Build the wall!

Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Pretty fucking funny that Trump won the election and is going to bring jobs back with better trade deals (as much as you don't want that to happen).
Sure we do. Let us know when it happens.

And are you now prepared to pay more and buy American? I am.

Glad you're a liberal now
You're confused. Liberals aren't willing to pay for anything unless they can do it with somebody else's money.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
What the fuck does trade have to do with illegal aliens?

You're reaching
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
What the fuck does trade have to do with illegal aliens?

You're reaching
They come here looking for economic opportunity. NAFTA destroyed their rural farm community. That is basic.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
What the fuck does trade have to do with illegal aliens?

You're reaching
They come here looking for economic opportunity. NAFTA destroyed their rural farm community. That is basic.
I don't care. Can I come to your house & look for electronics?
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
What the fuck does trade have to do with illegal aliens?

You're reaching
They come here looking for economic opportunity. NAFTA destroyed their rural farm community. That is basic.
I don't care. Can I come to your house & look for electronics?
I know you don't and that is exactly why we find ourselves in this predicament, economically and politically.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Pretty fucking funny that Trump won the election and is going to bring jobs back with better trade deals (as much as you don't want that to happen).
Sure we do. Let us know when it happens.

And are you now prepared to pay more and buy American? I am.

Glad you're a liberal now
You're confused. Liberals aren't willing to pay for anything unless they can do it with somebody else's money.
Not true. We don't mind paying more taxes you do. And I can remember us liberal labor union types said we didn't mind paying a little more if it was made in America. But you assholes wanted the cheep goods from China. Don't act like you've always been against Walmart. We know that's a fucking lie. But that's ok because we know you don't even realize that your party often flip flops and you flop right along with them. That's dumb.

How much do you make for a living? The only people pissing and moaning are blue collar uneducated workers. Is that you? Because you don't pay a lot of taxes either. And if you are rich, eat a dick. No one cares about your opinion. You said the GOP would be good for blue collar. We already knew they were good for rich people. Now show us the GOP is the party for working people. I know Americans fell for that but now you have to prove it.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Free enterprise is not the same thing as open borders. In fact, they are not even related.
The only reason the stupid Moon Bats support not enforcing the immigration laws of this country is that they perceive the illegal shitheads to be potential future Democrat voters. You know, because they are Mexico's exportation of poverty and come here for the welfare. Like the ones that ruined Catalonia.

Of course as we saw with the Kenyan Catastrophe's curtailment of the Cuban exemption open immigration doesn't apply to groups that may be more lkely to vote Republican in the future.
Actually, the dirty little secret is that they believe it is the solution to SS insolvency. It isn't. They don't want to pay into the system. I don't blame them either.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Pretty fucking funny that Trump won the election and is going to bring jobs back with better trade deals (as much as you don't want that to happen).
Sure we do. Let us know when it happens.

And are you now prepared to pay more and buy American? I am.

Glad you're a liberal now
That would explain why liberals are such big supporters of enforcing immigration laws, right?
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Illegal immigration is now free trade. Damn that's kooky.
Yes, free trade ideology undermined our society, it's only natural it would do the same to Mexico. Comparatively speaking we still maintained the advantage in opportunity of employment so they come here looking for work (pun intended).
You idiots freed capital to seek maximum advantage, now you are begging for a wall to protect you. If you want I will break out the crayons.
No, to keep illegal aliens out, lol.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.

The wall will be built, Mexico will pay for it, jobs will return to America, and Trump will take millions of working class Americans away from the Democratic party. :Boom2:

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