British cops in full retreat as Muslim herd overwhelms them in streets

Oh wonder the left wants tens of millions more of these animals brought here. They're FAR BETTER at defeating the cops than the typical American leftist!!!

This is gonna work out SO WELL in the West.

Cops have guns for what?

So they can feel tough in a one on one situation.

Cops must defend the law. Otherwise they are not cops.

Same goes when they break the law by planting shit, harassing people, and killing people.
Nice work UK. You fools have brought this all on yourselves.

Obama wants to bring that to America, well the Globalists Plan is to bring that to all Industrialised Western nations.

America is witnessing some of it now, but with the Organised Agitators violently disrupting The Donald and vandalising property and being aggressive with American police.

I can't see why these violent thugs can't just be all shot myself, society would be better if all of them were shot.

I agree. If they attack, shoot their asses.

Oh and douchebag in the WH wants to bring more of these dirtbags to the US at our expense.

These people are uneducated and who knows how many jihadists will be among them.

Our POTUS is a fool or he has his own agenda. You decide.
We had riots in the uk a few years ago. Businesses were looted and then burned to the ground. By and large, the cops just watched. What the cops did was scarier than what the rioters did.
. What did the cops do ?

This also was on our news and I think the English police just stood there and let the rioting and looting carry on, as they were afraid of violating the rioters "human rights", that sort of horsecrap.

Tilly is this correct?
. The same thing has begun to happen here with the police. I mean look at what happened in Ferguson over a thug who was bullying, robbing and fighting with the law. I know there are legit reasons for anger in some cases, but Ferguson wasn't one of them. It's time to turn anger into solutions, and not mayhem and destruction. This nation needs to focus on the united achievements of blacks and whites as Americans, but first Hollywood needs to be regulated big time. It has become the worst enemy this nation has in the 21st century. It pumps out pure filth on a scale unimaginable now. I hear people say time and time again upon how they don't watch TV anymore, because there's just to much filth on it anymore. They are right.
Winston Churchill silently weeps in his grave.
Churchill was a feral savage racist neanderthal. I'm happy he is weeping in his grave.

The REAL feral savage racist neanderthal is a person who hates the very same police who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect a self admitted cop hating subhuman trash like you.
I have no problem with cops that do what i pay them to do. I'm talking about the feral animals that roam the streets planting shit and being fake tough guys until they loose their weapon.
. And no one makes these cops go bad ? They just went bad on their own ? All criminals are innocent eh, and the cops are the criminals now in your mind ?... Got it.. Who flipped it all like this? It wasn't the whites, because it sure wasn't like this during the Sanford & Son episodes or during all the other great achievements that blacks and whites had made over time together in this nation. What happened to the progress, and what has since given birth to the attitudes exhibited by those who are just like you in America now ? Is it Barack who has brought all this about for someone like you ? Is this the attitude that was hidden until Obama was elected ? Is he the one that you silently hoped for, and was he the one that you hoped would get you vengence on whitey finally one day ? Did he disappoint you ? Do you want vengence or do you want equality and peace with your white brothers and sisters in America ? Do you feel that you can't ever get equality and peace along side of your white brothers and sisters in America ?
Make the cops go bad? :laugh:

The only people that make cops go bad are cops. They are adults and responsible for themselves. What happened to being a professional? Obviously the vast majority of cops cant handle that task. If they cant handle the job of being a cop then they need to quit the job.

Your suggestion that all criminals are innocent is a reach on your part that reveals to me you are not feeling very secure about yourself. No need to try and put words in my mouth.

White cops have been doing this since before slavery so your suggesting that it wasnt the whites is foolish nonsense. Nothing has changed except Blacks are tired of waiting for whites to get their shit together. It was never hidden. You just notice it more because you panicked when a Black POTUS was elected and to your utter horror reelected. The whiteys i would want to get vengeance on are dead. i dont think the race in general is capable or intelligent enough to coexist peacefully with anyone let alone Black people.
. My suggestion that all criminals are innocent ? Your not to bright are you ? I'll let the people decide that last statement for me, because all you have to do is open your mouth and it's pure entertainment. :popcorn:
Winston Churchill silently weeps in his grave.
Churchill was a feral savage racist neanderthal. I'm happy he is weeping in his grave.

The REAL feral savage racist neanderthal is a person who hates the very same police who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect a self admitted cop hating subhuman trash like you.
I have no problem with cops that do what i pay them to do. I'm talking about the feral animals that roam the streets planting shit and being fake tough guys until they loose their weapon.
. And no one makes these cops go bad ? They just went bad on their own ? All criminals are innocent eh, and the cops are the criminals now in your mind ?... Got it.. Who flipped it all like this? It wasn't the whites, because it sure wasn't like this during the Sanford & Son episodes or during all the other great achievements that blacks and whites had made over time together in this nation. What happened to the progress, and what has since given birth to the attitudes exhibited by those who are just like you in America now ? Is it Barack who has brought all this about for someone like you ? Is this the attitude that was hidden until Obama was elected ? Is he the one that you silently hoped for, and was he the one that you hoped would get you vengence on whitey finally one day ? Did he disappoint you ? Do you want vengence or do you want equality and peace with your white brothers and sisters in America ? Do you feel that you can't ever get equality and peace along side of your white brothers and sisters in America ?
Make the cops go bad? :laugh:

The only people that make cops go bad are cops. They are adults and responsible for themselves. What happened to being a professional? Obviously the vast majority of cops cant handle that task. If they cant handle the job of being a cop then they need to quit the job.

Your suggestion that all criminals are innocent is a reach on your part that reveals to me you are not feeling very secure about yourself. No need to try and put words in my mouth.

White cops have been doing this since before slavery so your suggesting that it wasnt the whites is foolish nonsense. Nothing has changed except Blacks are tired of waiting for whites to get their shit together. It was never hidden. You just notice it more because you panicked when a Black POTUS was elected and to your utter horror reelected. The whiteys i would want to get vengeance on are dead. i dont think the race in general is capable or intelligent enough to coexist peacefully with anyone let alone Black people.
. Yep make the cops go bad is right... You think cops want a job dealing with the risk of being killed, brainwashed, hardened, and told that when they see certain individuals doing bad things, then they are to turn a blind eye to it ? You think these cops want to contend with the woes of society for the pay that they make ? Anyone putting a weapon on their side, and becoming a police officer today might be a little bit off or either they are real true patriots feeling as if they can make a positive difference in society until they find out that they can't. After that there is no telling what they think or what they might become. Some are great at hiding their feelings and let downs about it all, and then their are those who figure they can meet it head on. Training is key to these officers, but depending upon how bad a situation they end up in, will depend on whether they remain loyal to their training or not. If the emotional factors could be removed, then there wouldn't be no problems, but good luck with that one.
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Oh wonder the left wants tens of millions more of these animals brought here. They're FAR BETTER at defeating the cops than the typical American leftist!!!

This is gonna work out SO WELL in the West.

Cops have guns for what?

So they can feel tough in a one on one situation.

Cops must defend the law. Otherwise they are not cops.

Same goes when they break the law by planting shit, harassing people, and killing people.
. I've been mis-treated and harassed by hardened desensitised cops, and I'm white, so what is your suggestion to me ?
We had riots in the uk a few years ago. Businesses were looted and then burned to the ground. By and large, the cops just watched. What the cops did was scarier than what the rioters did.
. What did the cops do ?
They stood behind their lines and watched as historic businesses that have been in existence for over a hundred years burned to the ground. They just basically watched. It was a wake up call in the uk. Don't kid yourself that the police would do the right thing.
. We have that going on here now.
This is why Hillary cannot be our next president. She will bring these people here thinking she'll get their votes, but what America will get is "no go" zones. Fuck that!
. The dems already proved that defeating Christian whitey, and white success in this nation, should come at any price now. The minorities have already got their pop corn for the show.
. And no one makes these cops go bad ? They just went bad on their own ? All criminals are innocent eh, and the cops are the criminals now in your mind ?... Got it.. Who flipped it all like this? It wasn't the whites, because it sure wasn't like this during the Sanford & Son episodes or during all the other great achievements that blacks and whites had made over time together in this nation. What happened to the progress, and what has since given birth to the attitudes exhibited by those who are just like you in America now ? Is it Barack who has brought all this about for someone like you ? Is this the attitude that was hidden until Obama was elected ? Is he the one that you silently hoped for, and was he the one that you hoped would get you vengence on whitey finally one day ? Did he disappoint you ? Do you want vengence or do you want equality and peace with your white brothers and sisters in America ? Do you feel that you can't ever get equality and peace along side of your white brothers and sisters in America ?
Make the cops go bad? :laugh:

The only people that make cops go bad are cops. They are adults and responsible for themselves. What happened to being a professional? Obviously the vast majority of cops cant handle that task. If they cant handle the job of being a cop then they need to quit the job.

Your suggestion that all criminals are innocent is a reach on your part that reveals to me you are not feeling very secure about yourself. No need to try and put words in my mouth.

White cops have been doing this since before slavery so your suggesting that it wasnt the whites is foolish nonsense. Nothing has changed except Blacks are tired of waiting for whites to get their shit together. It was never hidden. You just notice it more because you panicked when a Black POTUS was elected and to your utter horror reelected. The whiteys i would want to get vengeance on are dead. i dont think the race in general is capable or intelligent enough to coexist peacefully with anyone let alone Black people.

You're a racist and a complete fool.

You don't like white people, that makes you a racist.
You lack the credibility to convince me but nice try.

Nobody has to convince anyone that you're not a black racist who doesn't like white people, you're not as bad as Tigger, but you're nearly there.

At least Tigger has a sense of humour, something you're devoid of.
I like some white people just fine like my god daughter, her mom, my oldest daughter is half white and I like her grandparents.

I obviously have a sense of humor. I laugh at you racists all the time.
. We know who the racist is, and uhh it's you.
Churchill was a feral savage racist neanderthal. I'm happy he is weeping in his gra
It's no surprise a socialist like you hates the guy who fought against Hitler. You and Obama are peas in a pod.
Its no surprise a cave chimp like you loves a guy that starved millions of east indians and commited genocide in Africa.

"I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion."
-Winston Churchill
. At the time, he may have had a good reason for his statements... Of course people can change, and therefore attitudes against people can change as well. There may have been cultural and religious differences at the time, and those differences might have made the two cultures completely different, and not compatible with one another at the time period. It never is about skin color, but more about cultures and their beliefs they practice in time. Many cultures have evolved over time, and since then many cultures were able to come together in a different light. You give the statement on what Churchill felt or thought at the time, but we haven't a clue as to why he felt or thought this way about such a people and/or their culture at the time. Good jab at whitey on your part again, and all in hopes to play upon the ignorance of your audience though. Pathetic.
HUGE difference, our government has not yet managed to disarm us to the point where we are reliant upon government agents to "protect" us.
While it's true that government has not yet disarmed the American People, and that a percentage of armed Americans will not hesitate to use their weapons against rioting refugees, that percentage won't be as substantial as you might think.

I'm recalling the 1992 riot in Los Angeles following the acquittal of the four cops who beat Rodney King. Something similar to what we've seen in the topic video occcurred when the L.A. cops turned tail and abandoned the Watts section entirely, giving way to the rioters who proceeded to loot, destroy property and beat citizens they encountered. The only armed resistance to those rioters came from Korean people and shopkeepers in Koreatown.


Koreatown was the only part of the Watts area the rioters carefully avoided.

So while many Americans are armed our government has successfully intimidated most of them to the point where they are reluctant to use their weapons even in self defense. The American law-enforcement establishment has imposed a stigma on guns.
. Or the Americans saw that the issue the rioters had come together on was in the rioters favor (I.e. the American gun owners agreed with the uprising), therefore at the time they saw no reason to intervene against those who had what they saw as a legitimate gripe against the establishment at the time. Trust me, if the issues turn against American gun owners who see that an assault is taking place against them by groups who are against them as being Americans, then look out. So far the government has been able to control that direct assault upon the Americans who are minding their own business from taking place, and that's very smart on the governments part.

I can't see why these violent thugs can't just be all shot myself, society would be better if all of them were shot.
If the same thing happened here in the U.S. and a group of armed civilians intervened, supporting the cops by shooting a few of those sonsabitches, the real tragedy lies in the fact that the cops would be ordered to arrest the armed civilians -- and they would!

But you are absolutely right. The very best thing that could be done if the refugees pull the same stunt here is gut-shoot the front rank, the rest would turn tail, vanish, and we would never see another such demonstration. But Obama, and every political suckass on down the line to the local police commanders would be screaming for the heads of the civilian shooters -- and the cops would follow their orders.

So abandon any hope you have of seeing anything as sensible and effective as civilian intervention in an aggressive refugee disturbance. You might see a lot of non-lethal stuff like water cannons and, possibly, rubber shotgun shells, none of which will serve to discourage repeat performances.

I believe a good idea would be to spray those entire crowds with an indelible skin dye containing silver nitrate, which is impossible to wash off or otherwise remove, then to start arresting and either deporting or imprisoning anyone who is found to be stained.

We've got to do something if these demonstrations start happening here, because if we don't nip it in the bud it will become progressively worse until we'll be experiencing what Europe is going through.
. Love the idea of the skin dye.... Wow, now that is smart.
Oh wonder the left wants tens of millions more of these animals brought here. They're FAR BETTER at defeating the cops than the typical American leftist!!!

This is gonna work out SO WELL in the West.

See? Most cops are pussies if they dont have a substantial upper hand.

No. Most cops now don't have the backing of their superiors or the MSM. No cop wants to be sitting in jail for doing his job. Oh, and your support for the radical muslims is noted.

No one (and that includes yourself) cares about your notes. What are going to do with your notes? Write a book or something?

Your meltdown over my notes on your radical muslim support is now noted. That usually happens when there is truth to a statement.
Churchill was a feral savage racist neanderthal. I'm happy he is weeping in his grave.

The REAL feral savage racist neanderthal is a person who hates the very same police who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect a self admitted cop hating subhuman trash like you.
I have no problem with cops that do what i pay them to do. I'm talking about the feral animals that roam the streets planting shit and being fake tough guys until they loose their weapon.
. And no one makes these cops go bad ? They just went bad on their own ? All criminals are innocent eh, and the cops are the criminals now in your mind ?... Got it.. Who flipped it all like this? It wasn't the whites, because it sure wasn't like this during the Sanford & Son episodes or during all the other great achievements that blacks and whites had made over time together in this nation. What happened to the progress, and what has since given birth to the attitudes exhibited by those who are just like you in America now ? Is it Barack who has brought all this about for someone like you ? Is this the attitude that was hidden until Obama was elected ? Is he the one that you silently hoped for, and was he the one that you hoped would get you vengence on whitey finally one day ? Did he disappoint you ? Do you want vengence or do you want equality and peace with your white brothers and sisters in America ? Do you feel that you can't ever get equality and peace along side of your white brothers and sisters in America ?
Make the cops go bad? :laugh:

The only people that make cops go bad are cops. They are adults and responsible for themselves. What happened to being a professional? Obviously the vast majority of cops cant handle that task. If they cant handle the job of being a cop then they need to quit the job.

Your suggestion that all criminals are innocent is a reach on your part that reveals to me you are not feeling very secure about yourself. No need to try and put words in my mouth.

White cops have been doing this since before slavery so your suggesting that it wasnt the whites is foolish nonsense. Nothing has changed except Blacks are tired of waiting for whites to get their shit together. It was never hidden. You just notice it more because you panicked when a Black POTUS was elected and to your utter horror reelected. The whiteys i would want to get vengeance on are dead. i dont think the race in general is capable or intelligent enough to coexist peacefully with anyone let alone Black people.
. My suggestion that all criminals are innocent ? Your not to bright are you ? I'll let the people decide that last statement for me, because all you have to do is open your mouth and it's pure entertainment. :popcorn:
Yes your suggestion. No one but you said anything about criminals being innocent except you. If you were intelligent enough to verbally spar with me you would have let me mention it before you attempted to put me on the defensive. So you see when you use a logical fallacy in the attempt to advance your argument i will be there to make you eat it.

All criminals are innocent eh,
The REAL feral savage racist neanderthal is a person who hates the very same police who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect a self admitted cop hating subhuman trash like you.
I have no problem with cops that do what i pay them to do. I'm talking about the feral animals that roam the streets planting shit and being fake tough guys until they loose their weapon.
. And no one makes these cops go bad ? They just went bad on their own ? All criminals are innocent eh, and the cops are the criminals now in your mind ?... Got it.. Who flipped it all like this? It wasn't the whites, because it sure wasn't like this during the Sanford & Son episodes or during all the other great achievements that blacks and whites had made over time together in this nation. What happened to the progress, and what has since given birth to the attitudes exhibited by those who are just like you in America now ? Is it Barack who has brought all this about for someone like you ? Is this the attitude that was hidden until Obama was elected ? Is he the one that you silently hoped for, and was he the one that you hoped would get you vengence on whitey finally one day ? Did he disappoint you ? Do you want vengence or do you want equality and peace with your white brothers and sisters in America ? Do you feel that you can't ever get equality and peace along side of your white brothers and sisters in America ?
Make the cops go bad? :laugh:

The only people that make cops go bad are cops. They are adults and responsible for themselves. What happened to being a professional? Obviously the vast majority of cops cant handle that task. If they cant handle the job of being a cop then they need to quit the job.

Your suggestion that all criminals are innocent is a reach on your part that reveals to me you are not feeling very secure about yourself. No need to try and put words in my mouth.

White cops have been doing this since before slavery so your suggesting that it wasnt the whites is foolish nonsense. Nothing has changed except Blacks are tired of waiting for whites to get their shit together. It was never hidden. You just notice it more because you panicked when a Black POTUS was elected and to your utter horror reelected. The whiteys i would want to get vengeance on are dead. i dont think the race in general is capable or intelligent enough to coexist peacefully with anyone let alone Black people.
. My suggestion that all criminals are innocent ? Your not to bright are you ? I'll let the people decide that last statement for me, because all you have to do is open your mouth and it's pure entertainment. :popcorn:
Yes your suggestion. No one but you said anything about criminals being innocent except you. If you were intelligent enough to verbally spar with me you would have let me mention it before you attempted to put me on the defensive. So you see when you use a logical fallacy in the attempt to advance your argument i will be there to make you eat it.

All criminals are innocent eh,
The (((eh))) signifies that it was a question directed at you, you, you, you dummy. :bang3:
We know who the racist is, and uhh it's you.
When he calls us cave chimps I don't think he knows he's talking about the Neanderthals from Africa. His ancestral homeland.
I'm talking about the whites in europe that mixed with neanderthals and passed those neanderthal genes down to your present day white racists in a large percentage. Everyone knows Africans have very little to zero neanderthal DNA. Obviously you are unaware that neanderthals are even named after a place in europe. You must be more retarded than I imagined not to know that.
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I have no problem with cops that do what i pay them to do. I'm talking about the feral animals that roam the streets planting shit and being fake tough guys until they loose their weapon.
. And no one makes these cops go bad ? They just went bad on their own ? All criminals are innocent eh, and the cops are the criminals now in your mind ?... Got it.. Who flipped it all like this? It wasn't the whites, because it sure wasn't like this during the Sanford & Son episodes or during all the other great achievements that blacks and whites had made over time together in this nation. What happened to the progress, and what has since given birth to the attitudes exhibited by those who are just like you in America now ? Is it Barack who has brought all this about for someone like you ? Is this the attitude that was hidden until Obama was elected ? Is he the one that you silently hoped for, and was he the one that you hoped would get you vengence on whitey finally one day ? Did he disappoint you ? Do you want vengence or do you want equality and peace with your white brothers and sisters in America ? Do you feel that you can't ever get equality and peace along side of your white brothers and sisters in America ?
Make the cops go bad? :laugh:

The only people that make cops go bad are cops. They are adults and responsible for themselves. What happened to being a professional? Obviously the vast majority of cops cant handle that task. If they cant handle the job of being a cop then they need to quit the job.

Your suggestion that all criminals are innocent is a reach on your part that reveals to me you are not feeling very secure about yourself. No need to try and put words in my mouth.

White cops have been doing this since before slavery so your suggesting that it wasnt the whites is foolish nonsense. Nothing has changed except Blacks are tired of waiting for whites to get their shit together. It was never hidden. You just notice it more because you panicked when a Black POTUS was elected and to your utter horror reelected. The whiteys i would want to get vengeance on are dead. i dont think the race in general is capable or intelligent enough to coexist peacefully with anyone let alone Black people.
. My suggestion that all criminals are innocent ? Your not to bright are you ? I'll let the people decide that last statement for me, because all you have to do is open your mouth and it's pure entertainment. :popcorn:
Yes your suggestion. No one but you said anything about criminals being innocent except you. If you were intelligent enough to verbally spar with me you would have let me mention it before you attempted to put me on the defensive. So you see when you use a logical fallacy in the attempt to advance your argument i will be there to make you eat it.

All criminals are innocent eh,
The (((eh))) signifies that it was a question directed at you, you, you, you dummy. :bang3:
Dont ask dumb questions dummy. Everyone knows they are just strawmen.

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