Buckle Up! Biden Delivers War Powers Notification to Congress

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Trump will get us into WWIII - A Liberal

We need to go to war - Joe Biden

Most Americans are not in favor of fighting wars for other people. This will turn out badly at home since Biden has already let in thousands upon thousands of sympathizing Hamas/Iranian/Syrian military aged individuals at our open southern border. Expect reprisals on our home soil IF we declare war on Iran and Syria.

Trump will get us into WWIII - A Liberal

We need to go to war - Joe Biden

Most Americans are not in favor of fighting wars for other people. This will turn out badly at home since Biden has already let in thousands upon thousands of sympathizing Hamas/Iranian/Syrian military aged individuals at our open southern border. Expect reprisals on our home soil IF we declare war on Iran and Syria.

Leave it to a Democrat....Dems are responsible for nearly every war we've been involved in....
It is supposed to work the other way, get approval from Congress and then go to war, not go to war and then update Congress. You can also defend American troops by not stationing them in harm's way and then starting shit. Every nation gets the government they deserve. But it is what it is and we are just spectators and a money stream to the big players.
Trump will get us into WWIII - A Liberal

We need to go to war - Joe Biden

Most Americans are not in favor of fighting wars for other people. This will turn out badly at home since Biden has already let in thousands upon thousands of sympathizing Hamas/Iranian/Syrian military aged individuals at our open southern border. Expect reprisals on our home soil IF we declare war on Iran and Syria.

Support for Ukraine against the barbaric assault of the dictator Putin's Russian is righteous.

Support for Israel against the barbaric assault of the Islamist scum of Hamas and Hezbollah is righteous.

We are "on the right side" in both cases.

To hell with fifth-columnist scum like the OP who take sides with Putin and Hamas, trying to weaken American resolve.

Ain't gonna happen... no matter how many Islamist -loving scum slither from under their rocks on campuses to protest.
Its always a weak president like this who gets us in a war. He failed at deterring this. Same as Afghanistan and Russia invading Ukraine
You would be surprised to learn how little Russia or whoever gives a shit about who the POTUS is. Who do you want us to drop bombs on? Should we accuse someone of having WMDs and invade them and be embarrassed ...AGAIN?
Who are we at war with and how many troops have we sent to the war zone?
Support for Ukraine against the barbaric assault of the dictator Putin's Russian is righteous.

Support for Israel against the barbaric assault of the Islamist scum of Hamas and Hezbollah is righteous.

We are "on the right side" in both cases.

To hell with fifth-columnist scum like the OP who take sides with Putin and Hamas, trying to weaken American resolve.

Ain't gonna happen... no matter how many Islamist -loving scum slither from under their rocks on campuses to protest.
These wars should not have happened. It's a swamp production. A Joe and the gang agenda. A globalist world government goal.
Its always a weak president like this who gets us in a war. He failed at deterring this. Same as Afghanistan and Russia invading Ukraine

Pretty much.

They ignore problems in favor of trying to play multiple sides jockying for money and political power. And either let a problem fester until it's out of control or go stick their nose into someone else's problem where we don't belong.

In this case the Biden administration has spent all of its time trying to launder money through multiple fronts and fund multiple sides that they involved us indirectly.

A tougher and stronger leader that put America first would have taken a stronger stance to begin with. But instead they were wishy washy and trying to play games.
Is anybody going to send their sons to war for that bed-shitting vegetable? Is anybody going to fight for that drooling fucktard so it can launder another $100 Million and buy some more opulent mansions (he's at 6 now)?

I don't think so. Just keeping it real.

Send this little mother fucker.

ukraine fighting sissy.jpg
Trump will get us into WWIII - A Liberal

We need to go to war - Joe Biden

Most Americans are not in favor of fighting wars for other people. This will turn out badly at home since Biden has already let in thousands upon thousands of sympathizing Hamas/Iranian/Syrian military aged individuals at our open southern border. Expect reprisals on our home soil IF we declare war on Iran and Syria.

Read the letter first before making a fool of yourself..

"As I have reported previously, militia groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have perpetrated a series of attacks against United States personnel and facilities in Iraq and Syria. Since October 17, 2023, these militia groups have conducted numerous attacks using unmanned aerial systems and indirect fire, injuring several United States service members. A United States contractor suffered a fatal cardiac incident while moving to shelter during one of these attacks. These attacks have placed under grave threat the lives of United States personnel and of Coalition forces operating alongside United States forces."

So you want US to do nothing.... Sorry but the time of the Coward Trump is over, adult have to clean up your mess...

Why do you want attacks on US personnel to go unchecked?

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