Bruce Jenner gets vaginoplasty

Bruce Jenner penis removal denied Vaginal sex transition surgery not done - National Celebrity Fitness and Health

"Bruce Jenner is not yet officially a woman after surgically replacing his penis with a vagina, Access Hollywood reported May 26. Sources from Jenner's camp denied reports claiming Bruce got a complete sex transition surgery three weeks ago and is now legally a woman.

Sources told Radar Jenner underwent an 8-hour gender reassignment surgery last month and replaced his penis with a surgical vagina. Bruce had instructed his reps to deny the sex transition surgery until he can publicly discuss the details on his upcoming docuseries.

“Bruce told his spokesperson to shut down any reports about it because he wanted to control how the story was told on the upcoming reality show,” an insider told Radar May 26. “It was the same scenario after Bruce had breast implants, and when he had his Adam’s Apple shaved off.”"

Denying more I'd think so people watch the reality show. Less about caring about controlling the release of information.

I heard that the female Jenner is far more rich than the male Jenner.

From what I heard, the male Jenner only made around $25 K for public appearances but now it is up to around $100 K.

He is sucking this for every penny. Becoming the poster child for transgenders is a real money making scheme.

How many here would get their weed wacker out for a $100 K per every public appearance?
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Wasn't this foretold in the Book of Revelation?

Speaking of the Bible, I'm reminded of the passage in Daniel where king Nebuchadnezzar thought he was a cow and chewed the cud for 7 years or so.

Today if he came to his senses he might find hooves and a tail surgically attached.
Bruce Jenner penis removal denied Vaginal sex transition surgery not done - National Celebrity Fitness and Health

"Bruce Jenner is not yet officially a woman after surgically replacing his penis with a vagina, Access Hollywood reported May 26. Sources from Jenner's camp denied reports claiming Bruce got a complete sex transition surgery three weeks ago and is now legally a woman.

Sources told Radar Jenner underwent an 8-hour gender reassignment surgery last month and replaced his penis with a surgical vagina. Bruce had instructed his reps to deny the sex transition surgery until he can publicly discuss the details on his upcoming docuseries.

“Bruce told his spokesperson to shut down any reports about it because he wanted to control how the story was told on the upcoming reality show,” an insider told Radar May 26. “It was the same scenario after Bruce had breast implants, and when he had his Adam’s Apple shaved off.”"

Denying more I'd think so people watch the reality show. Less about caring about controlling the release of information.

I heard that the female Jenner is far more rich than the male Jenner.

From what I heard, the male Jenner only made around $25 K for public appearances but now it is up to around $100 K.

He is sucking this for every penny. Becoming the poster child for transgenders is a real money making scheme.

How many here would get their weed wacker out for a $100 K per every public appearance?

Its disgusting. His pecker stopped working. So he chopped it off and cashed in.
Bruce Jenner penis removal denied Vaginal sex transition surgery not done - National Celebrity Fitness and Health

"Bruce Jenner is not yet officially a woman after surgically replacing his penis with a vagina, Access Hollywood reported May 26. Sources from Jenner's camp denied reports claiming Bruce got a complete sex transition surgery three weeks ago and is now legally a woman.

Sources told Radar Jenner underwent an 8-hour gender reassignment surgery last month and replaced his penis with a surgical vagina. Bruce had instructed his reps to deny the sex transition surgery until he can publicly discuss the details on his upcoming docuseries.

“Bruce told his spokesperson to shut down any reports about it because he wanted to control how the story was told on the upcoming reality show,” an insider told Radar May 26. “It was the same scenario after Bruce had breast implants, and when he had his Adam’s Apple shaved off.”"

Denying more I'd think so people watch the reality show. Less about caring about controlling the release of information.

I heard that the female Jenner is far more rich than the male Jenner.

From what I heard, the male Jenner only made around $25 K for public appearances but now it is up to around $100 K.

He is sucking this for every penny. Becoming the poster child for transgenders is a real money making scheme.

How many here would get their weed wacker out for a $100 K per every public appearance?

Its disgusting. His pecker stopped working. So he chopped it off and cashed in.

If mine stopped working and I could quadruple my income...:)
I've thought watching the show on occasion (heh) that given how Chris (his ex) emasculates him all the time, maybe he began to identify more as a woman just being married to her. :)
“Bruce told his spokesperson to shut down any reports about it because he wanted to control how the story was told on the upcoming reality show,” an insider told Radar May 26. “It was the same scenario after Bruce had breast implants, and when he had his Adam’s Apple shaved off.”"

For a reality show......Geez....
And as far as getting a vagina....
Either you are born with one or your not....
He might have gotten something that resembles one.
I think they slice it open and roll-it up in there somehow :puke: i don't think he did it though, more publicity hounding. He claims to still like women. Why would you do it ,if you still like sex with women?
I understand that the penis is turned inside out, becoming the vagina.

No, it's still a penis b
Him being a freakshow isnt what truly bothers me. Whatever. Freaks exist.

But our mainstream society celebrating hes some great hero...using words like courage...are sickening.

Frankensteining ones self for a future reality show isnt courage.

Kicking in the door of a gun toting terrorist is courage...whether our young men do it in Texas or Baghdad.

Running into a massive fire to save a child is courageous.

A surgeon cutting into a brain risking his reputation and the patients life just to save courage.

A black protester...standing peacefully with a sign in front of a SWAT team and next to violent courage.

Chopping off your pecker for a TV show isnt courage. Its mental illness.

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