Britains freezing after allowing leftists to control their energy policy


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is madness....there is wnough energy to heat all of these homes.....but the leftists controlled the energy policy and now people cant afford heat....


This is the British version of that concept. The problem with it is that it’s not for the homeless. These government-designated refuges are for homeowners, who are at risk of freezing to death in their own homes because they can no longer afford the heating oil, gas and/or electricity to keep them livable. All this during what is shaping up to be a brutal winter.

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
This is madness....there is wnough energy to heat all of these homes.....but the leftists controlled the energy policy and now people cant afford heat....


This is the British version of that concept. The problem with it is that it’s not for the homeless. These government-designated refuges are for homeowners, who are at risk of freezing to death in their own homes because they can no longer afford the heating oil, gas and/or electricity to keep them livable. All this during what is shaping up to be a brutal winter.

unfurl="true"]British homeowners broken by energy costs turn to "warm banks"[/URL]
I used to feel sorry for such stupid people, but not anymore. If you vote for people who do stupid Marxist things, then you deserve the punishments those Marxists will do to you.

Elections have consequences....dumbasses...........
This is madness....there is wnough energy to heat all of these homes.....but the leftists controlled the energy policy and now people cant afford heat....


This is the British version of that concept. The problem with it is that it’s not for the homeless. These government-designated refuges are for homeowners, who are at risk of freezing to death in their own homes because they can no longer afford the heating oil, gas and/or electricity to keep them livable. All this during what is shaping up to be a brutal winter.

unfurl="true"]British homeowners broken by energy costs turn to "warm banks"[/URL]
This is what happens when you put your trust in the Green Energy Gods. Bundle up Brits and party like it's 1899!
A strange OP .

We had a slight chill for a few days but it was plus12 C in the south where I live today and is forecast around that figure for at least the next few days .

Probably a wee bit colder in Scotland but I am sure this foreign country knows how to look after its own .
A strange OP .

We had a slight chill for a few days but it was plus12 C in the south where I live today and is forecast around that figure for at least the next few days .

Probably a wee bit colder in Scotland but I am sure this foreign country knows how to look after its own .

So it wont get any colder?
Funny that this has been a top topic in europe and you say it's not an issue?
This is madness....there is wnough energy to heat all of these homes.....but the leftists controlled the energy policy and now people cant afford heat....


This is the British version of that concept. The problem with it is that it’s not for the homeless. These government-designated refuges are for homeowners, who are at risk of freezing to death in their own homes because they can no longer afford the heating oil, gas and/or electricity to keep them livable. All this during what is shaping up to be a brutal winter.

unfurl="true"]British homeowners broken by energy costs turn to "warm banks"[/URL]
America does not have much more to brag about.

PA just elected a brain-dead Marxist in Fetterman and a literal dead politician at the state level.
So it wont get any colder?
Funny that this has been a top topic in europe and you say it's not an issue?
I dispute that temperature is a talking point here in God's favourite resort because it has been very mild , save for those few days when it was " nippy" but with no snow and even no frost here as I live very close to the sea .

Some have apparently found the energy price increases hard to manage .This has come about because the EU has allowed itself to be trafficked by the US into ridiculous sanctions against Russia .They have rebounded exactly as anyone might have sensibly predicted .They were short sighted with zero understanding of consequences .
I saw them coming exactly a year ago to this very same week and made provisions such that my energy suppliers are presently in credit by £750 --- so, EU commissioner morons , I am all right -- thank you .
In fact I am using less energy now than I was a year ago thanks to easy and sensible provisions I adopted. With Energy Supplier hand outs I am actually making money , though I gather new tariffs might apply from this coming April.

Dear Uncle P has had eight years since the US takeover in Kyiv to plan and to watch the US and EU break the Minsk agreement every day as they tried to effectively rape Donbass and as the NATO proxy force built up their invasion plans . Russia prepared thoroughly and well and so far has run rings round its adversaries .

That people are now suffering is unsurprising . If you act Stupid , you become Stupid .
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This is madness....there is wnough energy to heat all of these homes.....but the leftists controlled the energy policy and now people cant afford heat....


This is the British version of that concept. The problem with it is that it’s not for the homeless. These government-designated refuges are for homeowners, who are at risk of freezing to death in their own homes because they can no longer afford the heating oil, gas and/or electricity to keep them livable. All this during what is shaping up to be a brutal winter.

unfurl="true"]British homeowners broken by energy costs turn to "warm banks"[/URL]
Let the lefty Britoons freeze for a winter & maybe, just maybe the will get serious about dumping the marxist profe$$ional politician$ that are hosing them.
Let the lefty Britoons freeze for a winter & maybe, just maybe the will get serious about dumping the marxist profe$$ional politician$ that are hosing them.
Have you no idea how it is arranged ?

The UK and US share intelligence along with Australia, New Zealand and Canada in the Five Eyes Agreement.
I think you will see that the US is in far greater trouble financially and economically than we are .We are just slightly more transparent than you are publicly but all the markers suggest that the US best scenario is its deepest ever recession and horrific hardships for many millions .
Let's watch over the next few weeks and months and meet again to see who has the most to crow about -- though nobody will come out of this very well save Russia and China plus their allies -- total 70% of all countries . imho.

P.S. There are no Marxist professional politicians of any consequence over here .
Communism is a term of the past and now redundant . It was a label used by WEF and
equivalent organisations to exert control . It has been replaced by Climate Change helped by Pandemics .
Southern England remains the place to be . So much intelligence , hospitality and OK weather
Ranging across + 8 C to +12C . Not bad .
America does not have much more to brag about.

PA just elected a brain-dead Marxist in Fetterman and a literal dead politician at the state level.

Leftists are morons in whatever country they exist.....
This is madness....there is wnough energy to heat all of these homes.....but the leftists controlled the energy policy and now people cant afford heat....


This is the British version of that concept. The problem with it is that it’s not for the homeless. These government-designated refuges are for homeowners, who are at risk of freezing to death in their own homes because they can no longer afford the heating oil, gas and/or electricity to keep them livable. All this during what is shaping up to be a brutal winter.

unfurl="true"]British homeowners broken by energy costs turn to "warm banks"[/URL]

You're completely wrong!
The true name for your 'leftist' is The Controlled by Schwab & NWO Freemasonic Satanist Communists who want to annihilate humanity

America does not have much more to brag about.

PA just elected a brain-dead Marxist in Fetterman and a literal dead politician at the state level.
No, Fetterman was not elected, but stole the 2022 PA election as usual.

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