Britain turns against Brexit

Everyone who's dealt with Brits knows they're very dumb people on the whole... Both the ones in the U.S Southern states, or the U.K Brits, they're just very illogical, and tend to flail their hands in the at like retards.
Please don't think of Tammy as typical. As evidenced by his posts, he's a Welsh communist who survives on EU handouts, hates free speech, and despises the English so much he prefers to be ruled by authoritarians in Brussels.

Welsh are also Brits, besides Welsh, and English share a lot in common, including both being in the UK, and having a similar genotype, and phenotype.
True, but most of us aren't communists, and over half of us let it be known we want our sovereignty back.
North Korea also has it's sovereignty. :badgrin:
Britain did the right thing by withdrawing from the Globalist hangman's noose of the EU and restoring its national identity and sovereignty. .... :cool:

That's hilarious.

Why? Because the UK is still going to be bound by the EU, because, like Canada with the US, the EU will be a major focus of trade. They constitute 50% of UK trade, lots of trade to other countries goes through the EU. The UK can't live without the EU.

The other funny thing is that all that the people complained about, it turns out it wasn't because of the EU, it was because of the INCOMPETENCE of the UK govt. Like having too many EU citizens coming in taking welfare. In the last 13 years, the UK govt has been unable to figure out welfare. While migrants sit in France, they want to go to the UK. Why? Why not stay in France. It's obvious isn't it?

I saw a nice video of some guy telling Farage this on his radio show, Farage couldn't really say anything other than blaming Blair, fine, blame Blair, but it doesn't take away from the FACT that the EU was protecting the UK citizens from their own incompetent govt.
Most Britons now want to stop Brexit, poll shows

British people have turned their backs on Brexit, according to a new poll released just as Theresa May prepares to give a make-or-break speech on her plans for EU withdrawal.

The exclusive survey for The Independent by BMG Research shows a majority now believe the country should remain in the EU, after weeks in which deadlocked Brussels talks and cabinet splits exposed the sheer complexity of withdrawal.

Its going to get more and more emphatic as we stumble along.

So, you're hoping that the pollsters can overturn the democratically expressed Will of the People?
Nope, I want a second referendum to overturn the idiocy of the first. It is becoming increasingly obvious that a huge mistake was made and the people have a right to change their minds and formally reverse the decision.

Right, keep having votes until you get one you want.

Then, when someone asks for another vote, you tell them that issue is settled.

Do you think you are fooling other people, or are you just fooling yourself?
Everyone who's dealt with Brits knows they're very dumb people on the whole... Both the ones in the U.S Southern states, or the U.K Brits, they're just very illogical, and tend to flail their hands in the at like retards.
Please don't think of Tammy as typical. As evidenced by his posts, he's a Welsh communist who survives on EU handouts, hates free speech, and despises the English so much he prefers to be ruled by authoritarians in Brussels.

I've dealt with loads of Brits online, both in UK, and US forms, and no for the most part I really don't like them.
Yes, I've seen you say that before, and you aren't the only one here to say so :frown:. I'm sorry you feel that way, but it's your prerogative.

Brits are often very Liberal, but quite often very anti-Polish.

There has been a large Polish community in Wrexham since the war when they were welcomed with open arms. Most stayed on and made their homes around the area. I have many friends of Polish origin and so,once again, you are full of shit.
No he's not full of s**t. There has been a fair amount of nastiness directed at the Polish in the UK.
Everyone who's dealt with Brits knows they're very dumb people on the whole... Both the ones in the U.S Southern states, or the U.K Brits, they're just very illogical, and tend to flail their hands in the at like retards.
Please don't think of Tammy as typical. As evidenced by his posts, he's a Welsh communist who survives on EU handouts, hates free speech, and despises the English so much he prefers to be ruled by authoritarians in Brussels.

I've dealt with loads of Brits online, both in UK, and US forms, and no for the most part I really don't like them.
Yes, I've seen you say that before, and you aren't the only one here to say so :frown:. I'm sorry you feel that way, but it's your prerogative.

Brits are often very Liberal, but quite often very anti-Polish.

There has been a large Polish community in Wrexham since the war when they were welcomed with open arms. Most stayed on and made their homes around the area. I have many friends of Polish origin and so,once again, you are full of shit.

Six teenage boys arrested over death of Polish man in Essex

Polish man attacked and beaten by gang of up to 20 teenagers in Leeds
Please don't think of Tammy as typical. As evidenced by his posts, he's a Welsh communist who survives on EU handouts, hates free speech, and despises the English so much he prefers to be ruled by authoritarians in Brussels.

I've dealt with loads of Brits online, both in UK, and US forms, and no for the most part I really don't like them.
Yes, I've seen you say that before, and you aren't the only one here to say so :frown:. I'm sorry you feel that way, but it's your prerogative.

Brits are often very Liberal, but quite often very anti-Polish.

There has been a large Polish community in Wrexham since the war when they were welcomed with open arms. Most stayed on and made their homes around the area. I have many friends of Polish origin and so,once again, you are full of shit.

Six teenage boys arrested over death of Polish man in Essex

Polish man attacked and beaten by gang of up to 20 teenagers in Leeds
So thats two incidents.
Most Britons now want to stop Brexit, poll shows

British people have turned their backs on Brexit, according to a new poll released just as Theresa May prepares to give a make-or-break speech on her plans for EU withdrawal.

The exclusive survey for The Independent by BMG Research shows a majority now believe the country should remain in the EU, after weeks in which deadlocked Brussels talks and cabinet splits exposed the sheer complexity of withdrawal.

Its going to get more and more emphatic as we stumble along.

Says "A POLL" polls can be made to tell you what you want to hear if you manipulate the questions the right way, and then interpret the answers the way you want. Polls also said H.C. would win the US election. But, What are you afraid of? that you won't be able to find those fancy sweaters anymore? Let England stand on its own and stop being told what to do by people in Brussels. Why can't you be more like IceLand and have some balls? be the rulers of your own destiny.
Most Britons now want to stop Brexit, poll shows

British people have turned their backs on Brexit, according to a new poll released just as Theresa May prepares to give a make-or-break speech on her plans for EU withdrawal.

The exclusive survey for The Independent by BMG Research shows a majority now believe the country should remain in the EU, after weeks in which deadlocked Brussels talks and cabinet splits exposed the sheer complexity of withdrawal.

Its going to get more and more emphatic as we stumble along.

Says "A POLL" polls can be made to tell you what you want to hear if you manipulate the questions the right way, and then interpret the answers the way you want. Polls also said H.C. would win the US election. But, What are you afraid of? that you won't be able to find those fancy sweaters anymore? Let England stand on its own and stop being told what to do by people in Brussels. Why can't you be more like IceLand and have some balls? be the rulers of your own destiny.
What cant we do by being in the EU ?
You dont like contrloling your own immigration or trade laws?
We are incapable of controlling our trade laws. That much is evident. As to immigration we totally control non EU immigration and we require immigration from the EU to support our fragile economy. So where is the problem ?

We would spend our exile from the EU trying to get EU type deals with the rest of the world................and failing.

We also have our own legal system. Our own currency. Our own democracy.Our own army.There are 4 law making bodies in the UK. We can bomb Syria. We have our own taxation system.We can ban shite like Pamela Geller and Steven Anderson. Our parliament passes legislation every year, our soldiers slaughter loads of darkies as well.
Our government sells bombs to the Saudis with a savage satisfaction.

So please tell me what we cant do being a part of the EU.
No doubt the poor British people have been subjected to 100% anti-Brexit bias from the media since the vote.
It is quite the reverse in the UK where the media is controlled by pro brexit tax dodging trash.

You have as much credibility as Hillary claiming one of the reasons she lost was pro-Trump media bias.
Perhaps you could list the anti EU papers and then I will list the brexit press.
Or perhaps you could fuck off to bed you dumb fuck.
I've dealt with loads of Brits online, both in UK, and US forms, and no for the most part I really don't like them.
Yes, I've seen you say that before, and you aren't the only one here to say so :frown:. I'm sorry you feel that way, but it's your prerogative.

Brits are often very Liberal, but quite often very anti-Polish.

There has been a large Polish community in Wrexham since the war when they were welcomed with open arms. Most stayed on and made their homes around the area. I have many friends of Polish origin and so,once again, you are full of shit.

Six teenage boys arrested over death of Polish man in Essex

Polish man attacked and beaten by gang of up to 20 teenagers in Leeds
So thats two incidents.

Two horrendous incidents, I don't think in the U.S, we even have mobs attacking minorities, or immigrants anymore.
Everyone who's dealt with Brits knows they're very dumb people on the whole... Both the ones in the U.S Southern states, or the U.K Brits, they're just very illogical, and tend to flail their hands in the at like retards.
Please don't think of Tammy as typical. As evidenced by his posts, he's a Welsh communist who survives on EU handouts, hates free speech, and despises the English so much he prefers to be ruled by authoritarians in Brussels.

I've dealt with loads of Brits online, both in UK, and US forms, and no for the most part I really don't like them.
Yes, I've seen you say that before, and you aren't the only one here to say so :frown:. I'm sorry you feel that way, but it's your prerogative.

Brits are often very Liberal, but quite often very anti-Polish.

There has been a large Polish community in Wrexham since the war when they were welcomed with open arms. Most stayed on and made their homes around the area. I have many friends of Polish origin and so,once again, you are full of shit.
And yet, just a few days ago, you said all polish are 'nuts'. You are one of the most horribly disgusting judgmental people on this board, yet you don't seem able to keep track of your utterly vile judgemental crap.
Would you like me to post your vile comments about the Polish here?
Yes, I've seen you say that before, and you aren't the only one here to say so :frown:. I'm sorry you feel that way, but it's your prerogative.

Brits are often very Liberal, but quite often very anti-Polish.

There has been a large Polish community in Wrexham since the war when they were welcomed with open arms. Most stayed on and made their homes around the area. I have many friends of Polish origin and so,once again, you are full of shit.

Six teenage boys arrested over death of Polish man in Essex

Polish man attacked and beaten by gang of up to 20 teenagers in Leeds
So thats two incidents.

Two horrendous incidents, I don't think in the U.S, we even have mobs attacking minorities, or immigrants anymore.
Really ? You need to get out more kid.
Please don't think of Tammy as typical. As evidenced by his posts, he's a Welsh communist who survives on EU handouts, hates free speech, and despises the English so much he prefers to be ruled by authoritarians in Brussels.

I've dealt with loads of Brits online, both in UK, and US forms, and no for the most part I really don't like them.
Yes, I've seen you say that before, and you aren't the only one here to say so :frown:. I'm sorry you feel that way, but it's your prerogative.

Brits are often very Liberal, but quite often very anti-Polish.

There has been a large Polish community in Wrexham since the war when they were welcomed with open arms. Most stayed on and made their homes around the area. I have many friends of Polish origin and so,once again, you are full of shit.
And yet, just a few days ago, you said all polish are 'nuts'. You are one of the most horribly disgusting judgmental people on this board, yet you don't seem able to keep track of your utterly vile judgemental crap.
Would you like me to post your vile comments about the Polish here?
Says the girl who laughed at a dead infant on a beach.

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