Buffalo Teachers...You're Not Gonna Believe....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1."BUFFALO, NY (CNN) -- As thousands of teachers face layoffs across the country, teachers in Buffalo, New York are getting lipo? Yep. And nose jobs and whatever else they want. All on the taxpayers' dime. How is this happening?

2. ...Buffalo school teacher Valerie Akauloa, but it's not just the results that make her happy, it's the sweet deal that she gets.

3. The sweet deal that all the 3,400 teachers in Buffalo are eligible to get under one of their insurance plan options, they are billed nothing for any plastic surgery procedure, such as botox, liposuction, tummy tucks, and there is no deductible.

4. Linda Tokarz teaches second grade and says she gets regular treatments. She says, "I think its great for us. I wouldn't want to see it taken away."

5. "I feel the teachers have paid their dues and it would be wrong to take it away from them."

6. [Teachers are] three out of every 10 [patients] and the school district's insurance covers every single penny. They will come in for hair removal on their face, liposuction, breast enhancement, and rhinoplasty.

7. Last year, Buffalo's schools spent $5.9 million on plastic surgery which is also known as a cosmetic rider. And Buffalo teachers have had this rider for nearly four decades.

8. Louis Petrucci, the president of the Buffalo Board of Education says he is projecting a $42 million deficit in next year's school budget.

9. ...police and firefighters in Buffalo have similar plastic surgery programs,...

10. And they add they are woefully underpaid."
Buffalo, NY teachers get free plastic surgery | todaysthv.com

Now, some may feel that this OP is another attack on civil servants....
....not my perspective.
How can you deny that these folks are simply accepting what has been offered?
What should they do, refuse the coverage and demand to pay out of pocket???
Be real.

This problem should be laid at the feet of the elected officials who agreed to the contract in the first place.

Elected officials....

....and the voters who elected 'em!
In a case like this, it is not just the fault of the union. It is the fault of the school board in not standing up for the folks who elected them to take care of the district's interests. Yes, we want good teachers. Yes we are willing to pay a premium for them. But no, the money is not infinite and some things are best done on the teacher's own dime if it is to be done at all.
In a case like this, it is not just the fault of the union. It is the fault of the school board in not standing up for the folks who elected them to take care of the district's interests. Yes, we want good teachers. Yes we are willing to pay a premium for them. But no, the money is not infinite and some things are best done on the teacher's own dime if it is to be done at all.

"...the money is not infinite..."

Baruch....the evidence is piling up that many if not most modern Americans think it is!

And the only explanation for this administration approaching a 50% approval is that there are lots of folks who want someone to give 'em things...

And anyone who recognizes the danger of debt and deficit, entitlements...and free plastic surgery is out of step with this OWS mentality. You can see here how pols get elected.
Damn......that is a great idea

I wish I could have sent some of my High School teachers for plastic surgery and lipo
that being said and I can certainly sympathize but, Buffalo is a mess. The city is broke but the state and fed won't stop trying to prop them up, its almost a crime the money they have blown.
that being said and I can certainly sympathize but, Buffalo is a mess. The city is broke but the state and fed won't stop trying to prop them up, its almost a crime the money they have blown.

You know what the Buffalo said when he sent his boy off to school?

Bye, son.
Public sector contracts are negotiated. Either the political fix was in or the left wing pro-union media didn't cover details of the contract or the people of Buffalo weren't paying attention. Happens all the time.

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