Britain's Horniest Woman - And She's Only 20

I think she won't be getting the job she is after. Chick goes clubbing, has sex, then goes back to the same club to find someone else to screw. 3 sexual partners a week, and she has her own 'shag list' which she uses to call someone for sex.

WE DARE say she will regret this.

A Latvian-born computer science student has done her future career prospects no favours after she won a questionable online competition.

Elina Desaine, 20, took home the title of 'Britain's Horniest Woman' - as well as $860 and a year's supply of condoms - after spilling all her dirty laundry to a 'no strings attached' casual encounters website, ShagAtUni.

Ms Desaine was required to file a list of all her "conquests" to seize the title and said she was unable to remember the names of all her lovemaking partners, The Daily Mail reports.

"I should be the UK's horniest student because I have sex with at least 2 to 3 different people a week," she wrote in her winning entry.

"Sometimes I go clubbing, have sex with someone, and then go back to the club to pick up my second victim."

No Cookies | The Courier-Mail

Sorry, but this is the definition of slut.

You're a sexist??!!
My world is turned upside down!
OMFG!! gasp.....She's a young girl who likes sex! So what?

Liking sex is one thing, whoring around with men whose names you don't even remember is another.

If she remembered their names all would be well?

She should go to Cheers...."where everybody knows your name".

She won a contest and got some cash by telling a story. Maybe she will become a writer.
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Liking sex is one thing, whoring around with men whose names you don't even remember is another.

Yet when men exhibit such behavior it's considered "sowing their wild oats".:dunno:

I think its disgusting behavior from either sex, to be honest.

As long as it's consenting and responsible sex, then it's not something I'm inclined to give any attention. I'm definitely not into shaming women for something that men get a pass on culturally. Let's face it, the pill liberated women in a way that feminists that they would have the ability to make the same choices as men if they so desired. You'd think after 50 years we'd be past the double standard.
She is holding the inning all by herself while the partners are coming and departing. Her self score is impressive but partnerships are short. Do you get the drift?
I think she won't be getting the job she is after. Chick goes clubbing, has sex, then goes back to the same club to find someone else to screw. 3 sexual partners a week, and she has her own 'shag list' which she uses to call someone for sex.

WE DARE say she will regret this.

A Latvian-born computer science student has done her future career prospects no favours after she won a questionable online competition.

Elina Desaine, 20, took home the title of 'Britain's Horniest Woman' - as well as $860 and a year's supply of condoms - after spilling all her dirty laundry to a 'no strings attached' casual encounters website, ShagAtUni.

Ms Desaine was required to file a list of all her "conquests" to seize the title and said she was unable to remember the names of all her lovemaking partners, The Daily Mail reports.

"I should be the UK's horniest student because I have sex with at least 2 to 3 different people a week," she wrote in her winning entry.

"Sometimes I go clubbing, have sex with someone, and then go back to the club to pick up my second victim."

No Cookies | The Courier-Mail

Sorry, but this is the definition of slut.

It's the definition of someone who likes sex. So what? Why are we labling and judging her? Who the fuck cares?
We've got one here in America too, her name is Sandra Fuck... errr... Fluke. She's so uncontrollably horny that she needs American tax payers to pick up the tab for her contraceptives. She fucks too much to be able to afford them herself. Now that's freakin' horny.
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She has a problem. Compulsive Sexual Behavior..aka nymphomania (derogatory term). Or suffers depression.

What Is Sexual Addiction (Compulsive Sexual Behavior)? What Causes Sexual Addiction? - Medical News Today

Nymphomania is derogatory? Who decided that?
It would only be a psychological condition such as nymphomania, or an addiction, if it was something she couldn't stop or was compelled to do and did do because of some other condition such as depression, self esteem issues, childhood sexual abuse, etc. Also if it were seriously interferring with or messing up her life, as an alcohol or drug addition usually does.

If this is someone who just has a lot of sex and doesn't limit her sexual activities because society says so, doesn't limit them because women are supposed to behave differently than men, then there is no condition here that is a problem; the problem is society's censorship of her.

A man who did what she does would not be censored, btw. A man who has multiple partners, lots of one night stands, casual sex, etc., is generally not censored, but, instead, admired as a playboy and cheered on by other men for his sexual exploits.

There is a definite double standard here. Because this woman is sexually liberated and behaves like a man who is labeled a playboy would behave, she is labeled a slut and/or someone with mental problems.

Also, if she was a prostitue and made money from this, nowadays, many people would consider it a viable career or job and would have no problem with it. On the contrary, if a man charged for it and made money off the woman, he would be criticized for taking advantage of women.

Double standard. Double standard.
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