Bruce Castor is not good!

Say, why isn't the second one named "Pollux"?

Doesn't he look like Woogie from There's Something About Mary?


I have a love/hate thing with Chris Elliott. He annoys the fuck out of me but certain things, like his Marlon Brando/bananas bit just crack me up.

Not true.
The House refused to present any evidence of Trump's guilt.
They also refused to allow him the opportunity to defend himself.
So why should McConnell rush to a trial with out evidence before an investigation is completed?
That nonsense doesn't refute the facts in that graphic.
What facts?
There hasn't been a completed investigation to find out who was responsible for the Democrats literally tripped all over each other to bring yet another impeachment to the floor before it was too late.
Thems the only facts here.
Castor did a pretty good job in Pa. prosecuting high profile cases. Why does it bother angry lefties so much that he is a republican? You almost gotta laugh that Marcia Clark is the darling of pop culture trial fans and has her name on a featured cable crime show even though she managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory in the O.J. case

I said nothing about his politics
I said he did an embarrassingly poor job

Manu Raju

Trump attorney Bruce Castor: "We are really here because the majority in the House of Representatives does not want to face Donald Trump as a political rival in the future ... Nobody says it that plainly, but unfortunately I have a way of speaking that way."

That is it. They know they cannot defraud him again.
The Trump team is treating it like a joke. They're making rambling, incoherent arguments. They're behaving, quite frankly, like mob lawyers who know they have the jury in their pocket
True story!

Well, that's true. But this shit is written in the record for scholars and historians down the centuries to read.

Also, I missed Castor, only saw Schoen. Schoen was bad. Was Castor worse? (Hard to imagine, but...)

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