Buffalo Snowfall: When Did We Lose Ability to Take Care of Ourselves?

Natural catastrophes of any kind have nothing to do with a person's politics. A snowstorm is indiscriminate. I bet a lot of elderly people who have had injuries or, G-d forbid, heart attacks from shovelling 100 inches of snow were probably Republicans as a matter of fact. So, RWNJs like the couple of freaks we have seen here should realize that, if they have enough brain cells to rub together. Good luck with that one.
I am sorry for interrupting your conversation and despising the OP, but what if the original idea was a little different from what everybody read there? Of course, the lady might be young and judgemental, but it is also possible that she did not manage to express her idea properly.
As far as I understood the message, it was more about media telling us about how everybody is in trouble, waiting for help and not capable to take care of themselves. They created a picture of a bunch of wussies, not just some people in trouble due to certain circumstances.
And the question is: why the media create this picture of complete helplessness of adult people?
I am sorry for interrupting your conversation and despising the OP, but what if the original idea was a little different from what everybody read there? Of course, the lady might be young and judgemental, but it is also possible that she did not manage to express her idea properly.
As far as I understood the message, it was more about media telling us about how everybody is in trouble, waiting for help and not capable to take care of themselves. They created a picture of a bunch of wussies, not just some people in trouble due to certain circumstances.
And the question is: why the media create this picture of complete helplessness of adult people?

Ok, show us an example, an EXACT example of where the media is broadcasting "how everyone is in trouble".

Don't worry, we can wait. Please, have at it.
While much of the U.S. wasn't feeling the warmth, it's still happening globally and the latest East Coast cold snap is a byproduct of a warmer world. We can't argue with science. One thing we can expect in the future is nasty weather surprises. We should prepare.
Well, according to meteorological history, we have never recorded a snowfall of 100 inches in one place in such a short time. We have had snowfalls exceeding 100 inches, but over a much longer time-frame, not just 96 hours.

Old people trying to shovel through 100 inches of snow may just have some heart problems.

So, it's not a preparedness or dependency. It's a matter of 100 inches of snow within less than 96 hours and any asshole who wants to try to make something political out of a snowstorm is completely off his rocker.

And to the second asshole here, Global Warming is a SUB-RUBRIK under CLIMATE CHANGE, which also means that not only do the summers get hotter, but rather, the winters can get decisively colder, earlier and with far more precipitation. Reason: the melting of the polar caps, which causes way too much fresh water to collide with existing salt water in the ocean, the mixing of which generates heat, which in turn generates what is called EL NINO, a scientifically proven and now historically recorded and followed event. Time to pull your head out of your fucking ass and realize that climate change means more than just one thing. Whether or not this is all man-made, natural or likely a combo of the two, no one can say with certainty. But to also use a town's misery to make a political point once again shows assholism of the highest degree.

It's hard to pinpoint when and where Righties lost their humanity, but it's now pretty obvious, even to the blind, with fucked up threads like this one, that they have lost their humanity.

Oh, and asshole no. 1: go shovel 100 inches of snow for about an hour and let us know how your heart is doing before you accuse people of being weak and dependent. That is, of course, assuming that you can get your fat ass away from the computer, chips and pop to do it.

Humanity? It's not the righties that fight against clean nuclear energy

A win win for all. Plenty of energy and a smaller carbon footprint. See France v. Germany in terms of that footprint.

Good lord, keep looking the gift horse in the mouth

Uh, whoever said that I am personally against clean nuclear energy? Hmmmm?

You said righties were causing this. The right advocates for nuclear power, the left tries to kill it.

It is the one place where both sides could work together, regardless of their AGW beliefs. With both sides winning.

The new (actually 20 year old) reactor technology turns radioactive waste into a renewable energy source.

The Gov. of NY said he was not warned by the weather service, yet the proof suggest that he is mistaken....
Hey, guys, what are you talking about? To die of snow? 6 ft. of snow is nothing, you just need to keep up on it. You don`t need to shovel whole your yard, usually just the path to the front door and maybe your driveway. Yes its a hard and I know that our society embraces its laziness but those who actually get up off the couch to deal with it will find that it is not such a big problem if handle correctly. When did we become so helpless and weak??? WTF?

The problem was not shoveling six feet of snow but where are you going to shovel to? If you reach the road, it is not plowed either
During the initial phases of a massive blizzard there is little you can do to free yourself. Even if you shovel, drifts and new storms will wipe out what you do

Like I said, until you've actually lived through one of these massive storms, you will just have no idea. During the blizzard of 2003 (Colorado), it took me 15 hours just to shovel my sidewalks and driveway. Snow blowers were pointless, because it was just too much snow for them to handle. Secondly, they weren't even able to clear our street. After the third day, they finally came down our street with some type of military vehicle that looked like a tank. All they did was drive it over the snow to pack the snow down further. Luckily it warmed up shortly after the storm and the snow began to melt.

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