British Artists Boycott Israel As One Million British Girls Are Raped by Muslim Gangs

Somewhat less of a retard that would want to be a Muslim in the U.S.

A muslim in the US, if he's not someplace like whatever backwater Jesusland you live in, knows that he has Freedom of religion.

Of course, the Mosque near my house still has cameras and iron gates for you brave Islamophobes who don't have the balls to sign up for the Armed Forces.
Well ok. Call me a nazi, I don't care because you are making an absurd statement. How about instead of calling me a nazi, you explain why we in Europe should continue the current immigration policy and support for israel?

I'm not sure you should support Israel. The world should be pressuring Israel to change it's behavior.

As for immigration- before you all start crapping yourselves, the Islamic Population of Europe is only 5%, most of it concentrated in the Balkans. Europe should be more worried that the EU is going to collapse of its own incompetence.
I don't see what Muslims raping has to do with boycotting Israel. At the moment, the UK Government is complicit is covering up and not prosecuting muslim rape gangs in places like Rotherham, while they also support Israel. So I don't see how the points here are mutually exclusive.

In fact, many of us on the European Right not only oppose giving money and weapons to Israel but support cracking down on these muslim gangs, stopping muslim immigration and beginning repatriation in some form or another. So I think you are creating a dichotomy that doesn't exist.
"many of us on the European Right not only oppose giving money and weapons to Israel"

Why?? Of course if you mean sell them rather than "give"then I'm all for that.

Because the Israel/Palestine issue is not our concern as European nationalists. Zionism and Islam are two fundamentally non-European ideologies. It is not our fight or our interest, and we shouldn't be entangling ourselves in the matter. Israel created this problem for themselves when they created nation-state on Arab land, they have solve it on their own. By sending weapons we would be complicit in their ongoing crimes by Israel in the West Bank and Gaza. As nationalists, we don't support a policy of suppressing self determination of the Palestinian people.

its not Arab land.
Well ok. Call me a nazi, I don't care because you are making an absurd statement. How about instead of calling me a nazi, you explain why we in Europe should continue the current immigration policy and support for israel?

I'm not sure you should support Israel. The world should be pressuring Israel to change it's behavior.

As for immigration- before you all start crapping yourselves, the Islamic Population of Europe is only 5%, most of it concentrated in the Balkans. Europe should be more worried that the EU is going to collapse of its own incompetence.
You are not sure I should support Israel but you are sure I am a Nazi because of it? Interesting.What does that make you than?

Are you from Europe? How about you get off your high horse and mind your own business. When you, who don't live here, tell us, 5% isn't bad, you have no perspective. That is 5% too much in my country, and that doesn't include other immigrants coming to Europe either, and that number grows everyday. In places like London, Paris, Malmo etc, the native born, British, French, and Swedish are a minority or close to it.

You can be concerned about the EU and immigration at the same time. They are in fact intertwined. It is in fact because of the EU that nations in it have very little liberty with setting immigration policy.
Well ok. Call me a nazi, I don't care because you are making an absurd statement. How about instead of calling me a nazi, you explain why we in Europe should continue the current immigration policy and support for israel?

I'm not sure you should support Israel. The world should be pressuring Israel to change it's behavior.

As for immigration- before you all start crapping yourselves, the Islamic Population of Europe is only 5%, most of it concentrated in the Balkans. Europe should be more worried that the EU is going to collapse of its own incompetence.
You are not sure I should support Israel but you are sure I am a Nazi because of it? Interesting.What does that make you than?

Are you from Europe? How about you get off your high horse and mind your own business. When you, who don't live here, tell us, 5% isn't bad, you have no perspective. That is 5% too much in my country, and that doesn't include other immigrants coming to Europe either, and that number grows everyday. In places like London, Paris, Malmo etc, the native born, British, French, and Swedish are a minority or close to it.

You can be concerned about the EU and immigration at the same time. They are in fact intertwined. It is in fact because of the EU that nations in it have very little liberty with setting immigration policy.
So untermensch what is your solution for the Jews, Muslims and may I add Gypsies in the EU .... forced expulsion?
Ps do you view gay and disabled people as a problem?
So basically it is somewhat similar but not an apartheid?
I mean since you agree the WB is part of Israel and that Israel SHOULD govern the WB.
That's a good story. It must come with apartheid administrations.
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1) they aren't my allies.

Right Comrade Stalin, you just embrace all the Muslims and spew your hatred of DA JOOOOOZZZZZ because, uh, um, ALLAHU AKBAR.

2) Yes, I have a different standard for foreign invaders than the indiginous people of a land.

You are stupid, with less than a grade school education, It's why you are a leftist. The ARABS invaded the Middle East in about 200 AD. You don't even know the history of the region, you drooling retard. Arabs came from North Africa and subdued the indigenous Meades, Hittites, Assyrians, etc.

You love the Muzzie Beasts because they share your common enemy - America.
But it never caught on in the Middle East, that was the thing. Pre-Islamic Arabia was a mixture of Zoroasterism, tribal Gods, judeaism and a bunch of quasi-Christian heresies, all of whom were pretty much glad to see the Byzantines chased the fuck out.

Yeah, there were no Christians at all. Constantinople was Muslim before the Warlord Muhammad was even born.

You drooling fucking retard.
The ARABS invaded the Middle East in about 200 AD. You don't even know the history of the region, you drooling retard. Arabs came from North Africa and subdued the indigenous Meades, Hittites, Assyrians, etc.

You seem to have your very own history. Care to share where it came from?


Arabs - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The earliest documented use of the word "Arab" to refer to a people appears in the Monolith Inscription, an Akkadian language record of the 9th century BC Assyrian Conquest of Syria, which referred to Bedouins under King Gindibu who fought as part of a coalition opposed to the Assyrians.
The ARABS invaded the Middle East in about 200 AD. You don't even know the history of the region, you drooling retard. Arabs came from North Africa and subdued the indigenous Meades, Hittites, Assyrians, etc.

You seem to have your very own history. Care to share where it came from?


Arabs - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The earliest documented use of the word "Arab" to refer to a people appears in the Monolith Inscription, an Akkadian language record of the 9th century BC Assyrian Conquest of Syria, which referred to Bedouins under King Gindibu who fought as part of a coalition opposed to the Assyrians.

No doubt;

Further information: Lakhmids, Ghassanids, Kahlan, Syria (Roman province) and Arabia Petraea
In Sassanid times, Arabia Petraea was a border province between the Roman and Persian empires, and from the early centuries CE was increasingly affected by South Arabian influence, notably with the Ghassanids migrating north from the 3rd century}

Pre-Islamic Arabia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
As far as I can work out seem to be saying people from the Arabian peninsula are not Arabs. A rather unique grasp of history. I'm not going to bother any more.

The Ghassanids (Arabic: الغساسنة‎;al-Ghasāsinah, also Banū Ghassān "Sons of Ghassān") were a group of Arabs descended from the Azd tribes, that emigrated in the early 3rd century from the Southern Arabian Peninsula to the Levant region,

Ghassanids - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
As far as I can work out seem to be saying people from the Arabian peninsula are not Arabs

Not really.
One standard tactic to hide the fact Israel didn't exist until after WWII is to claim the Arabs were either not there, or were also invaders.
They deflect the attention from their mass illegal immigration, terrorist start, and wars.
I meant to write:

As far as I can work out [you] seem to be saying

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