Brown aide suggests calling Whitman a Whore, Brown agrees to go with it.

CaféAuLait;2821307 said:
Brown aide suggests calling Whitman a Whore, Brown agrees to go with it.

They thought the connection was severed after leaving a voicemail, but they did not hang up the phone, Brown's office confirms the tape is of him and his aide.

He is pissed because Whitman agreeded to allow the police to keep their pensions.

In a private conversation that was inadvertently taped by a voicemail machine, an associate of California Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown can be heard referring to his Republican opponent Meg Whitman as a "whore" for cutting a deal protecting law enforcement pensions as the two candidates competed for police endorsements.

Read more: Brown associate calls Whitman a whore' over pension reform - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

"Do we want to put an ad out? ... That I have been warned if I crack down on pensions, I will be - that they'll go to Whitman, and that's where they'll go because they know Whitman will give 'em, will cut them a deal, but I won't," Brown said.

At that point, what appears to be a second voice interjects: "What about saying she's a whore?"

"Well, I'm going to use that," Brown responds. "It proves you've cut a secret deal to protect the pensions."

Read more: Brown associate calls Whitman a whore' over pension reform - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

demonRats don't have a whole lot of class ya know? That's just the way it is.
Big issue really should be selling out for an endorsement.

The whole PERS mess is going to drive several states into bankruptcy. If she is cutting a deal with the cops to preserve their PERS, but going after the rest of the state, any meaningful reform is dead before it even reaches the table.

In effect, she just destroyed any chance she had of making a difference as governor
So...which is more important for you as a voter, that someone's aid is overheard calling the opponent a bad word?

Or, that the opponent is cutting back room deals with unions in order to get their endorsement while stating the opposite in their campaign promises?

I know what the Republicans in CA want you to focus on.....
Always great to watch the hard left push women with the temerity to carry that (R) by their names to the back of the bus. :lol::lol::lol:

It's called losing an election, not going to the back of the bus.
So...which is more important for you as a voter, that someone's aid is overheard calling the opponent a bad word?

Or, that the opponent is cutting back room deals with unions in order to get their endorsement while stating the opposite in their campaign promises?

I know what the Republicans in CA want you to focus on.....
Always great to watch the hard left push women with the temerity to carry that (R) by their names to the back of the bus. :lol::lol::lol:

It's called losing an election, not going to the back of the bus.
Right...That's why all the feminists are astoundingly silent on this one.

I can only imagine what the screeching from the faux feminists around here would be like, if Whitman had the (D) by her name and there were a guy like Tom McClintock making the same disparaging remarks.
We already have a taste of that hypocrisy in the thread about the lady from VA (IIRC) who did christmas photos with a dildo.
Jerry Brown is a burned out retread with no class and no ideas. He will lose this election because people are not as stupid as he thinks. First the transparent and obvious smear with Gloria Allred, and now this classless display of imprecation - it shows that he is still an immature simpleton (even at age 72!) that cannot debate the real issues that matter to the people of California. She is going to ride this all the way to Sacramento....

So, you are on record as being ok with a candidate saying one thing in their platform and another thing privately to a group in order to get their endorsement. OK...
Big issue really should be selling out for an endorsement.

The whole PERS mess is going to drive several states into bankruptcy. If she is cutting a deal with the cops to preserve their PERS, but going after the rest of the state, any meaningful reform is dead before it even reaches the table.

In effect, she just destroyed any chance she had of making a difference as governor

A private conversation....handed out without getting the permission of those accidently being taped...a few aides say the word "whore" as in "political whore" when they are discussing a candidate secretly promising to waive her campaign promises about pensioners for a group if she can get their endorsement.

But that word "whore"....can't get around it....
Always great to watch the hard left push women with the temerity to carry that (R) by their names to the back of the bus. :lol::lol::lol:

It's called losing an election, not going to the back of the bus.
Right...That's why all the feminists are astoundingly silent on this one.

I can only imagine what the screeching from the faux feminists around here would be like, if Whitman had the (D) by her name and there were a guy like Tom McClintock making the same disparaging remarks.

Um...Political Whore is a non-gender specific term. Who is trying to make it gender specific.....and why?
That kind of contextual parsing would be lost in the caterwauling, if Whitman had a (D) by her name.....And you know it.
That kind of contextual parsing would be lost in the caterwauling, if Whitman had a (D) by her name.....And you know it.

Really? Did you listen to the tape? I did. What kind of "whoring" are they referring to, Oddball? Political Whoring or Sexual Whoring? You know the answer as well as I do. But feel free to focus on a word instead of what Whitman is doing to EARN the word.
That kind of contextual parsing would be lost in the caterwauling, if Whitman had a (D) by her name.....And you know it.

Really? Did you listen to the tape? I did. What kind of "whoring" are they referring to, Oddball? Political Whoring or Sexual Whoring? You know the answer as well as I do. But feel free to focus on a word instead of what Whitman is doing to EARN the word.

what did she do? as far as i can tell, it was public knowledge for months that she exempted LEO/public safety from her pension reform package. how is this *cutting a secret backroom deal*?
That kind of contextual parsing would be lost in the caterwauling, if Whitman had a (D) by her name.....And you know it.

Really? Did you listen to the tape? I did. What kind of "whoring" are they referring to, Oddball? Political Whoring or Sexual Whoring? You know the answer as well as I do. But feel free to focus on a word instead of what Whitman is doing to EARN the word.
Yes, I listened to it.

It would be a 100% different story if the woman in question was a (D), and you still know it.

We don't really need to bring up that whole "...drag a $100.00 bill through a trailer park..." thingy as proof, again, do we?
That kind of contextual parsing would be lost in the caterwauling, if Whitman had a (D) by her name.....And you know it.

Really? Did you listen to the tape? I did. What kind of "whoring" are they referring to, Oddball? Political Whoring or Sexual Whoring? You know the answer as well as I do. But feel free to focus on a word instead of what Whitman is doing to EARN the word.

what did she do? as far as i can tell, it was public knowledge for months that she exempted LEO/public safety from her pension reform package. how is this *cutting a secret backroom deal*?

Really? That's news here in SoCal. You got a link for that public knowledge?
That kind of contextual parsing would be lost in the caterwauling, if Whitman had a (D) by her name.....And you know it.

Really? Did you listen to the tape? I did. What kind of "whoring" are they referring to, Oddball? Political Whoring or Sexual Whoring? You know the answer as well as I do. But feel free to focus on a word instead of what Whitman is doing to EARN the word.
Yes, I listened to it.

It would be a 100% different story if the woman in question was a (D), and you still know it.

We don't really need to bring up that whole "...drag a $100.00 bill through a trailer park..." thingy as proof, again, do we?

Really? So you feel that it would be a total outrage to call a Democrat female a whore and we'd be all over it? Is that what you are saying? And are you saying that women politicals cannot be called Political Whores because of their gender?
Really? Did you listen to the tape? I did. What kind of "whoring" are they referring to, Oddball? Political Whoring or Sexual Whoring? You know the answer as well as I do. But feel free to focus on a word instead of what Whitman is doing to EARN the word.

what did she do? as far as i can tell, it was public knowledge for months that she exempted LEO/public safety from her pension reform package. how is this *cutting a secret backroom deal*?

Really? That's news here in SoCal. You got a link for that public knowledge?

as far as i can tell means just that. i read her campaign literature which refers to changing the pension system for new hires (essentially some kind of 401(k) and raising the age to receive a pension for most state workers outside of public safety.

Meg Whitman for Governor of California

i don't follow CA politics because i generally don't give a rat's ass what happens in CA, but it seems to me unlikely that this is a news flash to anyone out there.

besides you, of course.
Bottom line is that both Brown and Whitman are total sleazeballs.

I haven't seen two more repulsively unlikable candidates since the Coleman/Franken fiasco.

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