British Artists Boycott Israel As One Million British Girls Are Raped by Muslim Gangs

Israel is not an apartheid state, anyone who thinks it is is a liberal...hence, not a rational thinker....

Israel is an apartheid state, only they practice it on the basis of religion instead of race.
I don't see what Muslims raping has to do with boycotting Israel. At the moment, the UK Government is complicit is covering up and not prosecuting muslim rape gangs in places like Rotherham, while they also support Israel. So I don't see how the points here are mutually exclusive.

In fact, many of us on the European Right not only oppose giving money and weapons to Israel but support cracking down on these muslim gangs, stopping muslim immigration and beginning repatriation in some form or another. So I think you are creating a dichotomy that doesn't exist.

so you still weep that they killed Hitler, eh?
Bullshit-----when did "Palestinian" and "jewish" become different "races"??
When the Zionists arrived.

when "the Zionists arrived " where? ----there have
been Zionists in the middle east for more than 3000 years---
long before the arab invaders-----invaded. As to "race"---it is a designation that does not apply well to the genus/species
HOMO SAPIEN. DNA studies on populations thus far
reveal a vigorous sharing of DNA between the all the long
term populations of the middle east----there is bit of a difference
between the present day people who call themselves "arabs"----
and the real arabs----ie those of Arabia. The people of Arabia
are far more admixed with then ancient lands of Kush and Nubia
and sudan than other populations of the middle east who
IMAGINE themselves "arabs". Lots of this material is published
in----of all journals LANCET-----a british medical journal
Israel is not an apartheid state, anyone who thinks it is is a liberal...hence, not a rational thinker....

Israel is an apartheid state, only they practice it on the basis of religion instead of race.

Then why are muslims in the Israeli Knesset..................? Haven't answered that question.....or the claims made by the Black South African member of their parliament who stated Israel is not an apartheid state...
Hmm since you seem to know quite a lot about it, go ahead and describe the alleged 'apartheid practicing ' in the occupied territories.
I'll let the Special Rapporteur do it for me, here you go.



Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, John Dugard*


49. Article 1 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 1966 defines “racial discrimination” as meaning “any distinction, exclusion, restriction preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life”.

This convention only requires States to prohibit and eliminate racial discrimination. Another convention, the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid of 1973, goes further and criminalizes practices of racial segregation and discrimination that, inter alia, involve the infliction on members of a racial group of serious bodily or mental harm, inhuman or degrading treatment, arbitrary arrest or the deliberate creation of conditions preventing the full development of a racial group by denying to such a group basic human rights and freedoms, including the right to freedom of movement, when such acts are committed “for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them”.

50. Israel vehemently denies the application of these Conventions to its laws and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Despite this denial, it is difficult to resist the conclusion that many of Israel’s laws and practices violate the 1966 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Israelis are entitled to enter the closed zone between the Wall and the Green Line without permits while Palestinians require permits to enter the closed zone; house demolitions in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are carried out in a manner that discriminates against Palestinians; throughout the West Bank, and particularly in Hebron, settlers are given preferential treatment over Palestinians in respect of movement (major roads are reserved exclusively for settlers), building rights and army protection; and the laws governing family reunification (para. 48 above) unashamedly discriminate against Palestinians.

It is less certain that the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid is violated. The IDF inflicts serious bodily and mental harm on Palestinians, both in Gaza (paras. 8-13 above) and the West Bank (para. 42 above); over 700 Palestinians are held without trial (para. 43 above); prisoners are subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment (para. 44 above); and Palestinians throughout the OPT are denied freedom of movement (paras. 38-41 above).

Can it seriously be denied that the purpose of such action is to establish and maintain domination by one racial group (Jews) over another racial group (Palestinians) and systematically oppressing them? Israel denies that this is its intention or purpose. But such an intention or purpose may be inferred from the actions described in this report.

61. Israel’s practices and policies in the OPT are frequently likened to those of apartheid South Africa (see, for example, Jimmy Carter, Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid (2006)). On the face of it, occupation and apartheid are two very different regimes. Occupation is not intended to be a long-term oppressive regime but an interim measure that maintains law and order in a territory following an armed conflict and pending a peace settlement. Apartheid is a system of institutionalized racial discrimination that the white minority in South Africa employed to maintain power over the black majority. It was characterized by the denial of political rights to blacks, the fragmentation of the country into white areas and black areas (called Bantustans) and by the imposition on blacks of restrictive measures designed to achieve white superiority, racial separation and white security.

Freedom of movement was restricted by the “pass system” which sought to restrict the entry of blacks into the cities. Apartheid was enforced by a brutal security apparatus in which torture played a significant role. Although the two regimes are different, Israel’s laws and practices in the OPT certainly resemble aspects of apartheid, as shown in paragraphs 49-50 above, and probably fall within the scope of the 1973 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid.
So basically it is somewhat similar but not an apartheid?
I mean since you agree the WB is part of Israel and that Israel SHOULD govern the WB.
I don't see what Muslims raping has to do with boycotting Israel. At the moment, the UK Government is complicit is covering up and not prosecuting muslim rape gangs in places like Rotherham, while they also support Israel. So I don't see how the points here are mutually exclusive.

In fact, many of us on the European Right not only oppose giving money and weapons to Israel but support cracking down on these muslim gangs, stopping muslim immigration and beginning repatriation in some form or another. So I think you are creating a dichotomy that doesn't exist.

so you still weep that they killed Hitler, eh?
So am I a Nazi because I oppose mass immigration or because I don't think my country should support Israel? Or both?
Then why are muslims in the Israeli Knesset..................? Haven't answered that question.....or the claims made by the Black South African member of their parliament who stated Israel is not an apartheid state...

You will always find a quisling. Hell, in WWII, you had Jews who were happy to help the Nazis throw their neighbors into the ovens.
do you think artists are only people who work within one type of art?

Maybe Roger Waters can write a new song praising his Muslim allies - "comfortably beheaded.." Or one for the ladies "stoned again" about the great way Muzzie Beasts treat women!
Israel is an apartheid state, only they practice it on the basis of religion instead of race.

If that is the case Comrade Stalin, are not Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Iran, Syria. Libya, et al. also "apartheid states?"

Oh, I know, that's different - Allahu Akbar....
If that is the case Comrade Stalin, are not Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Iran, Syria. Libya, et al. also "apartheid states?"

Oh, I know, that's different - Allahu Akbar....

Uh, no, because no one lives there BUT Muslims. so, no, not really.
Syria, Iraq and other Islamic nations around Israel are suffering: Muslims are killing Christians. In all the Muslim nations in the Middle East, the same pattern has repeated itself...
As though American Christians haven't been killing Muslims in Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Yemen, the same pattern repeating itself.

And they've been doing so in the name of Jesus ?

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