Brother of man murdered by illegal immigrant says Biden 'should be ashamed of himself' for repealing Title 42


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Here we are with the CDC claiming a new Covid variant is coming and Joe Biden is about to lift 'Title 42'.

A California probation officer spoke out against the Biden administration’s immigration and border policies on "Fox & Friends" Monday after his brother was killed by an illegal immigrant in 2018.

"I want to say something to President Biden: He should be ashamed of himself for not trying to fix this," Jody Jones said pending the removal of Title 42.

Some guy's brother got murdered by an illegal immigrant?
How the fuck does that make him more of an expert than anyone else on the subject?
In fact, since he is now INCREDIBLY biased on it?
His words mean less.

Fuck...there are a LOT of stupid people in this world.
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Many of the political class are dead inside. They make speeches based on that and lie with impunity. Joe has a half century of this. The 17th amendment was pushed by outside forces to usurp the power of the states. And Joe is part of that from his career. He will go to his death doing the final screw job on the general population as we are more and more blended into the globalist government.
It is amazing how much respect the right now has for the CDC since Title 42 was 100% their doing.
Some guy's brother got murdered by an illegal immigrant?
How the fuck does that make him more of an expert than anyone else on the subject?
In fact, since he is now INCREDIBLY biased on it?
His words mean less.

Fuck...there are a LOT of stupid people in this world.

So then you are saying it's smart to lift the Title 42 ban at this time?
It is amazing how much respect the right now has for the CDC since Title 42 was 100% their doing.

And it should stay in place, especially now that we are seeing signs a new variant is coming. Any sane person would be against throwing the border doors open even further.
Of course we are talking about Dimocrats here, so sanity is a fleeting matter.
Some guy's brother got murdered by an illegal immigrant?
How the fuck does that make him more of an expert than anyone else on the subject?
In fact, since he is now INCREDIBLY biased on it?
His words mean less.

Fuck...there are a LOT of stupid people in this world.
Yep, and we have one in the White House.
Yea because if not for Biden this man's brother would have never been murdered. Smfh.

The point here is, Biden has invited these people in with his "surge the border" comments. We are getting record #'s flooding in, and now with his plan to kill Title 42, the flood will only increase, and at the same time we are about to see a new Covid strain catch fire.
This man is a stupid fuck, and has no business leading this nation!
The point here is, Biden has invited these people in with his "surge the border" comments. We are getting record #'s flooding in, and now with his plan to kill Title 42, the flood will only increase, and at the same time we are about to see a new Covid strain catch fire.
This man is a stupid fuck, and has no business leading this nation!
Can you post where he has invited illegals to storm the border.
Can you post where he has invited illegals to storm the border.
when veggie joe reinstated CATCH AND RELEASE and he eliminates Title 42, yes he is inviting illegal aliens in. people from all over the world are waiting in mexico for the end of title 42. they know veggie joe is eliminating title 42 and when he is eliminating it and they are ready to rush in. these people think they have the right to come to the USA because they are looking for a better life but they won't follow or respect US immigration laws. biden is an idiot
when veggie joe reinstated CATCH AND RELEASE and he eliminates Title 42, yes he is inviting illegal aliens in. people from all over the world are waiting in mexico for the end of title 42. they know veggie joe is eliminating title 42 and when he is eliminating it and they are ready to rush in. these people think they have the right to come to the USA because they are looking for a better life but they won't follow or respect US immigration laws. biden is an idiot
Who is responsible for Title 42?

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