Bring your video camera to your town hall


Portland, Ore.



That help make it better for you? or does the fact that I compared one group of Americans from one town to another because your assertion is that people in larger towns tend to be more sophisticated.
Off again: my assertion was that people in larger towns tend to have access to printers that can make slicker looking picket signs, buttons, etc., quickly and in large quantities.

Why the Denverites above didn't take advantage of that is, I confess, a mystery to me. Could be that they'd been instructed not to, in order to make the protest appear more grass-roots...

Portland, Ore.



That help make it better for you? or does the fact that I compared one group of Americans from one town to another because your assertion is that people in larger towns tend to be more sophisticated.
Off again: my assertion was that people in larger towns tend to have access to printers that can make slicker looking picket signs, buttons, etc., quickly and in large quantities.

Why the Denverites above didn't take advantage of that is, I confess, a mystery to me. Could be that they'd been instructed not to, in order to make the protest appear more grass-roots...
yeah, MASS PRODUCED posters
then you wonder why people think you are a moron
Give up on the point Centrist. Dem's were born to protest, you have ready made backers. The Right has not even gotten sea legs yet, so it's still home made. Who made your signs? Who bankrolled them? Union? ACORN Affiliate? Who pays for the gas in those buses? Taxpayers?
Give up on the point Centrist. Dem's were born to protest, you have ready made backers. The Right has not even gotten sea legs yet, so it's still home made.
That's actually a reasonable point, but I doubt it's the only factor at work here.
Give up on the point Centrist. Dem's were born to protest, you have ready made backers. The Right has not even gotten sea legs yet, so it's still home made.
That's actually a reasonable point, but I doubt it's the only factor at work here.

I hear that. Hey guess what I watched yesterday on Stars on Demand. "Battle In Seattle". From 2008, Woody Harrelson, Charlize Theron, Ray Liotta.
December 19999 WTO Protest recreation. Great Movie, something we all should see. When Shit goes wrong, it happens much too fast. You've got a good head Centrist.
In my way of thinking, we need to go back to the inception of the tea parties. When they were small in numbers attending, the left poked fun at them, compared to what the left was able to produce during GW's term.

But they grew, in numbers and attendance, they became a problem. Truth is, they turned Alinsky like. Bad move as far as the Obama supporters were concerned. So they must be 'whackos'. Well that didn't work, at least at first. Then there were the extremists, something all of us on boards recognize. The extremists both the left and right try to distance themselves from, as they are unhinged and certainly not on message. We know them when we see them. Some are regulars, most are hit and run folks.

I watched today both Spector and Obama, the first was balanced, the later loaded. But in both cases, while the audience and fairness might have been skewed, the messages were going out. I'd hope that it will lead to a fair hearing and perhaps more a reform than an overhaul, imho that is what is needed.
In my way of thinking, we need to go back to the inception of the tea parties. When they were small in numbers attending, the left poked fun at them, compared to what the left was able to produce during GW's term.

But they grew, in numbers and attendance, they became a problem. Truth is, they turned Alinsky like. Bad move as far as the Obama supporters were concerned. So they must be 'whackos'. Well that didn't work, at least at first. Then there were the extremists, something all of us on boards recognize. The extremists both the left and right try to distance themselves from, as they are unhinged and certainly not on message. We know them when we see them. Some are regulars, most are hit and run folks.

I watched today both Spector and Obama, the first was balanced, the later loaded. But in both cases, while the audience and fairness might have been skewed, the messages were going out. I'd hope that it will lead to a fair hearing and perhaps more a reform than an overhaul, imho that is what is needed.

Good Points Annie, I watched Specter, I have to give him credit for allowing the man to speak, leave, whatever, it kept the Security guy at bay, and the Gentleman did speak his piece. Specters control skills we're a little bit lacking though, sort of like when he chaired Judicial during some of the Court Nominee Hearings. The opposition sort of walked all over him, lucky for us He switched sides. The Gentleman, could have better recognized that Specter was cutting him a break, and I respect him for that. The Latter, Hammurabi, I can;t comment on. It's just too much. If it was a movie, I'd want a refund.
I made a thread today on that very subject Intense and found that Specter had at least recognized that those that happen to disagree with him can do so. It was pointed out to me that he was forced to do this and I responded by saying that no matter how it was done. that just proves that the people have given him pause to understand that they are the ones he works for and deserve at least to be heard on this issue even if he happens to disagree with them as he represents everyone and not just those who agree with him .
Off again: my assertion was that people in larger towns tend to have access to printers that can make slicker looking picket signs, buttons, etc., quickly and in large quantities.


Horse puckey.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Go play with your sound board.

You say that small towns don't have access to printers that can make posterboard size signs and a basic button making machine that you can pick up at WalMart....and you think I don't know what I'm talking about?

Pop quiz hot-shot: What is the smallest town so far a townhall has been held in, and how far away is it from the nearest "large" town?

I gaurantee you that the answer to the question is "not too small to not have access to a screen printing business".

Your biases are showing. And their showing how much of a buffoon you really are.
Pop quiz hot-shot: What is the smallest town so far a townhall has been held in, and how far away is it from the nearest "large" town?

I gaurantee you that the answer to the question is "not too small to not have access to a screen printing business".
And you didn't say this to begin with because...?

Answer: you are a troll.
Off again: my assertion was that people in larger towns tend to have access to printers that can make slicker looking picket signs, buttons, etc., quickly and in large quantities.


Horse puckey.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Go play with your sound board.

You say that small towns don't have access to printers that can make posterboard size signs and a basic button making machine that you can pick up at WalMart....and you think I don't know what I'm talking about?

Pop quiz hot-shot: What is the smallest town so far a townhall has been held in, and how far away is it from the nearest "large" town?

I gaurantee you that the answer to the question is "not too small to not have access to a screen printing business".

Your biases are showing. And their showing how much of a buffoon you really are.
Pop quiz hot-shot: What is the smallest town so far a townhall has been held in, and how far away is it from the nearest "large" town?

I gaurantee you that the answer to the question is "not too small to not have access to a screen printing business".
And you didn't say this to begin with because...?

Answer: you are a troll.
he is a troll???
wow, thats some mighty projection
Pop quiz hot-shot: What is the smallest town so far a townhall has been held in, and how far away is it from the nearest "large" town?

I gaurantee you that the answer to the question is "not too small to not have access to a screen printing business".
And you didn't say this to begin with because...?

Because anyone who is able to think logically should be able to ascertain this for themselves. The "horsepuckey" comment summed that up much more succinctly. Color me unsurprised that you were unable to figure it out though.

Answer: you are a troll.

No. I'm just someone who enjoys pointing out how full of crap you are. That's not the same thing as a troll. Just so ya know.

But how typical that your only answer to being shown that you are wrong is "wwaaaaaaahhh, you're a TROLL!!"
Apparently you're a spammer, too. :rofl:

No, just someone who's wifi went out for a sec, so I reconnected, hit back, and then submit again. Not knowing if it went through the first time. I wanted to be sure that your idiocy was pointed out you see. Too bad it got pointed out twice, but them's the breaks kid.
I could go into an explanation of how and why it's easier to get screen printed orders faster and more efficiently in a city, but I'm rapidly coming to the realization that your posts are growing increasingly less substantial and frankly, not worth anyone's time. Especially since the discussion has long since moved past the point you're apparently so passionate about.
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I could go into an explanation of how and why it's easier to get screen printed orders faster and more efficiently in a city, but I'm rapidly coming to the realization that your posts are growing increasingly less substantial and frankly, not worth anyone's time. Especially since the discussion has long since moved past the point you're apparetnly so passionate about.
oh the irony
I could go into an explanation of how and why it's easier to get screen printed orders faster and more efficiently in a city,

You could, but it would be pretty easily shot down in reference to these specific incidents. So if you want to waste your time, go ahead and be my guest.

I wonder really how difficult it would be for the poor hicks in "small towns" (still waiting on the smallest town so far question btw) to produce 50-200 signs.


Do you really want to step into the traps of your own words again, or are you tired of getting smacked on the nose?

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