Bringing back coal?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Seems like, as he does so often purely to get votes, that Trump campaigned on "we're going to bring back coal." Well, that was laughable at the time and it's laughable now. Ain't no way; it's a dying industry, barely on life support. Perhaps now folks will realize that Trump was never in this game to "bring back coal" or help those in the industry who are suffering now. He was strictly after votes.

Perhaps if you could get him off the golf course and away from his many photo ops, he could really accomplish something for coal miners. But, don't hold your breath.

Seems like, as he does so often purely to get votes, that Trump campaigned on "we're going to bring back coal." Well, that was laughable at the time and it's laughable now. Ain't no way; it's a dying industry, barely on life support. Perhaps now folks will realize that Trump was never in this game to "bring back coal" or help those in the industry who are suffering now. He was strictly after votes.

Perhaps if you could get him off the golf course and away from his many photo ops, he could really accomplish something for coal miners. But, don't hold your breath.

The Rumpsters who believe this should all have a lump of coal in their stockings for Christmas. In fact, they all should have to have a lump of coal in one of the stockings at all times. It would make it easier to identify them from a distance by the pronounce limp. Think about that 63 million lumps of coal being mined for that purpose. That should bolster the coal industry.
China isn't putting their coal mines out of business. Why are we so backwards about this in the US?
Trump is going to bring back candle and VHS jobs too
They have their purposes when needed. However, in every way possible except one...Beta the main video tape competitor was better then VHS.

But the Beta had trouble handling full length HD movies. It lost out because it was better but the run time was shorter. And the Market spoke. And the winner is........
Trump's economy far surpasses Obama's in job Im not sure what the libs are so animated over....and the dems running for office will be as bad for American job growth as Obammy was...stupid libtards don't know when they have it good....
Trump's economy far surpasses Obama's in job Im not sure what the libs are so animated over....and the dems running for office will be as bad for American job growth as Obammy was...stupid libtards don't know when they have it good....

You fail to mention that the first half of the 2017 job creation where about half of the job creation happened is attributed to Obama, not Rump. Rump just loves to grab credit for other people's accomplishments. If Rump would have done nothing (which is what he did outside of annoying everyone) nothing would have changed.
You fail to mention that the first half of the 2017 job creation where about half of the job creation happened is attributed to Obama, not Rump. Rump just loves to grab credit for other people's accomplishments. If Rump would have done nothing (which is what he did outside of annoying everyone) nothing would have changed.
Oh shut up with that bullshit one in the middle class did well while Obama was president...the economy turned around after Trump won not before....Obama was a with it...

Seems like, as he does so often purely to get votes, that Trump campaigned on "we're going to bring back coal." Well, that was laughable at the time and it's laughable now. Ain't no way; it's a dying industry, barely on life support. Perhaps now folks will realize that Trump was never in this game to "bring back coal" or help those in the industry who are suffering now. He was strictly after votes.

Perhaps if you could get him off the golf course and away from his many photo ops, he could really accomplish something for coal miners. But, don't hold your breath.

Why is it dying, we have like a 400 year supply of cheap energy.

Trump's economy far surpasses Obama's in job Im not sure what the libs are so animated over....and the dems running for office will be as bad for American job growth as Obammy was...stupid libtards don't know when they have it good....

You fail to mention that the first half of the 2017 job creation where about half of the job creation happened is attributed to Obama, not Rump. Rump just loves to grab credit for other people's accomplishments. If Rump would have done nothing (which is what he did outside of annoying everyone) nothing would have changed.

Again what the fuck did Obama do to create jobs?

You fail to mention that the first half of the 2017 job creation where about half of the job creation happened is attributed to Obama, not Rump. Rump just loves to grab credit for other people's accomplishments. If Rump would have done nothing (which is what he did outside of annoying everyone) nothing would have changed.
Oh shut up with that bullshit one in the middle class did well while Obama was president...the economy turned around after Trump won not before....Obama was a with it...

Obama inherited a disaster for an economy and helped everyone to dig ourselves out of it. And the Economy started taking off on in 2016 BEFORE rump got into office. The Middle class was hit hard during the recession. The Middle class was hit hard as early as 2002 long before Obama took office. But by 2016, the Middle class was building once again. One of the tricks Rump uses is to increase what makes up the middle class. In 2002, the Middle Class was 25K. But Rump changed it to 35K and now it's listed as 45K. Yes, on paper it's grown but the 25K people has shrunken and they have NOT turned into the 35K people. Meanwhile, the Upper Middle Class is showing a decline because part of them are now listed as Middle Class. It's a numbers game. And your Orange Rump is playing you for all it's worth and are buying it.

I was listed as middle class at one time but now I am listed as lower middle class. What changed? My income stayed the same. But they moved the goal post to make things look better for Rump. You are buying a dead horse and deserve an award. I'll give it to you later.
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Trump is going to bring back candle and VHS jobs too
They have their purposes when needed. However, in every way possible except one...Beta the main video tape competitor was better then VHS.

But the Beta had trouble handling full length HD movies. It lost out because it was better but the run time was shorter. And the Market spoke. And the winner is........
To put it a little better.......VHS's original three speeds were 2 hour...4 hour ...6 hour....Easy to understand. About the coal jobs. If they go away, let the people who work those jobs leave with dignity. I guarantee you an emergency or disaster will bring those jobs back to huge numbers. In fact if the green movement becomes a corrupted folly, people will violate government laws and use coal to survive. No local cop is going to arrest a family trying to stay warm in the middle of winter using coal.
Trump is going to bring back candle and VHS jobs too
They have their purposes when needed. However, in every way possible except one...Beta the main video tape competitor was better then VHS.

But the Beta had trouble handling full length HD movies. It lost out because it was better but the run time was shorter. And the Market spoke. And the winner is........
To put it a little better.......VHS's original three speeds were 2 hour...4 hour ...6 hour....Easy to understand. About the coal jobs. If they go away, let the people who work those jobs leave with dignity. I guarantee you an emergency or disaster will bring those jobs back to huge numbers. In fact if the green movement becomes a corrupted folly, people will violate government laws and use coal to survive. No local cop is going to arrest a family trying to stay warm in the middle of winter using coal.

When you lose the supply chain for coal, you are also going to get rid of your furnaces to burn it. Your Emergency won't bring back coal. What are they going to do, light it in the middle of their living room? Yah, that'll make 'em forget all about the current emergency, won't it.

Sure do wish you would talk about real problems instead inventing problems that probably won't happen or can't happen. The fact remains, the Green stuff is less corrupt than the old hand energy right now. It hasn't had the decades or centuries to get as corrupt as oil/gas/coal. Okay, give it time, it just might make it. But it's not there yet. Another problem that doesn't exist.

As for staying warm, wood will be the go to backup emergency fuel for heating push comes to shove. Grandma's old China Cabinet is a gonner.
We won WWI with coal as a key energy source.
We con WWII with coal as a key energy source.
Now Democrats want to throw all that away with experimental energy sources.
We won WWI with coal as a key energy source.
We con WWII with coal as a key energy source.
Now Democrats want to throw all that away with experimental energy sources.

Coal and Oil won WWI. Germany relied on Coal and Horses. The Allies were starting to rely on the new power source, Oil more and more and the Horse was on it's way out fast. And Coal was as well. When WWII came about, Germany and the USSR still relied on Horses and Coal. The United States, Britain and Japan introduced OIL, lots of OIL. The day of the Horse was gone. You want to being up what war brings us? It's forced expansive improvements.

WWII was where Coal was already on it's way out and was being replaced by Oil even for heating. I have used both Coal and Oil for heating a home. Trust me on this one, I would much rather use an oil fired furnace than a coal fired one. Coal is dirty and a real pain in the ass for logistics. Oil is just delivered by a tanker, pumped (usually gravity fed into a tank in your basement) and that's it. Coal isn't as efficient,. it's bulk doesn't have the BTUs per square inch or even a fraction of the BTUs per lb that oil has. This why in most cities, Coal went by the way quickly when oil came along. But like coal, oil smells up the place.

You keep trying to hang onto something that is at least 2 generations back in the energy evolution. You want to live in 1919, get a time machine or move to your own island somewhere and let the rest of go about our own business.

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