Brown University Helping Students Fight Gay Feelings Toward White People


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Brown University Helping Students Fight Gay Feelings Toward White People

March 20, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


But meanwhile finally a major academic institution is helping students fight gay feelings… so long as it’s gay feelings toward white people.

A group of Brown University students appear to be preparing an on-campus workshop in which “queer” participants will separate by race to work past their sexual attraction to Caucasians.

We “find ourselves falling always for the white queers… wishing we could have more agency in the process, be more intentional about who we desire and how,” reads the official Facebook description of the event.

The workshop called “Protect me from what I want: a workshop on privilege, power, and desire” is sponsored by an organization called the Comprehensive Allyship Network, according to the Facebook event page.

But… but I thought they were born this way. They can’t help it. Unless it involves white privilege desire power.

“Protect me from what I want” sounds like it was borrowed from ex-gay recovery groups as the gay rights movement comes full circle.


Brown University Helping Students Fight Gay Feelings Toward White People
Brown has got to be one of the looniest of the looney left alternate universes out there.
It sounds like Brown University students are responsible for this workshop. From the article's description, it doesnt sound like the university is actively involved. Might be a misleading headline that should read: Brown University Students ....

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