Brutal School Beating Teacher Does NOTHING!

Goodness. I never bullied anyone. I never teased anyone or picked on anyone. I never belonged to a clique. Needless to say I made no friends. I didn't have a friend until I was 13 and out of formal school.
I was teased and bullied because I was thin and tall. One day I lost it when a bully pushed me down from behind in the middle of a game. I nearly killed him. Got my face smashed and he was stomping on my back. Finally I grabbed his leg and dropped him and got him in a choking headlock. I had to be pried off. No one fucked with me after that. Got detention. Good thing the guy was OK though. He was turning blue I am told.
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what’s the secret to get bullies to become your friend!?

It is something I learned, by accident, peeing in the boy's room. Not sure it is anything one can teach another.

Bullies are looking for that fear reaction--- intimidation. Once they see they can control others through intimidation, it becomes a game of amusement to see how far they can push people. Controlling others becomes a form of ego reinforcement.

You need to reflect back to them not fear or intimidation, but annoyance, with a little bit of "knock the shit off or I'm gonna clean your clock" attitude, with credibility to back it up. Bullies aren't looking for a fight and respect that.

The day in question I had the bully apologizing to me. That's when I discovered that they could be controlled. If nothing else, they need to learn to respect you for not letting others push you around and take it.
And never hurt yourself tipsy. I’m right with you on the animals:)

I was teased and bullied because I was thin and tall. One day I lost it and nearly killed another kid. Got him in a choking headlock. I had to be pried off. No one fucked with me after that. Got detention.
Good for you. No one ever teased me. There was no point to it. Either I ignored them or beat them into the ground. It's not like I got mad.

One counselor thought he had the answer. Team sports. I was put on a softball team. I just wouldn't play. I stood around watching the ball go wherever. When I was supposed to bat the ball, I waved the bat around. Needless to say every team I was on lost. Those girls cried over it. One got an older brother to get some friends together. Big mistake. It's what got me into home schooling.
Bingo. You learned the secret.
Yeah, I guess my point is, if you only saw me choking that guy and him gagging and spitting and did not see what went on before, you wouldn't have context.
They can't touch the students.
Maybe not, but of course we all know that they go and touch them anyway, only just in another kind of way normally.

To me, that teacher should've been arrested for not doing more. If anything, they only stood there and let the abuse continue which only makes them an accomplice/accessory. Yes, no one else bothered to help, but the teacher is the person who was put in charge of whatever goes on in that room and so that right there is what makes them solely responsible for what they allowed to keep on happening.

God bless you and the victim always!!!

I agree with that woman, at the very least she should have got suspended and at the very most arrested.

A few years ago, the Lt. Gov of my state--a Republican, now--had an autistic child. He, and many of us, were rightly appalled at a very few incidents of special needs children getting abused at school.

So, he passed a law saying we can't touch kids at all unless we are one of the very few school personnel who are trained. Right. We can't touch them. OH, there are SUPPOSED to be exceptions. Sure, who wants to play that game?

So now, and I'm serious about this, we have to let kids run out of the school rather than restrain them, and just chase them out into the street. Right. That's the law.

Saying "the teacher did nothing" is perhaps the law in the state. I know it is in mine. Add to that the number of times I have had things thrown at me, I have been kicked, hit, bruised and bitten---again. How much are we supposed to take?
Maybe not, but of course we all know that they go and touch them anyway, only just in another kind of way normally.

To me, that teacher should've been arrested for not doing more. If anything, they only stood there and let the abuse continue which only makes them an accomplice/accessory. Yes, no one else bothered to help, but the teacher is the person who was put in charge of whatever goes on in that room and so that right there is what makes them solely responsible for what they allowed to keep on happening.

God bless you and the victim always!!!


See my post about the law in my state. We can't touch students by state law.

We live in a country where teachers could go to jail child Lawyers. So afraid to do anything un a system that would frag her if she use force to end it.

Back in the leave it Beaver Days that girl would have been drug off to the principle's office. Nothing would have been saud and the parents would have whooped that ass as well.

Our Nation is fucked.
I agree with that woman, at the very least she should have got suspended and at the very most arrested.

At the very least fired and arrested and charged.

1 the teacher endangered a student under their charge to watch out for by allowing them to be attacked.

2 the teacher showed other students that violence in the classroom is somewhat acceptable and won't really be stopped if it happens.

3 encourages violence in school to all students, even ones not at the school that saw this on tv.
Once a teacher puts hands on a student lawsuits are a real possibility. The liason officer should have been called immediately and the rest of the kids cleared out of the room. That is how our teachers here have been trained.
It is something I learned, by accident, peeing in the boy's room.

Wait, are you saying that you learned this by accident? Or are you saying that you learned this by accidentally peeing in the boy's room? I thought you were a guy. XD (Anyways, just for everyone's information and all who's interested,.. we're going to be doing a lesson on bullying in my new class starting in March that's called "Growing In Christ" since this discussion inspired it. :) )
Once a teacher puts hands on a student lawsuits are a real possibility. The liason officer should have been called immediately and the rest of the kids cleared out of the room. That is how our teachers here have been trained.
To me, the well-being of whoever is under attack should be the top priority. The attacker doesn't care what kind of damage is being done through their choice of action and so whoever is in charge of whatever happens in the classroom should be who steps up if the person being attacked can't defend themselves in any way which is what brings me to this next question. Why didn't the girl who was being attacked try to take up for herself? Instead, she herself just sat there and let the nightmare continue!

God bless you and the girl always!!!

Why didn't the girl who was being attacked try to take up for herself? Instead, she herself just sat there and let the nightmare continue!

Unfortunately she probably didn't know how to defend herself or she thought she would get in trouble for it.

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