Bruce Castor is not good!

Sounds like he’s used to explaining things to complete ^%*#ing morons like our former racist in chef
Not true.
The House refused to present any evidence of Trump's guilt.
They also refused to allow him the opportunity to defend himself.
So why should McConnell rush to a trial with out evidence before an investigation is completed?
That nonsense doesn't refute the facts in that graphic.
Demscum hate facts, unless they are made up. You are all idiots.
That's a brief concession speech there, hun.
So you concede that you are an idiot? Thanks.
OMG! This guy is a disaster. I couldn’t be happier, not that the quality of his argument has any effect on the Republican Senators who decided how to vote based on their own future prospects rather than the oath they swore to the constitution with their hand on the bible, that they claim to revere.
It's a sham impeachment like the first one. Just demscum crying because Trump is still better than their commie asses.
Schiff's powerful closing speech: 'Is there one among you who will say, Enough!'? Schiff was right at the end of the first Impeachment. trump would get worse because he's never ever ever held accountable.
Schiff the shit is a fool like all demscum.
Trump superfan Bill Mitchell suggests that Castor might be a “deep state plant.”

OMG! This guy is a disaster. I couldn’t be happier, not that the quality of his argument has any effect on the Republican Senators who decided how to vote based on their own future prospects rather than the oath they swore to the constitution with their hand on the bible, that they claim to revere.
The first problem is you are paying attention to this farce. There are far better things to do with your time.

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