? Why he lets them speak and debates their position; points out the fatal flaw in their reasoning and merely notes that those who demonstrate such a feeble means to reason, should never be allowed to vote.

Essentially, the same thing as letting someone drive and noting that the massive amount of proerty damage demonstrates that they have no business being allowed to drive.

Some would argue that one can't put a price on politcal errors... thus the reasonable judgement of the analogy isn't fair; I submit the US national debt and the failing feminized culture, as fair evidence of the cost of 50 years of Leftist political errors.


at least you dont put them on ignore if they call you an ass or another slightly worse expletive...i hope anyway....:eusa_eh:
I think what has happened here, is that the people don't feel like they are being represented. The bailouts that most were against and then the stimulus bill that no one read before they signed it. Many Americans were incensed by that fact and so their anger over health care is an accumulation of the frustration that they have felt for the past several months. Plus they flat do not want a national health care system.
Some would argue that one can't put a price on politcal errors... thus the reasonable judgement of the analogy isn't fair; I submit the US national debt and the failing feminized culture, as fair evidence of the cost of 50 years of Leftist political errors.
Yeah. God Damn that Leftist Reagan and Pinko George Dubya.
You are correct. Those SEIU folks, along with AFL/CIO folks should be checked to make sure they are really constituents. In any case, they should not be allowed to bully and physically attack real constituents.

The Unions are not above being boycotted, should they bring it to that.

How do you boycott an union?

Don't buy theit stuff or services. Were teamsters involved? No? if so, good. If yes and it escalates, stop using UPS, go Fed-Ex, or USPS.

Supermarket AFLCIO? Same applies. Go Wallmart. Use it as a tool, don't abuse it and it will remain effective.

There is no area of commerce that would be immune.
The Unions are not above being boycotted, should they bring it to that.

How do you boycott an union?

Don't buy theit stuff or services. Were teamsters involved? No? if so, good. If yes and it escalates, stop using UPS, go Fed-Ex, or USPS.

Supermarket AFLCIO? Same applies. Go Wallmart. Use it as a tool, don't abuse it and it will remain effective.

There is no area of commerce that would be immune.

Doesn't work, they just get bailouts.
The Unions are not above being boycotted, should they bring it to that.

How do you boycott an union?

Don't buy theit stuff or services. Were teamsters involved? No? if so, good. If yes and it escalates, stop using UPS, go Fed-Ex, or USPS.

Supermarket AFLCIO? Same applies. Go Wallmart. Use it as a tool, don't abuse it and it will remain effective.

There is no area of commerce that would be immune.
Not very realistic.

How do you boycott an union?

Don't buy theit stuff or services. Were teamsters involved? No? if so, good. If yes and it escalates, stop using UPS, go Fed-Ex, or USPS.

Supermarket AFLCIO? Same applies. Go Wallmart. Use it as a tool, don't abuse it and it will remain effective.

There is no area of commerce that would be immune.

Doesn't work, they just get bailouts.
Or auto companies.
:lol:The Left jumps on this stuff. You guys give it up before you even try. How many advertisers get manipulated by their threats. Look what Jessie Jackson did to Texaco with the threat of fucking with them. Glen Becks advertisers are taking hits right now. That thing on your backside, it's called a spine. Use It. Try something, if it fails try something. Keep them off balance. You are so lucky the Left cannot support themselves without the Right, They can't afford to lock You up, for long. They need you on the clock. UAW gonna run two car companies. That will be interesting to watch. Bet their tune changes quick. They know how to complain and tear apart, not construct, not operate, not maintain. They are plagued by incompetence and corruption, stand up to it and say Boo. We have had enough.

I'm just trying to get you thinking. I will say this though, the defeatist attitude of even Newt, McCain, Specter, Graham are why we are here today. You want to do nothing, fine, get out of the way. If this was a basketball game, with that attitude, if I was the coach, you would sit on the bench the whole game watching the second string play for you. Sissies, Pansies, Girly boys....:lol: What you do does matter. It does have effect. Don't give up so easy.
I'm just trying to get you thinking. I will say this though, the defeatist attitude of even Newt, McCain, Specter, Graham are why we are here today. You want to do nothing, fine, get out of the way. If this was a basketball game, with that attitude, if I was the coach, you would sit on the bench the whole game watching the second string play for you. Sissies, Pansies, Girly boys....:lol: What you do does matter. It does have effect. Don't give up so easy.

What are you getting on Newt for? He was out there defending Sarah's words of wisdom today, wasn't he??

The Unions are not above being boycotted, should they bring it to that.

How do you boycott an union?

Don't buy theit stuff or services. Were teamsters involved? No? if so, good. If yes and it escalates, stop using UPS, go Fed-Ex, or USPS.

Supermarket AFLCIO? Same applies. Go Wallmart. Use it as a tool, don't abuse it and it will remain effective.

There is no area of commerce that would be immune.

The SEIU represents janitors. You gonna boycott places that are kept clean by them?
Hey...I know what to do to stop it. When people begin screaming and won't allow the Representative to speak, all dems need to put their arms around each other and begin singing the chorus to "Get together", over and over. We're ALL "hippie, tree huggers". We need to live up to our reputation!
Hey...I know what to do to stop it. When people begin screaming and won't allow the Representative to speak, all dems need to put their arms around each other and begin singing the chorus to "Get together", over and over. We're ALL "hippie, tree huggers". We need to live up to our reputation!

Hey hon, I'll bring the incense if you bring the love beads.

It's time to face facts. The town hall hecklers aren't "protestors" at all. Their only aim is to disrupt the meetings and rob you, the constituent, of the right to speak to your representative.

This is a crime. Get that crime on video, and take it to both the local authorities and to the FBI field office. We can't tolerate this kind of activity in a free, democratic society.
This is nothing less than attempted intimidation of citizens to prevent them from protesting, just like the "snitch" solicitation on the Whitehouse Blog. It's ridiculous to believe that honest citizens, particularly Republicans, could be organized in any way to perform like this. To make that charge is just projection on the part of those who regularly do what they accuse others of.
So that I can vote in the primaries. That's pretty much it.
And so that you can do as much harm as possible with your single vote? :lol:
If you want to consider supporting the most centrist candidate as "doing harm," then sure. :eusa_eh:

So you voted for McCain, right?

I'd say the actual truth here is you wouldn't know "center" if someone gave you a protractor and taught you to use it. If you think Obama is center, you need to turn in your voter's registration card now. Better yet, why take any chances? Just burn it now. Eitherway, you're too stupid to be allowed to vote.
2 choices for 1/3 billion populace seems fairly stupid to me, especially when they both bow down to the very same factions anyways

patisan punch aside, what these pockets of discontent really boil down to is being powerless.....
And so that you can do as much harm as possible with your single vote? :lol:
If you want to consider supporting the most centrist candidate as "doing harm," then sure. :eusa_eh:

So you voted for McCain, right?

I'd say the actual truth here is you wouldn't know "center" if someone gave you a protractor and taught you to use it. If you think Obama is center, you need to turn in your voter's registration card now. Better yet, why take any chances? Just burn it now. Eitherway, you're too stupid to be allowed to vote.

He's a "Centrist" so he was in the booth for 15 minutes trying to find a button half way between Obama and McCain
And so that you can do as much harm as possible with your single vote? :lol:
If you want to consider supporting the most centrist candidate as "doing harm," then sure. :eusa_eh:

So you voted for McCain, right?

I'd say the actual truth here is you wouldn't know "center" if someone gave you a protractor and taught you to use it. If you think Obama is center, you need to turn in your voter's registration card now. Better yet, why take any chances? Just burn it now. Eitherway, you're too stupid to be allowed to vote.

Why Gunny, I thought you stated that you never said that you would like to take away other Americans right to vote?

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