Bringing In The Sheep! People Are Rejoicing! Health Care Is A Keep!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Subsequent the Supreme Court ruling, then now even Rasmussen reports that opposition to repeal is actually on the increase!

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports™

Effectively, the White House re-election campaign has not had it this good in months!

1. Romney is losing the health care issue to rational regard for how it really works, and eventually will work.
2. The litany of improving jobs reports is finding its apparent way into stock markets, worldwide.
3. The concept of a Bain Capital kind of federal government--investing only in the already prosperous--is losing appeal.
4. The campaign is now about Senate Leader Reid, V. Mitt Romney--and the idiotic Romney plan for tax increases on the already less prosperous.

Most of the battleground states are not: But in fact are fairly well Obama-supportive.

The Mr. and the Mrs. Obama have celebrity status already, and the DNC will have its convention after showing whatever it is that Romney does: Visiting his bank accounts in Switzerland, and scarfing on the Cocoa-Puffs.

"Happy Scenes" of millions spitting-up may even be shown.

Real Bankers actually know about the value of the celebrity status: Now effectively the Obama Brand. More riches solely for the already prosperous--from the federal government--even of the Ivy League intention and creation: Is likely not going to resonate. Less than half the federal spending going to 100 mil. people, with more than half going to about 10 mil. people: Would tend to be a lop-sided platform bet in anyone's estimation.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe find Salt-Water White Eyes an Undisclosed Location: Maybe somewhere On Lands of Many Nations--or buried, barely breathing, in an ant-hill!)
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I'm honestly suprised by those numbers

For a Ramussen poll I would expect the "for a repeal" to be higher.
The reid attack is a smart move by the dems. Move the attack to reid and keep Obama insulated. It is something the reps have done on occasion also. Yeah, you can call it underhanded and whatnot, but Romney needs to somehow associate it with Obama, and he looks bad while doing it becaus no matter what obama does not control reid's actions.

At this point Rush is even attacking mittens. When Rush goes off the reservation on live broadcasts and starts badmouthing romney it is going to hurt Romney's numbers. You couple that with the presence of some alternatives to Romney in third parties and he is in trouble already and they have not even started to attack his VP, or get to the debates yet.
It is clear that some provisions in obama care enjoy more support than other provisions, but the reality is, most people want it gone.
If Obama get reelected we are in real big trouble. He can create a short them bubble of support but over all it is about government control. People need to be responsibe for their own needs and not make be pay for them.
You're still well below even 50% approval and that's before the pain kicks in. Mark my words, before it's said and done people will point back to Barack Obama as the guy who exposed "progressivism" for the top-down authoritarianism it is.
It was written specifically so most of the worst provisions don't kick in until after the election. The effect your seeing now is mostly the refusal of businesses to extend themselves.
It was written specifically so most of the worst provisions don't kick in until after the election. The effect your seeing now is mostly the refusal of businesses to extend themselves.

True. And unless we can get it repealed before then, we're going to see a massive dumping of insurance by employers as they get out cheaper paying the fine, and small to mid-sized companies all over the country firing workers to get under the 50-head minimum. And say goodbye to any growth at that level. The "useful idiot" type of "liberal" has no conception of what they do. Things like this benefit the very corporate business model they purport to hate, and hurt the little guy they claim to love. Dummies. Their heads are nothing but hat racks.
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If the costs of ObamaCare to the states were effective immediately, instead of 2019, well after Obama completes his potential second term, you would be hearing an overwhelming howling opposition to ObamaCare right now.

When the massive pain does hit, Obama will be laughing his ass off in comfortable retirement with lots of Secret Service protection. And he will need it.
If the costs of ObamaCare to the states were effective immediately, instead of 2019, well after Obama completes his potential second term, you would be hearing an overwhelming howling opposition to ObamaCare right now.

When the massive pain does hit, Obama will be laughing his ass off in comfortable retirement with lots of Secret Service protection. And he will need it.

Hell, you'd be hearing it now if they hadn't issued a mountain of waivers out already. Sneaky bastards.
Subsequent the Supreme Court ruling, then now even Rasmussen reports that opposition to repeal is actually on the increase!

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports™

Effectively, the White House re-election campaign has not had it this good in months!

1. Romney is losing the health care issue to rational regard for how it really works, and eventually will work.
2. The litany of improving jobs reports is finding its apparent way into stock markets, worldwide.
3. The concept of a Bain Capital kind of federal government--investing only in the already prosperous--is losing appeal.
4. The campaign is now about Senate Leader Reid, V. Mitt Romney--and the idiotic Romney plan for tax increases on the already less prosperous.

Most of the battleground states are not: But in fact are fairly well Obama-supportive.

The Mr. and the Mrs. Obama have celebrity status already, and the DNC will have its convention after showing whatever it is that Romney does: Visiting his bank accounts in Switzerland, and scarfing on the Cocoa-Puffs.

"Happy Scenes" of millions spitting-up may even be shown.

Real Bankers actually know about the value of the celebrity status: Now effectively the Obama Brand. More riches solely for the already prosperous--from the federal government--even of the Ivy League intention and creation: Is likely not going to resonate. Less than half the federal spending going to 100 mil. people, with more than half going to about 10 mil. people: Would tend to be a lop-sided platform bet in anyone's estimation.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe find Salt-Water White Eyes an Undisclosed Location: Maybe somewhere On Lands of Many Nations--or buried, barely breathing, in an ant-hill!)

If people want someone to explain to them why ObamaCare is a good idea, they should let Mitt Romney tell them about it.

07/30/09 - Mr. President, What's the Rush? | Mitt Romney Central
Anyone familiar with the Affordable Health Care Act can imagine how small business owners are spending their summer vacations!

The Affordable Care Act Rebate Checks Are in the Mail: Now What? - US Business News - CNBC

Employees also got notified, in just the last week, that actually health insurers had to send a lot of money back to their employers.

Anyone now notices why The Republicans were universally opposed to "Obama-Care," which soon may even be called, "The Affordable Health Care Act," or something.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Would "buffalo" called by any other name smell half so. . . . ? The stuff is now sold in supermarkets, now, and is really, really, wrapped up in packaging!)
The reid attack is a smart move by the dems. Move the attack to reid and keep Obama insulated. It is something the reps have done on occasion also. Yeah, you can call it underhanded and whatnot, but Romney needs to somehow associate it with Obama, and he looks bad while doing it becaus no matter what obama does not control reid's actions.

At this point Rush is even attacking mittens. When Rush goes off the reservation on live broadcasts and starts badmouthing romney it is going to hurt Romney's numbers. You couple that with the presence of some alternatives to Romney in third parties and he is in trouble already and they have not even started to attack his VP, or get to the debates yet.

"Smart move by the Dems"
Glad you admit that it was nothing more than a tactic.

As far as the Rush comments, if you actually had listened to him make the comments during his show, you would understand why he made them.
Idiot doctors Ron and Rand Paul want health insurance affordable, and yet not mandatory: As though everyone planet-wide could have a plan. 2/3 of the planet still needs toilets, actually--and easily a third of them do not live in Beverly Hills(?). Millions used to see that actually, Hillbillies do live in Beverly Hills. It was on TV.

It was an idea of a dad of one of my high school friends, which may really mean that it was bogus.

Seen in CNBC what Ron and Rand don't like?
"Some small businesses were among the most strident opponents of the Affordable Care Act, but by Wednesday, many of these businesses will have received checks totaling $321 million from their health insurance providers, courtesy of the health care overhaul that became law in 2010. The checks are rebates from insurers that did not spend at least 80 percent of the premiums they collected from small group plans on either actual health care expenses or improving the quality of health care, a provision known as the medical loss ratio rule. . . ."

". . . .The law also requires insurers to notify individuals enrolled in plans entitled to rebates of the coming windfall — no doubt as a way to build popular support for the overhaul — something that is sure to raise expectations among employees. But those waiting for a check in the mail may end up disappointed: the rules and regulations to carry out the law give companies pretty broad discretion to decide how to spend the money on their workers’ behalf, according to lawyers who specialize in employee benefits, and few are likely to actually cut checks to their employees."

And so while they wait, likely payrolls are met, cash flows improve, temp help happens, and new tools and investments happen.

And then next year's health plan costs can be met: In making budgets for the year--in the manner of centralized planning. Rational humans do centralized, socialist , rational planning all the time.

The concept opposed by the idiot doctors--especially from the Ivy League, if any--is the liberating of business owners to other service. (Quakers actually talk that. . .or used to talk like that. . .and then Sidwell Friends School started keeping a lot of money(?)!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Original Penn Quakers befriended indigenous peoples they encountered. Farther north, famously, there would be Thanksving--and then the shooting of them would commence. Hollywood learned about that, too! First Do Lunch, Then do shooting. . .or something. . .or something else to put on Youtube so it goes viral! That is probably what they mean by "shooting.")
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